
Kind Of The Hood Pt1

Author: Envy_Artist
Ongoing · 10.3K Views
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Chapter 1Aquaneesha

"Neesha." ​"What?" I spat. ​The hell she calling my name for? I questioned, watching her nasty looking ass as she walked down the sidewalk. ​Smacking her teeth while eyeing me. "Why you being all nasty? Why you up so early? You worked last night or summthing?" She questioned, walking up on my stoop. ​Leaning back in my seat, I did not want to catch a whiff of her hot pussy ass. Trick is just rancid. Cutting my eyes at her, ​"First, don't question me, you know better. Second, ain't yo unemployed ass up early? Yah nosy ass knows I worked last night. Third, although it ain't none of yo business, I'm waiting on my cousin. She's kickin' it with me today." ​My answer was met by her upturned nose, like she smelled something foul.

her ass off my stoop fa' that bullshit alone. The hell with all the other crimes her ass is committing. ​"Uh huh, she made it out shaking her ass for dollars. That's some hoe shit. But that's who you look up to," she sassed. ​"Shut yo dumb, hating ass, up. Yah ass pops pussy for free, while fucking for coins. You the one that got the game fucked up," I spat. ​She looked at me like she wanted to do something. She knows better though. I hand out ass whippings faster than the government used to hand out cheese. ​"Whateva, Neesha, you gonna take up fa' ha ass regardless. Any who, you wanna hit this?" She sassed, holding a half smoked blunt out to me. ​My grimace turned to a snarl. ​"Hell no. I don't want that shit. Yah yuck mouth ass ain't wash yo face, ass, or brush yo teeth. I ain't tryin' to get shit from yah ass. You suck and lick mo' balls than a lil' bit. Get the fuck on with that nasty shit," I barked. ​She recoiled like I slapped her ass. ​"I did brush my teeth, trick. I'mma leave yo funny ackin' ass alone. Yah ass, and yo bitch ass cousin, gonna be hating on me when I step on the scene later. Tell me this, is she still big as fuck?" She cackled. ​Standing from my seat caused her ass to almost fall off my stoop. ​"Are you still dumb as fuck? Of course, you are. Bitch, be gone. It's too early to whoop ass. Say one mo' thang tho, and I'mma hit the snooze on yah ass," I sneered, almost hoping she'd jump stupid. ​She hurried, stepping off my stoop mumbling something. She knows the deal. Bitch talks mo' shit than a trained fighter, but can't fight worth a damn. This ain't what the fuck she wants. I've dogged walked her ass before. She can say what she wants bout my cuz to me. Even with that, shit, she's risking her life. She better not let Preshus her the shits. I'll stomp her ass, yes, but Preshus will kill her ass. ​Preshus was, is, smart enough, to get to where the hell she is today. By not only using her body, but her mind too. She's successful, brilliant, independent, and loving. The hell with what anybody got to say about her, she's my inspiration. ​Who the fuck is this? I questioned, noticing a car I ain't never seen before pull up in front of my apartment."Look at this fast ass heffa here," I mumbled, watching my sixteen year old sister open the car door attempting to get out. ​I believe it's a fucking local drug dealer's car at that. ​"Don't even think about it. Get yo ass out the fucking car, Ocean. You ain't' grown. Yah ass ain't gonna stop 'til I end yo fucking life. Say, nigga, take her from here one mo' time, and yah child molesting ass going to jail," I yelled. ​Fast ass saw me, and tried to stay in the car. She knows I'll snatch her ass outta that bitch by her throat. Ass gonna be pregnant again. She's so smart 'til she's dumb. Her lil' homehoes can't hold fucking water. Everything she does, they talk bout her. She's too caught up in the fuckery to see they are jealous of her ass. Her ass was pregnant at fifteen, and had an abortion. Them sluts couldn't wait to let my ass know that shit. ​The driver door open. His ragamuffin looking ass glared at me. These dusty fuckers works my last damn nerves. ​"Aye, shawty, watch yo fucking mouth. Yo ass must be ready to die. Mind yo fucking business," his bitch ass yelled."Fuck you, nigga. Who gonna kill me? Not you. Pussy, weak chin, bastard. Fuck wit me, Conner. What kind of hustler got a white boy name and went to private school?" I taunted, talking much shit. ​He looked ashamed, as Ocean stared at him like she wanted him to explain his self. ​"Ocean, put one foot in front of the other, climb yo ass out the damn car. I speaks nothing but the fucking truth. Let me step off this stoop, and you really gonna hate my ass," I threatened. ​She smacked her teeth hard and loud enough I heard it from where I'm standing. ​"I'll see yah later," she sassed, finally getting out the car. ​I know her ass ain't? She got on some shit that looks like a shirt. The shit barely covering her ass. Ocean is thick. She developed too damn early. Fast ass got titties, ass, and thighs, and lost her damn mind. She started fucking at twelve. I took her ass to the clinic for birth control. She didn't even know she was taking them. I was putting them in her damn food. I lost track of her when she turned fifteen. I had to work