
Kingdom: Dragon General of Heaven

Follow trough the journey of Long Lingxu to become a dragon among mans to conquer China

Dragonic_Tamer · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

19. Long Taidu [ II ]

After travelling for another day, the Qin 110k army finally reach Bayou at which the enemy general notice and instantly turn their army ready to face the Qin army

General Ouki having seen that sent the army to halt and turned left to a better terain at which will hinder Zhou cavalry

preparing, the both army are ready to face against one another after they are done Moubu having led his med to be in the frontline and the two wings have eith different composition

the right wing havinf 40k man consisting of 5 army as the reserve 2 army as the Mid right wing unit ready to helped both side if needed and 3rd army becoming the main right wing with the Heilong man there

and the left wing which consist of 20k man from the 4th Army are weak so that's why Ouki place them somewhat close to the first and the vanguard army

"My Lord, message from the General, they say the the Heilong will be named the Bird unit and are to be deployed at the far right and will be given a signal to charge using the black Eagle" said the messager

"the Black Eagle signal? why is there a black eagle signal here? is brother here?" asked Taidu

"I have seen 16 Black eagle flying as a pack towards the main camp just when we rest last night, it seems lord Lingxu are trying to help from the back Lord Taidu" said Juton

Taidu Nod at the messenger and start to face his men, "5000 of you will follow me and the rest will join in with the 3rd army Juton will be the commander in charge helped by Rofei, and Feng you will follow me" said Taidu confident but some nervousness are evident in his sweaty arms

Ouki seeing that some man are starting to move in the right wing seen this as the time to start the battle

Moubu after receiving the signal to attack instantly order his army to charge having seen this the right wing seems calm until they see the left wing also sent to charge

with that an order from the Hq are given that the Right unit shall advance with 4th pace and halt after the enemy is charging

Taidu seeing this understand the meaning behind it, the reason for all of that is Ouki not wanting to overly commit in the right area and wanting to chip down the enemy piece starting by the Left wing

after both army collide with the Right wing taking in defensive formation against a horde of zombie that never fear death, Taidu is getting nervous waiting for the order to charge

and the time has come but the order seems different 'a 2 eagle circling and colliding? ah so that's what he meant' understanding the task Taidu start to bark out order

"Feng, lead 2000 and start taking part in the right then kill anyone cought in it, Fan Un, go take 1000 and start from the far left and go met up with me in the middle, after Feng done with his Net, Feng fill again charge and met up with me in the middle and start turning left to make another net and took from the left wing" ordered Taidu

""AT ONCE"" said Feng and Fan Un at the same time

having receive the order the right wing 5000 heilong detachment or nicknamed Bird proceed with the plan

switfly the Heilong Cavalry sent war cry towards their enemy, after closing and ramming the enemy from their left side, Feng make a sudden right turn making a pocket of Zhao soldier and chips all of them into their death

while at it Fan Un start from the close front line of the right wing start entering the fray and make a detour to the left joining the middle unit charger

after Taidu seen that Fan Un is closing in, he sent out the signal for Feng unit to start the charge again to met up with them

seeing the signal Feng charge once again and cutting down anyone infrony of them while pushing forward to met with Taidu

after some time, Taidu saw that Feng is closing in with Fan Un unit already joining them, he then give the order to turn left again to get out from the middle part of the enemy army

at which they cut down anyone infront of them, the Zhao right wing fearless and fearsome as they might be, if they got cutted down they will die like a regular human

even with heavier casualty as they supposed to have because of the trait of the right wing enemy army, which grabs the weapon of the enemy with the intention of slowing them down as much as they can

the Bird unit still pummel their way trough with ease having been trained by the Long family they are almost or maybe on par with many elite unit from all state

with the Bird unit meeting up and they starting to turn right to get out from the right wing enemy army they managed to do so with only casualty numbering less than 50 man, at which is not even felt by them considering they managed to slain more thsn 2000 man at that very charge

"didn't I order the young lizard to hold?" asked Ouki

"My... my my lord, one of the eagle managed to escape and fly after I sent out the signal" said the messenger who is tasked to sent the eagle signal

"Nfufufufu a blunder and yet give us such result its all good, but don't repeat it again" said Ouki happy with the result given

Taidu not knowing what happens, glance towards the HQ and see one eagle flying weirdly making an S and than drop down back to the HQ


"Ck, All troops Halt, Sailong HQ formation, you better knew what you are thinking General" said Taidu confused by the order

"Tou, why did they stop there?" asked Ouki again

"ah, my lord, the S plummet means Halting and make an HQ here, what you need to send is the eagle fly S and fly up with a circle to order them to get back to position" said Tou trying to understand the order signal

"I see, go and sent out the order then" said Ouki not even looking like he is guilty

"THE FUCK?! DID THAT OUKI *BEEP* *BEEP BEEO BEEP* *BEEEEEEEP* UNDERSTAND THE SIGNAL" at much to Taidu annoyance after seeing the order once again

"All men Move out we are getting back" ordered Taidu after losing more than 30 man while doing the Eagle order

but even after the blunder, the Bird unit managed to slain around 700 man while they are holding in place, so in all it can be said to be worth it

"I will skin that old relic my self after I get some explanation about his order after this" Taidu retreated back as the original plan with face full of annoyance and the will to skin the general alive


To be continued