1 Part -1

Their was a boy name afroz he was born in amidal class family and he was an ordinary boy when he was 14 he had visited the library museum and he saw something and that was an simbal looks like a dragon he was excited for know about that simbal because the same simbal was on his shoulder by his birth so he was wery excited for knowing about that simbal when he asked about the guide told that the simbal represented the unlimited powers and their he told that their is an sward of dragon .

The person who has that sward he will be controlling the whole universe. Other people listened and larfed on it and told it all fack but the boy take it seriously and wanted to know more about that simbal and story he started to study on archaeology .

He studied in field of archaeology and stop because of financial problems but he capped on studying by its own and finely he found a book in which he came to know about an moution .

:- To be continue