more, then I started school, again. Her ass always trying to be grown."Nun uh, don't try to walk pass me. What the fuck have I told you bout these niggas round here? Yah ass just one of many. What? You think cuz he calls yah ass shawty, that mean you his? You belong to him? The droop lip fucker just called me that. You know he ain't got no vocabulary. What is you trying to prove? Huh? The shit yah ass is doing ain't cute. You barely made it out the eleventh grade. You don't want more than this? Huh?" I went in on her, standing in her face. I stand about three inches taller than her ass, at five feet eight. ​Rolling her eyes, she focused back on me with a look that said I'm the stupid one. ​"Neesha, get the fuck out my face. Yah ass always got something to say. You ain't my mama. She's somewhere sucking on a glass dick. She ain't worried bout me. You ain't no better than no other female out here. You lost yo nigga to the streets," she started speaking the same bullshit she's been speaking. ​"How the fuck did I lose my nigga to the streets? It wasn't cuz he was selling. He got hit by a stray fucking bullet, when these assholes was playing cowboys and Indians. Did yo smart ass forget my nigga worked a damn good job, driving for Pepsi? Get the shit right. If yah ass gonna use my life as an excuse, use the good parts of it. Get the bitch right," I interrupted. ​Sucking her teeth, ​"Yeah, okay, either way, yah ass trying to stop my shine. You a damn hypocrite, no matter how you look at it. I'm grown, whether you want to admit it or not. I really don't give a fuck what yo ass gots to say. Now, what the fuck else do you feel you have the right to say to me?" She sassed, eyeing me. ​Hitting her with a smirk then, "Un huh." ​SMACK! SMACK! ​"The fuck yo ass talking to, huh? You done lost yah everlasting mind," I sneered, tagging her ass. ​"Get the fuck off me, Neesha!" She yelled, trying to fight me. ​"Naww, yah ass grown, right? Well, take this grown ass, ass whupping," I spat, not missing a beat. ​BAM! BAM! BAM! ​She gonna learn tah-day, I thought, while putting in werk. ​"Aye, Neesha! Get off yah sister! What is wrong wit yo ass?"A voice I haven't heard in about two weeks, caught my attention. I stopped swinging. Pushing Ocean from me, making her ass stumble, then fall. Spinning of my heels to give the other non-descript person my attention. ​"I just know you ain't walking up on this stoop questioning shit. Like yah ass is right. Where the fuck have yah ass been? Yous a trifling, nasty, don't care bout shit, nothing ass, trick. You round here doing everything but raising yah damn kids," I barked, looking at my half dead ass mother. ​Her beady eyed ass stared at me like she's not understanding what I'm saying. ​"Neesha, I've been working, smart ass. You just, I'm yah damn mama, you hear. Respect me," she stammered out. ​I ain't even responding to that shit. I retook my seat. Ocean was pulling her ass up off the cement stoop. ​"I'mma get yah ass, Neesha. Watch," she grumbled, sounding like she was about to cry. ​Them bruises on her face and spilt lip, gots to be painful. ​"You ain't gonna do shit but die black, you keep fucking wit me. Go on in there, give yah mama the drugs yo dumb ass stole fa'ha. Fuck round she gonna be the reason yah ass is six feet under," I spat, shocking both of them. ​I been peeped game. Somehow, when she's broke, she gets in touch with Ocean. Ocean gets her shit from whatever dope boy she's fucking wit at the time. ​"Shut the hell up, Neesha, you don't know shit. My daughter loves me. She don't like when I'm sick, unlike yah selfish ass," she spat, following Ocean in the apartment. ​Bitch don't love nobody but her damn self. If it wasn't for my brother, I would leave them two here. She don't' care bout shit. Seaqual is twelve, in the seventh grade, smart as a whip, loves our mother to death, but he's sickly. He was a preemie. He has asthma, type II diabetes, and he only has three fingers on his left hand. ​He gets bullied, but it doesn't stop him from being great. He's really into computers, graphics, animation, and games. Here lately, he's been a lot happier. He told me the bullying has stopped. He doesn't know what happened, but he's glad it has. He almost died twice while in my mother's care when he was younger. I thought CPS would have taken him, but the incidents were explained as accidents. After that, I had to have Mama Reed watch him while I worked. She's like the honorary grandmother of the projects. Now, he goes to the after school programs at school. Which is great, I don't have to worry about him so much. ​He loves our mother with all of him. I mean, she's not all bad. When she's sober, she's the best mother to him. She cooks, cleans, spends time with him, tells him she loves him, and talks to him. I believe that's what he holds on to. Here lately though, she hasn't been sober, or home. Since I'm the oldest, at twenty-six, I remember when she was different. ​She loved my father, her husband, up until the day he left her and me. No reason, no explanation, he just dipped and she lost it. We lost our house. We moved to Lewis Scott Court projects. She, we, did pretty good, until she fell