
Blue Lock: Team Z vs Team X

Team Z was in their half-time room, ready to start.

"Since Isagi won rock paper scissors, and he's the highest one ranked, he'll be our Center Forward. We'll base our strategy around him. We don't have time to make a detailed plan, but let's win this!" Kuon prepped.


Team Z walked onto the field as Team X did the same. Isagi was stretching before he got into position.

Finally, once everyone was in position, a beep sounded out, initiating the start of the game.


Isagi quickly charged down the field. Instantly, three people started to come up to press Isagi. Without a moment of hesitation, Isagi passed Bachira back the ball. As he did, he heard someone running behind him and when he turned, it was none other than Raichi.

"Huh? He passed already?" Raichi yelled out. It was obvious he was trying to steal the ball from Isagi.

Isagi could've easily gotten past the 3 defenders and Raichi wouldn't be a problem, but he wanted to see what Bachira could do.

As Isagi watched Bachira dribble forward, Isagi quickly ran forward, past the defenders. He was much faster than all of them. 

Bachira would continue dribbling up until he was also pressed by defenders on the opposing team. It was 2 of them, one being a large guy with an X in his hair.  Shoei  Baro. 

Isagi saw that he was the highest ranked on the team, #250. 

"Oh well,  he's already super open~!" Bachira would say as he'd quickly do a lob pass over the defenders pressing him and straight to Yoichi Isagi.

Isagi wouldn't even trap the ball, he'd just slam his foot into the ball right before it touched the ground, launching it into the net.

"That was like, 30 meters from the goal!" The goalie of Team X would yell out.

"Damn Isagi, when could you do that?" Kira would ask, running up to Isagi. 

"For a while now." Isagi would say, quickly high-fiving Kira before running back to his position.

Team Z - Team X

     1      -     0

Kick-off began once more and Barou had the ball. He quickly charged up field, much faster than Isagi was expecting. 

Still, Isagi was faster than him, able to keep up with Baro fairly easily. Ahead of Isagi and Baro was Raichi who was quickly closing in.

"I'm getting the ball this time!" Raichi would yell out. However, before Baro would even get near Raichi, Isagi had already found a moment to steal the ball.

He rammed into Baro as their shoulders began to clash. Baro could feel himself losing to Isagi.

Isagi's goal was to make Baro pass it so someone on Team Z could quickly steal it from the weaker people on his team. However, Baro refused to pass, which allowed Isagi to quickly snatch up the ball and counter-attack.

"Here he comes!" A member of Team X yelled.

"Don't let him go anywhere! He's useless if he can't pass!"

Isagi watched as 4 members of the team who stayed back closed in on him, blocking his passing option to Bachira.

"Isagi, pass back! They've got you pinched!" Kira would yell from behind Isagi.

However, Isagi would continue to push. All four of them had yet to move, making it a bit more difficult to get them out of the way.

Isagi would first tap the ball away from his just a bit, making one of the defenders go for a steal. However, he'd quickly bring the ball back close to him, causing the defender to fall and making a hole in their defense.

Isagi would takes this moment to speed up fully, charging through with ease. Isagi was still 40 meters from the goal and so far, his range was 35 meters.

Isagi would slow down to allow other members of his team to catch up so he could use them to make a goal.

He was remembering exactly what Noa had told him, to make the team his. So he could make a goal.

However, since he slowed down, it allowed Team X's ace to catch up,  Shoei  Baro. Baro had ran up on the left of Isagi.

"Give me the ball, you nuisance!" Baro would yell out as he eagerly and impatiently reached his leg out for the ball.

"Lame." Isagi would say as he'd quickly pass the ball to his right, right into the hands of  Rensuke   Kunigami

Again, Isagi could've gotten past Baro, especially after such a sloppy attempt at stealing, but he wanted to see what his team could do. He needed to know how he could use them.

By now, Isagi was well within his shooting range as he was now 20 meters from the goal. However, before Isagi could tell him to pass back, Kunigami took the shot. The ball flew right into the goal of Team X, awarding Team Z another point.

Kunigami would run up to Isagi and fist bump him.

"Nice pass, Isagi. Keep this up and we'll win."

Isagi was surprised from the orange haired boys shot. He wasn't expecting someone else to be able to shoot that far. That meant that Isagi would have competition to deal with, not that he was mad about it. It actually excited him. It meant that he'd have to work harder to be the best.

Team Z - Team X

    2       -      0

It was once again kick-off and Team X started with the ball. Baro would accelerate down the field once more, however instead of going through the center, he'd go to the right.

Isagi assumed it'd be to keep from getting the ball stolen again. Isagi decided he'd just go to the goal so that if Baro shot, he could intercept it.

However, Isagi would be slowed down due to his teammates getting in the way. Because of that, it was too late for him to intercept the imminent shot that Baro had.

"Fuck." He watched in annoyance as the ball flew into the net.

Team Z - Team X

      2     -     1

With 30 minutes left of the game, Isagi was quick to start kick off. He did a quick pass to Bachira as he'd run down the field. He was the MVP of the game and he was going to make sure he won.

To Isagi's surprise, nobody was trying to guard Bachira. Instead, they were focusing on stopping him and Kunigami from shooting.

However, this was no obstacle from Isagi. He'd quickly dash past them, but was only met with Baro. This time, Baro posed a greater force on Isagi, as if when they went against each other before he wasn't trying.

Still, Isagi was faster, and so he was able to be just out of Baro's reach. Because of this, the people who were guarding Kunigami had moved over to Isagi.

"Damn it!" Isagi would yell out. He had no way to get a shot and he didn't know how he would. That was until an idea hit him.

"Pass it!" Isagi yelled out to Bachira.

"Are you stupid or something?" Baro said.

Isagi just ignored it and just looked at Bachira. Bachira would immediately pass it to Isagi with no hesitation.

"What are you doing Isagi? You're gonna cost us the point!" A Team Z member yelled, one that Isagi couldn't recognize, mainly since he wasn't trying,

Isagi had quickly leapt up once the timing was right and would put his hand on Baro's shoulder to help him flip upside down.

Isagi would then slam his right foot into the ball and watched as it soared into the net. Pulling off a 35 meter bicycle kick with the help of his predator eye

That was the 2nd time he made a goal like that, the 1st being when he was solo training. The amount of times he failed that was too many to count, but he took tried his all to make it this time, and he did.

"A bicycle kick?! Isagi, you're insane!" Kira would yell out with excitement.

Team Z - Team X

     3      -     1

Baro gritted his teeth at the goal. It was something he knew he couldn't pull off. Yet this Team Z nobody was able to do it in a much higher range than his own.

With 15 minutes left now, Baro would place his foot on top of the ball, ready to start kick off. The person he wanted to crush now was  Yoichi Isagi.

Hoping that my style of writng is fine. First time I've ever wrote a game.

stormy_kokocreators' thoughts
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