*Host successfully awakened*

/Adam's POV/

I opened my eyes as my head was hurting. Wait shouldn't I have died where am I is this heaven. Wait no this can't be heaven this is clearly a forest.

*Host is not in heaven your in Alteria*

A voice ringed in my head with a panel in front of me appearing. "What is this?" I asked staring at the weird panel in front of me.

*I am the Time and Space system which host activated after reaching level 100"

"What do you mean I'm clearly still at lvl 81?" I asked confusedly.

*When host pulled out the grenade it blew lot of monsters giving you enough Exp to reach level 100*

"What do you mean won't you only get stronger by cultivating?" I asked confused.

*For normal people cultivating is the only way to increase their strength but host is special you were chosen as the king of time and space. Everytime you kill the mana inside the target will automatically enter the host*

"So you mean I will get stronger by killing monsters? Also what is mana?" I asked the system

*As the system described you will get stronger by killing monsters, Mana is the life energy by everything around us it is called Ether in the world the Host lived* explained the system.

"So how can I return to Earth?" I asked to know if it's possible to return or not.

*Everytime host reach level 100 host will have the chance to world travel. The world and date you travel will be random and your level reset. Host can also bring 1 skill from the world to another*

"I see but how will I know my level"

*Host can try saying status to see your status*

"Status" I spoke wanting to see what happens.

Then a panel appeared with writings in it



Job: None

Rank: E

Level: 14

Exp:13830 /81920

Health: 1400/1400

Mana: 140/140

Strength: 14

Intelligence: 14

Vitality: 14

Agility: 14

Resistance: 14

Permanent Skill:

World Travel

Weapon Mastery

Skill: None

Equipment: None

Available Stat Points:14

Gold: 100


"Wait I thought my level will be reset?" I asked confused.

*While the host was unconscious an A class monster attacked. With the help of the system's self defense the monster was killed*

"So what is this Available Stat Points?" I asked

*Stat points increase your stats by a point it can be freely used by however the host wants*

"Ok so what else can the system do" I asked as the novels I read systems should be overpowered.

*Host can store and take things out in the inventory and buy skills in the shop, Skills in the shop are permanent and won't be reset*

"I see so Inventory* then a panel with small boxes appeared it's mainly empty except for the first box. I pressed it and a box appeared in my hands. "So how can I open this thing?"

*Just send your mana and it will open*

As I send my mana in the box it then opened with a bright light.

*Congratulations to the host for obtaining Analysis*

"Analysis? How can I use it"

*Just ask the system to show the description of the skills*

"System include description of skills"



Job: None

Rank: E

Level: 14

Exp:13830 /81920

Health: 1400/1400

Mana: 140/140

Strength: 14

Intelligence: 14

Vitality: 14

Agility: 14

Resistance: 14

Permanent Skill:

World Travel

-Travel to a random world resets level

-Can only be used at level 100

Weapon Mastery

- increase damage and decrease mana needed to use weapon skills

- increase learning speed with weapon skills


-Shows enemies stats

-Can only show someone with same or lower level than you

Skill: None

Equipment: None

Available Stat Points:14

Gold: 100

