
King on the Hill

When death gives you the keys to the multiverse car. no editor, I write when I feel like it and that's it :). thanks for your attention.

thomas123 · Anime & Comics
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for Michael black life was the same, waking up, taking a shower, brushing his teeth and then sitting on the couch of his parents house watching tv eating when he was hungry till it was time to sleep. Today was different, Michael decided to go for a short walk in a nearby park, while crossing the street staring down onto his phone he tripped and fell backwards cracking his skull on the road dying instantly.

On an empty island in a sea of stars he woke up opening his eyes to a starry sky above remembering his death, after what felt hours laying there he got up and looked around seeing a flat field of grass in all directions leading to a edge of what seemed like nothingness in a circle around him. It was at that moment knowledge crystallized in his mind about where he was and what he would be doing from now on, he knew that he is now a king and the island is his territory, Michael could now travel to only one possible version of any universe out there from any movie, tv show, manga, anime, story or anything else as long as he had seen it before.

Michael at that moment thought back to his life of watching tv and reading fanfiction as memories flew by one thing crystallised in his mind, that was he wasn't smart enough, driven enough, or even brave enough to survive but that understanding brought a solution to his mind, a movie he had seen and loved about a man living a purposeless existence till hi took a pill that woke him up, it connected all his memories thoughts and feeling in one singular purpose and that movie was limitless.

The moment Michael focused on that movie it clicked, he could now see more clearly what he was capable of, in his mind he saw entire movie stream by and he knew that he could pick and choose when and where in the movie he could appear as long as the location was shown in the movie and the time within the movies timeline. With that knowledge in mind he thought back to the time where the main character in limitless searched his friends house for the drugs and found them in the oven, then choosing five minutes before the main character show up he appeared in the apartment, quickly rushing to the oven he opened it and found the drugs hidden away in the secret compartment, teleporting back to his island the moment the pills were in his grasp.