

Have you ever wondered what happened after the stories end? Well, that's simple a new one begins. Some of these stories are direct continuations of the story some are altered retelling of the same. Told over and over again and again. New story's new worlds that live and die rise and fall over and over again but bits and pieces survive a drift in the endless void between realities. That is until they meet other pieces these pieces then pull in others not unlike how planets are formed. These nexuses intersection amalgams or crossroads are just a few names given to such places by those who wander through time and space. Many of which came from these worlds or something similar. In this world nexus 242837664321 also known as the lost roads is a world of hero's, villain's, monsters, and beings or objects of power. For unknown reasons any soul that possessed great power were drawn to this world where they would be reborn in human form. Well with a few exceptions but in these human forms they would have their powers but be trapped in mortal form. This meant that gods, monsters, titans, hero's, villain's and cosmic beings where all made equal in human form. With only the vaguest knowledge of who they once were. Though for some this was more than others but in the case of our hero he has next to know knowledge of who he was. All he knew of his old life was his name Gojira.

Gojira was floating in a dark cold void as he watched a pod of wail swim by. He started to follow them as they headed for the surface. As he rose, he spotted a familiar blue glow. It pleased him as it was hers and she was his love his mate he rushed forward trying to reach the surface and her.

BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!! Gojira alarm blared startling him awake. he had been having this same dream for weeks now. He had even gone so far as to ask his school psychologists about it. The psychologists had suggested that it might have been a memory from his past life. They had then asked him to keep a dream journal so If he remembered anything they could reference it to try and figure out who he was. As all they knew now was his name and that he had a mild regenerative ability. That apparently needed something his body didn't naturally produce to function properly. Do to this he had a sickly and malnourished appearance to him but other than that they had nothing to work with. No other Gojira had ever been reborn on lost roads before or at least there was no record of one. On top of that none of the dimensional travelers had ever mentioned one. So, without any information of his past life's they weren't able to help him in his current one. The only reason Gojira hadn't died from his ability was the fact that the same power that was killing him was also the only thing keeping him alive.

He groaned rolling out of bed to start and get ready for school. He sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror, he was unhealthily thin with yellow eyes and messy black hair with the only other notable characteristic being his sharp teeth that gave him a slight under bight. Gojira took a deep breath and stepped onto a scale and swore. He had lost another two pounds if he lost another half pound he was going to be hospitalized again. He had been in and out of the hospital since he was six and he hated it every time. What was worse it always put a big strain on his family his parents where reincarnations of the great dragon riders Eragon and Arya both where powerful mages but no match for the extraordinary mages out there. His parents had tried to teach him some magic but every time even if the spell had worked it had gone wildly out of control and somehow ended in a explosion.

He groaned and got dressed in dark jeans a blue t-shirt and black hoody his clothes annoyingly barely fit him. They were big and baggy due to his fluctuating weight and after a massive meal he hopped onto the morning bus heading to school. Most days he had little interest in school he got decent grades without much effort. He had even been tested for heightened intelligence unfortunately the test always came back inconclusive but today he was hopeful. They were going to the last life museum. He had been here several times and it had all ways left him feeling like he was forgetting something. Giving him hope that heed finally jog some memory of his past life. He yawned as the teacher finished explaining the rules for the trip and advised them to go to the restrooms now before getting on the bus. Knowing that the museum was an hour and a half ride in good conditions and a school bus ride in midday was anything but that, so he decided to take the teachers advice. However just as Gojira had started to relieve himself a short sporty boy with a color palette that was the polar opposite of his leaned on the wall next to him. He was decked out in full white with white hair and eyes the only color on him was a red, white and blue stripe in his hair.

"Hey, you got a name or something right?" He asked.

"Um yeah Its Gojira ah this kind of isn't a good time." He said trying to quickly finish up

"Yeah, sorry if this is out of the blue but are you dating anyone?" The boy in white asked.

"Oh, wow sorry buddy you are very much not my type!" Gojira said blushing dark red and zipping up as quickly as he could. Only pausing long enough to not get caught in his fly.

"Don't worry you aren't my type either allow me to explain. My name is Herbie also known as the love bug. Though most of my powers are speed based I have a sort of sixth sense about love. So, imagine my surprise when you start setting off this sixth sense." He said happily.

"How the heck does that work?" Gojira sighed in Annoyance.

