
KINESIS: I Am The Villian

The Earth's core suddenly became unstable causing a change to the planet. As a result, the age of psykers, humans capable of manipulating the laws of nature was born. Animals transformed into ferocious creatures, and plants transformed into living predators. A bloody battle for supremacy ensued between the three species. Beasts overran cities, which led to the deaths of thousands of people. The only humans capable of protecting mankind were the psykers and after a few years of battle they were able to secure back the fallen cities. Civilization began a new era but the war continued as psykers continued to hunt beasts to avoid another bloody war. Twenty years later, while on a family vacation in Paris, a swarm of beasts entered the city. Miles Reed who was still a kid watched how his father, a heroic psyker was killed by other psykers who conspired against him to make it look like he died trying to save lives while both his mother and sister were devoured by these monsters. Miles was fortunate to escape such a cruel fate. He was also lucky to be adopted by another wealthy family who also lost their son in the disaster that occurred that day. However, Miles didn't forget his origins as his heart was filled with the dark force of hatred. He grew up to be ruthless. He savagely killed his foes, destroyed clans and guilds that stood in his path until he became the world's most vicious villain in order to avenge his family. Disclaimer: #Please this story is entirely fictional. #The cover isn't mine so credits belong to the owner I only downloaded it from Pinterest. #Please excuse any grammatical errors because English isn't my first language but I am open to polite correction. #Lastly, hateful comments will not be tolerated in any way. Thank you very much and I love you all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please if you like what you read, support this book with power stones, I would really appreciate it a lot.

Aster_Pheonix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 3 (Welcome To The Academy)


Los Angeles, California

Two weeks later,

At a very high speed, a red sports car was driving down the highway as fast as the wind. The sport car sped past every other vehicle giving them only a glimpse of its tail lights. It almost seemed like the car was flying rather than moving on the ground due to its high speed.

Compared to the others, the two passengers in the sports car only felt like they were traveling at normal speed.

"Mike, please step harder on the gas, even my mom drives faster than this." complained the teenage boy in the passenger seat who had his eyes closed.

Although his dark inky hair covered part of his face, it still complimented his facial features and calling this boy handsome would not be enough.

"You can't be serious dude? Any faster than this speed then you're seriously asking for the cops to be on our tail. Also we both know that your mom never drives her own car." Mike responded without taking his eyes off the road. "Unless you don't mind getting a ticket for reckless driving, and on top of that, Miles you should open your eyes to see just how fast this car is moving. The view is also very pleasant," Mike added.

"Tell me since when did you start caring about cops and tickets, and last time I checked this was my car so you shouldn't be the one worried about for the damn tickets." Miles retorted.

Mike chuckled softly. "Believe me, its not the cops or ticket I'm worried about, but I honestly don't think you probably want to get a ticket today," Mike replied.

"And why is that?" Miles asked.

"Nothing much, except for the fact that you are almost an hour late and let me guess whose fault that is? You of course, but it's all good, at least it's comforting to know that you think we've still got time to say hi to the cops and to also collect some tickets." Mike replied in a sarcastical tone.

Miles sighed after hearing Mike's complaints.

"Seriously, I still don't know why you are doing this." Mike said while taking a short glance at Miles.

"Do what? I don't understand what you mean." Miles still kept his eyes shut as he answered Mike.

"You know...this... you could have studied at any academy in Paris but you decided to transfer to America which I still don't get. What I mean is that I thought you would choose Italy since that place was the only lead we had for now and if you wanted eyes in America all it takes is just one word from you and problem solved." Mike honestly expressed his thoughts.

After a few seconds of silence, Miles finally opened up his eyes which revealed their black colours that rivaled those of a Raven. He slowly shifted his gaze to Mike before he responded "And where is the fun in that?" He smirked.

Mike couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard Miles's response.

"Come on Mike, don't give that nasty look. We both know that what I'm searching for is no longer in Italy and this is something I just have to do by myself." Miles said.

Mike glanced at Miles again." What about the memories you had in this place? Look we all know that you're strong but we know you still get the nightmares sometimes"

Miles stayed quiet for a short while before he finally gave a response again."I'll live through it."

