1 How it all started

Seventeen years ago, the greatest wars of all time broke out between the Greek Nations and Troy.

The young Prince Paris of Troy stole the beautiful Helen from King Menelaus of Sparta's home. When Menelaus found out, he told his brother, Agamemnon, King of Mycenaean, who in turn, declares war on the country of Troy.

Greece sailed onto the beaches of Troy with 40,000 men, accompanied by Achilles, the best and most respected fighter of all.

The Greeks we met by the armies of Troy and their Prince, Hector, who targeted Achilles to the temple of Apollo. Achilles, to prove he was a god, desecrated the statue of the golden god, and let the Prince go.

Eventually, Achilles became restless with the battle, and King Agamemnon's intentions for using him as a lever in the war, he prepared the sail home, until his cousin, Patroclus was murdered by Hector.

Achilles became enraged and challenged Hector to a two-man battle, in which Achilles won.

Achilles allowed the Trojans twelve days of mourning, and on the thirteenth, the Greeks built a wooden horse as a mock gift to surrender to the Trojans. That night, Greeks came from within the horse, and in turn, let the Greek army through the gates of Troy, and burned the city, selling women to slavers, throwing babies off the rooftops and killing anyone who put up a fight.

They say that during the pillaging of Troy, Achilles was searching for Persayus, a priestess who had been captured for Achilles. She'd been his guest in his hut, and Achilles had grown quite fond of her.

He found her, but then shortly after, he was killed by Paris.

The rumor is they found his body sprawled on the draw with an arrow through his heel, and more than four puncture wounds in his chest, most likely made by arrows. He was supposed to be the son of a god and goddess, Zeus and Thetis. Thetis was rumored to have made her son invincible by dipping him in water, all except for his heel, by which he dipped him.

They also say that Achilles left the world without children.

He may not have been a god, but he did leave behind an heir to his family bloodline.

I am Taemestra, daughter of Achilles and Persayus, Cousin of Patroclus, Hector and Paris, King of New Troy; and this is my story.