pregnant with Ocean. I was ten. Ocean was born, and just like that, she became my daughter. Ocean's father got our mother, Sprinkle, hooked on that damn white girl. ​It started with laced blunts, then went to her smoking it. She acted like she couldn't survive without it. At the same time she wasn't surviving using it. She stayed clean long enough to pass inspections, and talk to her social worker. I attended school, made damn good grades too. I always wanted to an obstetrics nurse. My shit always got pushed to the back burner because I was doing her job. Four years after Ocean, Sprinkle fell pregnant again. It wasn't her first since Ocean. She miscarried the others, due to her drug use. ​She didn't even know she was pregnant with Seaqual until her water broke, at twenty-eight weeks. Thank God I was home. Seaqual only weighed two pounds. The doctors counted him out. They wanted to pull the plug on'em. But I wouldn't let them. I told'em, ​"My brother is supposed to be here. He's fought for twenty-eight weeks. Through everything, no prenatal care, no correct food consumption, nothing. He's still here, fighting. Don't count him out now." ​My words and determination meant something to them. Seaqual fought. I went to some of the mothers who delivered, and begged them to share some of their breast milk. Yeah, it sounded disgusting, but he needed it. Breast milk was the best thing for him. ​One mother heard my pleas, and supplied Seaqual with breast milk. She would actually bring some up to the hospital after she was discharged with her baby girl. Seaqual strived, but had complications. I had to do everything to get him the services he needed.Plenty of days I had to hunt Sprinkle down, and clean her up so she could make it to different appointments. I forged her signature on a lot of paperwork. I had to leave college. I got a job at Waffle House. Sprinkle gets a check for Seaqual, because his left hand is missing fingers, and his other aliments have deemed him disabled by the state. ​I had to get his check put on the direct deposit card, just so Sprinkle couldn't spend it all. I gave her an allowance from it. Everything she gets, food stamps, welfare check, and Medicaid, I handle all of it. The upgrade to the apartment, I handled. ​I should've been out on my own years ago, but I can't. I just started back into school. I'm a manager at Waffle House. Sprinkle has threatened to put me out, but she knows without me, she wouldn't have shit. I left once, and took Seaqual with me. He ran away trying to make it back to the projects to get to Sprinkle. I want to get them both out of here, but it's hard. ​'Answer the phone. Pick it up. Answer the phone. ' ​Smacking my teeth while pulling my phone from my pocket. Eyeing the screen, I began smiling. ​"Hey, hoe," I answered."Wha'sup, trick?" She greeted, giggling. ​"Not a damn thing. Kicking ass and taking numbers." ​"Umph, Ocean again?" She questioned, but it sounded like a statement. ​"You know it. Her ass gonna get caught up in some shit, then gonna wish she'd listen to me. She thinks I'm tryin' to run her life, and that ain't what it is. She thinks she knows everything, and don't know shit. Them hookers she calls friends ain't shit. They hate on her. They are jealous of her, and they are gonna take her down because of it," I vented. ​This ain't nothing new to Preshus. She knows all about Ocean. She's even put her foot up her ass more than once. ​"Well shit, you can't make her hardheaded ass listen. Keep fighting that demon though. I'm proud of ya strong willed ass. You know my offer still stands," she encouraged. ​Sighing, I know this. Preshus would give me her last. I've never been one to take charity. I mean, I want to make it out on my own. Either way, I still got to get Seaqual to go with me. Regardless of Sprinkle's condition, she's still his mother, with total guardianship."I know that sound. I'll leave it alone for now. I'm calling to tell you I'm on my way, and I'm bringing breakfast so, don't cook," she stated, switching the subject, causing me to giggle. ​"Okay, cuzzin', I'll see you in a bit. I'm so ready for today." ​"Yeah, me too. Okay, see you in thirty," she stated. ​"Bet," was all I said before hanging up. ​We never say bye to each other. She doesn't like it. She says for people she plans to talk to again, it's never bye. But the ones she doesn't, it's bye and fuck you. ​Leaning back in my chair, looking out into the courtyard. Bouncy houses, food trucks, and game trucks, are already set up. Lewis Scott Court projects ain't what it used to be. Once upon a time, it was really rough to live here. Drug deals, shootings, hooking, crackheads, fiends, used to be out in front, for everyone to see. ​The government and law couldn't do nothing. At one point, the law was like, "Let them kill each other." That's exactly what was happening. Until Stone. He came in, overtook the projects. Cleaned it up. Began holding block parties, bashes, and cookouts. He even put a neighborhood mart in it. Things changed tremendously because of him, but at the same time, they stayed the same. You just have to look harder to see the dirt.

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