
Kin To Shadows

An ordinary lazer was reincarnated as Shikamaru with some extra features, let’s see if we can change the games P.s I don’t own any of the animes and cartoons

Shanhe11916 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Life Insurance, Cause Shit Happens

Today seems to be shaping up to be a beautiful day when it comes to the weather. I truthfully doubt today is going to be a sunny day for my folks though, I mean I am going to try and swing this in a way that the most I will get is a slap on the wrist

But a tiny voice inside me reminds me to prepare for the worst, just in case. And I can't find myself arguing with it, especially since the law of murphy is quite unpredictable in its way of punishment. But what is coming, will come anyway, even if it has to come with a friend

So I prepare myself mentally, go through the plans I've made a few more times while doing my daily routine in my room before I have to go for breakfast, shortly afterwards I finish my morning routine and bathe

As some people would know, some begin to have bright ideas or talents when we are showering, this can range from million dollar idea to a diva in singing, at least as far as we are concerned. Or it can help remind us of something or maybe even let us ponder on some details we had missed. Some of these moments are generally very useful and even if it isn't useful they are entertaining

But as that cold water falls down on my hair and cascades down my body, I am reminded of something or to be more accurate I think of something I hadn't thought of before. It's a grim thought, but it needs to be addressed all the same

' What the hell happens to the pokemon world when I die? Do they fade as well? '

At this thought, I open the status and fiddle with the summons feature and suddenly as if the system is responding to me I see an option that I hadn't seen before. An option to set a physical summoning contract

Obviously, I select to see what it means and a window opens up and new information is made clear to me

As the pokemon able to be summoned have increased beyond the limit of 10, there is now an option to create an actual summoning contract and bind it to you as those seen in the elemental nation

' That is surprisingly helpful... You know for a system that isn't that alive, things have been coming out quite on the needed basis, wonder what's that about '

I wait for a few seconds, then wait for a few more just to see if the system is genuinely alive or something. But no dice, no replies or change in the status window

' Must have been just my feeling '

But as that is not the case and there is certainly no need to look a gift horse in the mouth, I tick the option to have a summoning contract physically created

The physical copy of the summoning contract has been placed in inventory. The physical copy is permanently imbued to be unbreakable to the elements and outside factors and can always return to the senior summoner when requested. The user will find more details while reading the rules written in the contract

So I don't have to fear it being stolen or the scroll breaking down to the elements. I guess I have my first heirloom

' That's a plus for me in the clan as far as clan politics are concerned '

No way are they going to say no to a summoning contract, now the only thing I need to do is set things up with the side of pokemon as well. That can actually be guaranteed somewhat as neither of us will object to a failsafe in case I die

And I stop the shower and open the inventory to look at the contract and it looks legit and awesome. It looks like a legendary-level artifact with its golden accenting, but it's larger than my arm so it's going to be quite some time before I can sling it on my back like Jiraiya

But as I open the contract another window opens and offers very interesting features. One such feature was that the primary summoner, which by default setting is the senior summoner, can actually select if other summoners can summon all pokemon in the roster

Another was that they could initiate the familiar option for the other summoners limited with types like I was, which is all kinds of useful. This gives me a lot of new materials for today's discussion but can't speak about these materials when the pokemon have no idea about it

' A shame, they would have made a great compelling argument, Maybe I could... '

I open the door and take a look at the clock to see that I still have 27 more minutes before Mom comes to my door demanding my presence at the breakfast table

You know what, let's just deal with it before breakfast and inform them about what's going to happen. And it's going to happen because I am not taking chances on this

I keep the shower running, put my clothes back on and lay on the floor, I would have lied on the bed but I'm not dry yet and the bed is going to get wet and then I'm going to get yelled at for that, so this is much more convenient

I open the extension, select the Indigo League location and start running to the building as soon as I'm dropped at the city

I reach the building within two minutes and immediately ask the guards to call the elite pokemon that are free to meet me at the room we had talked previously and I made sure that they knew that It was important that they get here within the next 3 minutes

' Don't want my parents to find me sleeping on the floor, unresponsive to their actions, but I really don't want the one I summon to be clueless as to why I was saying that there were going to be more trainers from my world '

Yeah, both of the situations will not end well for me. Thankfully the guards understand the importance and one of them goes to inform the elites while the other escorts me to the room

The good thing about pokemons is that they have convenient techniques, within seconds of me reaching the room both Slowking and Jynx teleport in with Machamp and Gengar

I ask about Dragonite but Slowking informs me that he had left this matter to them. Upon hearing that I immediately step into the matter at hand, and I do this by asking the occupants of the room

" What happens when I die? "

" Pardon? "

" What is going to happen, specifically what is going to happen to you guys and this world? "

" I'm afraid that we do not follow you "

" My authority for the continued existence of this world, that was the gist of the deal. But if I die then the deal might fall through "

At this, they don't respond to me, so I forge ahead and say the solution

" Today I gained the physical representation of our contract with each other, similar looking to the ones that exist within my world. And I thought of this issue then, and I have devised a possible solution to it."

I look to all of them to see if they had something to say but they just gesture at me to continue, so I take a deep breath and say my plan

" You guys remember how you can buy empty pokeballs and how that doesn't make one a trainer. Same principle, I'm going to ensure that one of my people signs the contract, today. The signee is just a baby and won't need you guys yet and If you don't want to I can ensure that she can't summon you guys. I am absolutely sorry to spring this on you, but I'm not leaving a world's existence on the chance that I live to see tomorrow, I'm sorry but I just can't "

It's quite clear to me that none of them like the fact they don't have a choice here, but that's the truth and I can't change that. None of us actually have a choice here

Slowking finally ends the silence

" You will ensure that the child will not be able to summon us without our permission? "

" You have my word. Empty Pokeball, but she will have a Pokeball and if that's what ensures your world's continuation then so be it. So I can do this right "

" We trust you on this, for even the blindest of us can see your honesty regarding this matter."

At his statement, I blink and Jynx speaks

" You are flustered, for this world. That is reassuring so yes, you may let the child have an empty Pokeball. We shall discuss this after your discussion today, won't we? "

I just nod at them

" Yep we will have a great discussion about it at night, and I am going to discuss it with my parents right now. So if you could inform the volunteers and get the word to Xerneas, really appreciate it. I mean I don't think I am going to be able to summon Xerneas but I will try, so let him know that data as well. "

At my 'volunteers' they smile, at me informing the volunteer bit they nod and at the Xerneas bit they just look at me for a little while before nodding

" Thanks, I'll bring some local food and books as thanks tonight."

" Farewell summoner " Jynx bids me farewell quite gracefully

Slowking on the other hand pats its stomach

" I look forward to your culinary marvels, you should that most of us are quite the fan of meat and that I specifically like fish. Just a thought to keep you company "

" You got it! "

I just laugh and accept it, that feels like the start of a camaraderie, those were how we broke the shells of some of our stubborn loners at school.

' Food, the universal language. Bringing people together since creation and if there is going to be a war, it's going to be one of the factors '

You know if this was Family Guy, you would now see an animation saying "Food! That's what's up " or something to that effect.

But this isn't family guy so let's get back to life

I return back to the bathroom and continue my shower and this time when I look at the clock I only have 3 minutes left, so I put on my outfit and go to the table and sit down for breakfast after greeting my parents

But before we eat I speak

" There are some things that I wish to inform you, we will talk about it after we eat. Don't worry, it's nothing like what happened last time"

At my last words, they audibly let go a sigh of relief

' Technically I wasn't lying '