"Well, the best way to describe it is like if I listen really closely, I hear a chime. There are a few different factors like how loud and what it sounds like how often it rings stuff like that. The weird thing is you have always been silent and suddenly this morning you start ringing out like a church bell. I mean that literally it's so loud I don't have to even try to hear it. It's actually starting to give me a headache. Either you are on a hard crash cores for the love of multiple lives, or you are about to get a harem and I mean like a big one." He groaned rubbing his head his headache was getting worse as Gojira's jaw dropped.

"You can't be serious?"

"Yes, I am, and my head really starting to hurt now so I'm going to go now bye. Come find me when you figure out the love of your life thing or whatever I need to go." He Groaned rubbing the space between his eyes to try and relieve his head ach.

Gojira stood there for a few seconds trying to rap his head around what just happened. Before the sound of a toilet flushing snapped him out of it.

'Maybe today really would be the day I remember something.' He thought before heading out. He had tried to avoid Herbie to let his headache die down in hopes he could enlist his help later at the museum. This would prove a little harder than he originally intended. As the bus they were going to the museum on wasn't that big. Gojira had to wince seeing how the boy was suffering to the point that he almost didn't approach him when they finally reached the museum, but he decided to do so anyways with one caveat.

"Hey sorry about your headache but uh would helping me figure out who is causing it help you get rid of it?" Gojira offered sheepishly.

"No not likely but let's try it anyways. Though I warn you it's not exactly an exact science but I'm willing to try about anything at this point." Herbie said desperately trying to relieve his headache. However, despite their best efforts and inspecting every major female hero and villain and on Herbie's insistence most of the male ones as well despite Gojira insistence he wasn't gay. Herbie insisted that they keep an open mind.

"Ok I'm sorry but I can't keep doing this it's getting too much for me." Herbie said wiping his nose as it started bleeding.

"Look I may be able to help you tomorrow but with how loud it's getting you're probably going to run into them before the end of the day. Keep an open mind and keep your eyes peeled...and look for blue? What the heck does that mean? I need to lie down." Herbie said walking off to a nearby bench to do just that leaving Gojira confused.

He'd honestly started to think Herbie was punking him till they visited Herbie's originators display. He wasn't lying about the love bug thing, and you really couldn't fake a bloody nose like that well at least not easily. Gojira just sighed and went over to a search terminal he didn't have a lot of parameters, but he could at least try another search as he typed in blue female active into the search parameters. The last meaning that they had a current incarnation but with such wide parameters he is the list was still close to 1000 possibilities"

'Why is this so hard. This is the best lead I've had in my entire life so why can't it be straight forward for once. Who was I?' Gojira groaned under his breath.

Meanwhile across town three girls we're meeting up for lunch. The first was a white haired pail skined girl decked out in all white. She would've Been mistaken for an albino if it wasn't for her one visible yellow eye. Her other eye was covered by her long white hair her name was Caroline. (Also known as GLaDOS) The next was a brown haired curvaceous bordering on slightly chubby built girl decked out in various shades of purple named Tamaki. The last dwarfed the other two. Where Tamaki was curvaceous leaning towards slightly chubby. The third occupant of the table could be described as little more than voluptuous or thick and chubby but not to the point of being unappealing. If anything, her size and chubby figure seemed to round off her impressive assets, so they didn't come off as ridiculously proportioned. She had white hair but unlike her companions she was the least human looking. With glowing blue eyes and large golden moth wings coming from her back that let off he faint blue glow. While her two friends enjoyed coffee and sweets, she sipped from a led lined container. Her glasses contents was a highly radioactive slurry. Most even in this fantastical world couldn't stomach such as substance only a select few breeds we're capable of feeding on radiation as at their core everyone here was human. This peculiar girl was named Mosura and she was the current incarnation of the queen of the monsters Mothra

Tamaki sighed in annoyance. "Why can't I find a cute guy I haven't been on a date in over a month." Tamaki whined drawing the attention and annoyance of her friends nether would call Tamaki a floozy, but she had a bad habit of jumping around from man to man.

"Tamaki, I say this out of concern for your health but maybe that's a good thing. You need to slow down you either going to burn yourself out." 'Or end up pregnant.' Caroline having said that last part under her breath.

"That's easy for you to say you got a fiancée already." Tamaki pouted.

"Speaking of which have you and Chell picked a date yet for the wedding?"Mosura chimed in.

"I um no she only asked me two weeks ago we haven't even discussed the wedding yet." Caroline said blushing darkly.

