
I Want To Live!

'W-What is happening? Where I am?' Blake just got stabbed in the heart by Farlai and thought he was already dead, and he suddenly woke up in this place. His confusion was palpable.

"Argh!!" He suddenly felt a strong headache and grabbed his heads with one hand, feeling his vision blur.

"Move out of the way!!" He was pushed down to the ground by people wearing light armor, as they hurriedly ran forward. He was trampled by several people as his headache slowly started to fade and fragmented memories started to appear on his mind.

"Who I am? I'm Blake...Stragas...." Unfamiliar memories appeared on his head one after another, the sudden influx of information made him even doubt who he was. He slowly stood up and examined his surroundings.

He was surrounded by man wearing light and heavy armor, armed with spears and swords as they clashed with the enemy in front of them. Both sides had knights carrying banners, small banners with different coat of arms representing noble factions and multiple of the same banner, representing their kingdom. One was a blue banner with a golden lion on the middle, and the other was a green banner with a red cross.

The army Blake was in right now, the one with a golden lion, was attacked by surprise, only barely managing to react and make hasty formations to not immediately crumble. The heavy infantry of both sides clad in plate armor clashed with each other frequently, their side was in the defense. The enemy charged, retreated a little, and charged again in hopes of breaking the shield wall.

Their side was being harassed by archers, since the enemy had ample time to set up formation. Blake's side was only capable of setting a few archers into formation since the already prepared enemy was aiming for their archers, to prevent them from getting ranged support.

Blake then started remembering what he was doing here. He was part of the light infantry, and their role was to flank the enemy from the side while the heavy infantry fought in the center. The enemy's light infantry was also doing the same thing, and if they are successful, their army will be surrounded and they will quickly crumble.

Blake was slightly trembling as he looked around him, shouts of pain were heard everywhere, soldiers were stabbed by spears and cut by swords. He saw soldiers with their arms cut off doing a final charge at the enemy and being stabbed by countless spears, dying in pain and spraying blood everywhere.

Blake was simply standing there dumbstruck, not knowing what to do. He was clad in chainmail and had no helmet, the others around him were using leather armors with no helmet too, few were even using chainmail, there was not a single one in plate armor. He noticed he was holding something in his hand, and when he looked at it, his pupils constricted and he nearly dropped it to the ground right there.

It was the sword on display at the museum! It's blade and hilt weren't blood-red like before. Only a few spots were slightly red like dried blood. Excluding that, it looked like a normal blade, but Blake easily recognize the sword. His mind started going through of all the possibilities of why he was here, but he shook his head because he something else to focus right now.

'Should I just run?' That was Blake first thought, but he quickly remembered deserters were swiftly killed to set a example and prevent others from running away. Since he wasn't at the back of the army, he will be quickly spotted and killed.

'My only choice for now is to follow them.' Blake gazed at the other light infantry soldiers, and he was still somewhat hesitant to go. That's when it happened.


"ArGh!!" A arrow suddenly came at his direction, and barely missed his face. His cheek was scratched by the arrow and he now had a line of blood on it. Blake immediatelly run forward in fright ignoring the pain. He could not stand still anymore.

He could not turn back because he would be killed for being a deserter and he could not stand still or he would become a practice target for the archer who saw him. His only option was now to charge forward.

As the group he was following waited, the enemy light infantry charged at them. Blake looked at the battle with worry clenching the hilt of sword. He wanted to very much throw this thing away but it was the only weapon he had right now, and he isn't dumb enough to do something like throwing the only thing he could use to defend himself away.

Suddenly, one of the enemy soldiers wearing chainmail locked glares with Blake, and charged at him. His chainmail had the green coat of arms with a red cross of the enemy kingdom, he was armed with a sword and looked to be around thirty years old. His gaze was full of killing intent.

Panic overcame Blake as he stared at the enemy, he never killed anything except bugs in his previous life. He barely even had something like a fist fight in his entire life, living in a peaceful place without any bloody fights. He had no idea what to do.

A sentence suddenly appeared on his head and took over all his thoughts.

I want to live!

"I WANT TO LIVEEE!!!!" Blake screamed. He had no intention of dying again, he doesn't want to go back to that darkness and pain. Unknown to him, a weird energy came out from the sword he was holding and went to his body.

His eyes suddenly became bloodshot and he started charging at the enemy soldier, completely unlike how he was behaving earlier.

"FOR THE RORAK KINGDOM!!" Shouted the enemy soldier as he approached Blake.

"hAAaAaAAaAAAAaAA!!!" Blake screamed like a animal as he got closer, his bloodshot eyes and expression filled with madness made the soldier falter.

As they finally got in range to strike each other Blake didn't try to stab or cut the enemy soldier with the sword he was holding. He tackled him down with his elbow!

The force of the tackle was strong because of the weight of his chainmail armor and speed of his charge, they both started falling down to the ground. As they fell, the enemy soldier stabbed Blake's arm, leaving a deep cut. Blake completely ignored the pain like it didn't even exist at all and shoved the sword he was holding with the other arm right into the soldier's right eye!

"ARRRRGGHHHHH!!!" The soldier loudly screamed in pain.

As Blake felt the trembling coming from the soldier with his hands on the sword hilt, he twisted it with force making him scream even louder. He took the sword out and shoved it again and again, fresh hot blood splashing all over his face and bloodshot eyes. Blake only stopped when the soldier's body didn't tremble anymore. Blake slowly stood up and took the sword out.

He and his sword were covered in blood.

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