"If I didn't know you better I would say that you were a maschosist because your favourite hobby is torturing and you're doing it to yourself right now." Mike said as he shook his head. We've got your back, Miles." he nudged.

"Just shut up and drive you stupid idiot " Miles frowned.

"Frankly, I always feel like you're thinking of chaining me down and torture me whenever you give me that frightening glare." Mike joked.

The two remained silent again as the car continued racing with high speed on the highway.

"Stop the car here." Miles said after a short while.

"Why?..What's wrong?" Although Mike was confused, he still obediently followed his instructions and parked the car.

It's fine, I'll just walk from here." Miles replied as he grabbed and opened the cat's door.

"Wait, hold up Miles, but I was supposed to drive you to your destination." Mike tried to argue.

"And I'm telling you that I have reached my destination. I'm just trying to keep a very low profile, so just turn back from here." Miles reasoned.

"I'm telling you, this seems like a terrible idea because once you're in there we can't help you from the outside."

"Since when have I ever needed protection from anybody. Concentrate on your task and follow orders. I left Gilbert in charge so do your best not to piss him off too much." Miles carried his small bag and alighted from the car.

"Damn it , that old man is boring and you also know how much he hates me " Mike yelled out to Miles who had already started walking towards his destination and was clearly ignoring his whining. " Fine I guess you just have to deal with it " he grumbled before driving off.

As Miles was walking towards his destination he recalled the conversation he had with Mike earlier. This made him wonder if he was unnecessarily dragging the task out for too long.

Truthfully speed would be the most effective in this situation but there were too many variables he just couldn't ignore that were prompting him to make this choice.

Miles hadn't walked for 20 minutes before arriving at his destination, the gateway centre. This place contains several teleportation portals that are linked to different locations around the world.

These portals are very expensive to use due to their high consumption of mana crystals which are required to power them. So, it was primarily used by the military during emergencies and a few wealthy individuals that could afford the payment during times of personal crisis.

Also, there were exceptions such as today, for students who were admitted to various military training academy located in distant locations. In order to make the transportation of all the admitted students easier, the Academies would pay to use the teleportation gate.

Therefore students were allowed to use these portals to travel to the academy every year at both the beginning and end of the semester. So it was unusually crowded today with a lot of students that were escorted by their families who were also here to bid them farewell.

Miles stood and watched various scenes of parents or guardians displaying affection for their wards as they wished them farewell. He couldn't deny the fact that he felt a bit empty and sad. However, he had no time to dwell on such emotional issues.

Without wasting much time Miles walked towards one of the portals linking to the academy he had just been admitted to. The portal already had a long queue but he patiently waited for his turn. He handed the slip indicating his admission to one of the officers standing in front of the portal.

"You've been approved to enter. Please receive your bracelet on the other side and put it on right away," the officer instructed in a serious tone, and Miles nodded in agreement.

Miles nodded in response before stepping into the portal and was instantly teleported to the academy camp.

The experience was like walking through a door to enter another room, and on the other side he saw officers giving out bracelets to students outside of the portals. Like the other students, Miles walked towards one of the officers to collect his own bracelet and immediately put it on his wrist.

The crowds of students were directed to a wide field where they all awaited further instructions.

Many more students kept walking out of the portal for an additional hour before the portal was finally closed. This was not to be open to any other students until the following year.

Few minutes after the portal was closed, a very burly looking man with brown hair and sturdy eyes walked up to the podium in front of all the students.

He was also wearing an official uniform. However it was decorated with a variety of different kinds of medals, which indicated that he was a superior personnel than other officers they had seen earlier. He stood silently for a while, scanning the field for a moment. A frown appeared on his face because he was witnessing something that displeased him which made him release his oppressive aura towards the students on the field.

He was enjoying himself as he watched most of the students gasp for air as soon as they felt the pressure in the room rise. The fact that most of them were already on the verge of fainting put a slight smile on his face. His smile disappeared instantly as soon as he felt a much stronger opposing aura.

Another female personnel walked onto the podium before he had time to trace the source, causing him to retract his aura.



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