"Aww that's a shame you two make such a cute couple. I'm so looking forward to the ceremony." Mosura chittered happily.

"Caroline has a cute girlfriend Mosura has her mysterious true love, and I can't find a good guy anywhere. I'm literally surrounded by legendary heroes and villains and freaking gods and there's not one decent man." Tamaki shouted in frustration.

"Maybe the fact you're just looking at men could be the issue. I mean I had no interest in ether gender tell I met Chell" Caroline offered.

"Yeah, but you two are just weird you hated each other at first sight. Then you two are literally trying to kill each other for like a month ending with you blowing up a training room, and the next day we find you in each other's pants and can barely keep your hands off each other. Now your engaged, I just don't get it." Tamaki whined starting to tear up while Caroline hole face turned red.

"Is there something wrong with me so many people have literal soulmates and even those who don't have one manage to find someone why can't I." Tamaki said starting to cry only to be picked up and nearly smothered in Mosura enormous breasts.

When she pulled Tamaki into a warm hug. Tamaki would be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying this. Mosura was big warm soft and smelled nice. Just as her mind started to fill with perverted fantasy's, she realized something very important. She couldn't breathe she started to struggle.

"Mosura you're smothering her!" Caroline shouted blushing darkly and secretly wishing she could trade places with Tamaki. Mosura quickly shifted Tamaki, so she was sitting in her lap as Tamaki gasped for air.

"Mosura you need to be more careful with those things! You almost sent me from one heaven to another. I mean I know Tamaki 's have short lifespans but I don't want to stop being me any time soon!" she whined while Mosura frowned.

She really didn't like it when anyone talked about their collective reincarnations as if their current incarnation didn't matter. It just didn't sit right with her. Though thankfully her depressing thoughts where interrupted by a pleased sigh from Tamaki as she leaned her head back into Mosura breast. Who just rolled her eyes and let the little pervert enjoy herself. While she just enjoyed her drink that was tell the street a few blocks over exploded as Mosura eyes started glowing as she felt the radiation in the area spike.

"Caroline call this in whatever made that it's radioactive. I am going to go help evacuate those who can't handle the radiation you two need to get out of here it's not bad here but we're still in the hot zone." Mosura warned standing up and setting Tamaki down.

"Alright I'll start coordinating the relief efforts Tamaki go get your Mech even if you can't provide air support for the fight help with search and rescue after." Caroline said getting a nod from Tamaki who ran off.

While Caroline's eyes glowed from her activating her technokinesis tying into the city's network to help coordinate search and rescue as she walked out of the hot zone. Mosura took flight as soon as she was sure her friends were safe.

It wasn't uncommon for many people in the city to have a powers license for both self defense and work. However, some went beyond this and joined the local Patrollers. Patrollers were essentially a local militia that used their powers in a emergency. They weren't allowed to arrest people or enter into combat unless attacked or given permission from the local police. They were however allowed to help in search and rescue and damage control. On top of this they were required to take courses and passed tests to get the license. However above them they were the elite patrollers who were essentially cops that still worked with the patrollers or individuals who had proven themselves worthy enough and responsible enough to handle the authority even if they did not have the badge. Lastly was the police. The police were mostly charry picked from the patrollers however unlike the elites or the patrollers they were far more heavily regulated.

Mosura and her friends were elites. As the queen of the monsters, she wasn't one of the strongest of their number, but she was still plenty powerful enough to deal with most issues. Mosura all but groaned when she found the source of the radiation and it was unfortunately a baby Hulk. Hulks where problematic because they had all of their powers and abilities due to their transformation, and now all that power was in the hands of a toddler of having a temper tantrum. She couldn't handle a hulk not outright she'd have to try and calm him down. If that failed she'd start grabbing people and getting them out of there.

Meanwhile Gojira eyes flashed blue as he felt a surge of energy absorbing the radiation. Gojira was about to get on the bus before a chittering cry echoed in both his ears and mind. Instincts from a forgotten life had him running before his mind could proses what's going on. Not that his mind bothered with processing it more focused on the cry that kept replaying over and over in his head. He barely understood these feelings desperations protectiveness and anger no it was a pure white hot rage. They had hurt what was his, so he'd burn them to ash. Gojira started to pick up speed as the radiation fueled his malnourished body his healing factor burning it almost as fast as he absorbed it using it to fight back the effects of years of malnutrition to the best it could. Gojira heard a girl scream as his Queens alpha call echoed in his head it was a cry of pain and for help. This made Gojira see red with anger he had been running mostly on instinct up to this point, but he still had some manner of control that was till now. He tilted his head back and roared letting out his own alpha call something that would not go unnoticed. As almost all reincarnated Kaiju and hundreds of monsters stopped in their tracks all turning in One Direction some in fear summon rage some with just simple curiosity, but all knew one thing a powerful new Titan just made itself known to the world.

Meanwhile Mosura was struggling not to pass out. She had tried to approach the child to calm it down but the moment she had got anywhere near him he had swatted her away like an insect. To which the irony wasn't lost on her.

"Mosura! Mosura! Mosura respond! Please respond! Mosura if you can hear me, please do it at least let me know you're OK!" Caroline shouted over the coms.

"Yeah i....he's here!" Mosura said as a shiver shot up her spine she'd be thrilled if it wasn't for the shape, she was in. "What who's there Mosura you aren't making any since" Caroline said getting worried.

"My king my mate the one true king of the monsters! He's here he's finally hear!" Mosura said starting to tear up happy to have finally found her mate. While Caroline was desperately cross referencing what information she had to see if she could figure out who she was talking about. At the same time, she flipped through cameras finding one that showed a small black hair and clothed figure. Unfortunately, all she could make out the radiation was wreaking havoc with the electronics in the area.

Gojira lumbered forward he was having trouble standing up right his back hurt his chest burned his teeth ached his fingers bled but he didn't care. His instincts from his previous incarnations told him he had suffered worse and right now he had an opponent to handle. Even though they were just a child they were still a Hulk. One that apparently exploded in waves of gamma radiation, but each explosion was absorbed into Gojira. Glowing blue veins started to snake over his body. The glow grew stronger and spread faster the more he absorbed. As he started to absorb the hot zone itself. He stumbled over vomiting as dorsal plates sprouted from his spine his spine lengthening as he grew a tail his fingers lengthened into claws his teeth fell out replaced with long sharp fangs his muscles tensed and bulged.

His dorsal plates started to glow as they started to rapidly absorb the hot zone. Gojira got back onto his feet his body now changed, his wounds began to close. He was no long a man, he was a monster and it was time to show the world why he was a king. Furies Glowing atomic blue met enraged glowing gamma green before the green brute shot forward like an artillery shell. Gojira didn't try to block or dodge instead he took the hit head on. He felt extreme pain as his ribs shattered his lungs popped and guts where pasted. He latched his arms around the boy as his healing Factor not only kept him standing despite the continues beating he was receiving. but it also rapidly repaired the damage he had already taken. However, there was a limit to how much radiation he could absorb in one go. Even with his healing factor being fueled by it but that wasn't going to stop him, a show of force was needed and even enraged he wasn't going to beat up a kid. He just held on as with a wearing sound like that of a nuclear reactor spinning up as his dorsal plates glowed even brighter. Starting from his tail up his back to his head. Then his eyes glowed a bright blue before a beam of pure blue energy shot out of his mouth and up into the sky and into space itself. Accidently taking out a satellite and kept going. The hot zone vanished in seconds as he started to drain the boy dumping every ounce of power and radiation into the attack it only lasted for about a minute before the kid passed out with Gojira not far behind. He was over heated hurt and without the radiation of the hot zone his healing factor had slowed down the world seemed to tilt for Gojira as he passed out

(Wrecker's Corner: Titans team up)

"Well that came together better than I expected." Wrecker said looking at the story.

"Yeah, still say we should have ended it with a kiss instead of having him pass out." Steam groaned.

"Relax you will get your kiss in chapter two now with that spoiler out of the way we need to address the reader's," Wrecker said casually shifting in his chair and taking a drink from a giant mug.

"So, to clear a few things up first this is the winner of my pole over on fanfiction. I'll be setting up a new one shortly after posting this and though I didn't really intend to bring steam in on this as originally, I just wanted her help with Tamaki dialog, she seems to have taken an interest so now we have a Collab and I think things worked out well.

"You're glossing over how we basically argued and rewrote the main plot over the span of 3 weeks. so, if any of you been wondering where I've been it's been a mix of life this and my own stuff but yeah I'm still working on my stories I never really stopped just been fucking busy." Steam groaned.

"Well with that said ill wrap this up as always any feedback is appreciated and if you like to leave a question for me, my oc's or Steam for my Q&A story tag it with Q&A or in the Q&A section in my discord and with that said this is Wrecker and steam singing off ."