
Kin To Shadows

An ordinary lazer was reincarnated as Shikamaru with some extra features, let’s see if we can change the games P.s I don’t own any of the animes and cartoons

Shanhe11916 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

I've Got it Covered

After we ate in peace I asked them to wait as I needed a little more time and needed a few more people to take part in this discussion

While they are curious they now know enough of my behaviour that they are not entirely on guard around me

' Which they probably will regret within a few minutes into the discussion '

But that's an issue that I will address then, there is no need to worry about it further now

So I walked to the homes of people I wanted to invite to this discussion, which is only three people but I like carrying one of them so I am personally bringing them in instead of having dad send out a clone to ask them to come

Plus while it's not public yet, the clan does know that I'm not the usual Nara heir after my actions were spread by the person I'm going to invite

" Ah... hello Shikamaru-san, How can I help you today? "

Shikki Nara, the medic I know and one my father trusts and a gossip bee of the Nara clan

' Honestly, you would think by his demeanor that he wouldn't be interested in such things, but no... dude is known for that, is that some reverse psychology cover shit? '

But I ensure he doesn't see the question on my face when I speak

" Is there anything that needs your attention right now? "

" Well, no! "

" Then we are having a meeting that I want you to take part in "

" Ah... may I ask why? "

" You'll learn. Now close shop, we have two more people to collect "

I have to admit the fact that he closes the door to the office without causing any difficulty is a little suspicious and very appreciated

' Or is he just humoring me? does he believe that I'm just a messenger? '

But while we were walking to the next house I asked the other question that needed to be asked

" Shikki-san if a person with moderately high control of chakra and average chakra reserve came to you and you had to train them, how long will it take for that person to be proficient in medical chakra usage and techniques? "

At this Shikki chuckles as he replies to me " If the person is motivated and not truly talentless then it will take less than 2 years "

At this, I can't help my shock

" Only two years at most? "

However, his tone turns serious as he answers my question

" I say that period because of the need to drill in techniques and necessary instincts. The time frame is small because you asked to become proficient, there is a reason why we do not hear the term master healer often and that is an ambition that I once held but I know that I can't reach that "

" You are giving up? "

" You can train in everything, but some need a certain aptitude to master it. While I am a proficient healer, I do not have the aptitude in me to attain higher than that "

His answer sends me on a spiral

' That's certainly not unrealistic. In life, we can chase after things but there are heights we can't reach with passion and hard work alone, sometimes we need talent as well. Damn... I'm gonna have to make sure about some shit, aren't I? This is gonna be a drag! '

But I'm shaken out of my thoughts as we reach our destination and I knock on the door, we can hear the groan of the one behind that door and the way he's dragging those feet of his

Soon enough the door opens and we find Ensui glaring at us

" What do you want? "

" You free? "

" No, go away!! "

Here I chuckle out loud and pull my card

" Listen Ensui, within most likely minutes you are going to get asked by someone to do something that's going to last more than a few hours or you can come with me and share a meeting and then crash on a clearing you like for the rest of the day. You choose "

Ensui glares at my statement while Shikki speaks

" That seems weirdly specific "

" It does indeed Shikki, did you hear someone say that? "

I just shrug at that before answering

" No! But I figured it's more than passable considering your odds and luck. So let's stop wasting time "

Ensui groans and moans, but he does come out, close his doors, and glare at me, so I'm considering it a success. Now time to pick up my favourite Nara

Pretty soon we reach the house of the final person I want to take to part in the meeting but as I am knocking on the door I can't help but think that I should modify the people list

" Ah, Good morning Shikamaru-chan, are you here to play with Himari? "

Naomi-san opens the door and is the only one to actually greet me today. Shame on you guys, just shame. Granted I didn't either, but still, they are physically adults

" I was actually hoping that you and Himari-chan could join me for a few minutes, that is if you aren't that busy. "

" Oh we aren't that busy, let me get her "

' Yeah, I think she should be there when I help Himari-chan sign the contract, I mean I'm sure she won't say no but it's better to let her know '

Soon enough Naomi-san came back while holding her daughter, said daughter immediately making grabbing motions at me, to which I naturally obliged. So now I'm holding onto Himari-chan as she babbles at me and all of us are now walking toward home

Within minutes we reached home, where Mother had already prepared some snacks and tea for the people I was talking about ' even though she didn't know who '

Soon enough after the pleasantries are observed and both sides are now aware that I am the one who initiated the meeting, I begin

Since I don't want to drag this on any longer and mainly because the outcome won't change even if it is dragged out, I speak nonchalantly

" I had an adventure last night "

At this, both my parent blinks while the others just "hmm", but Ensui and Shikki are starting to look suspicious at my parent's reaction to my words

" It was an unexpected adventure, but I took it by the reins all the same. There were more chances for me to die than I actually expected "

As I expected I was interrupted, loudly by my mother

" What the hell do you mean you almost died? "

" Is that why you have brought Shikki here son? "

" Are you injured? why did you not tell me this earlier? I don't have my kit, Ensui go get the kit! "

Now however Naomi-san is starting to catch on that this isn't exactly normal or that my adventure wasn't exactly supervised

But I just gently stop Shikki when he activates the diagnosis technique

" I'm not hurt and I said there were chances as in missed opportunities "

My statement is met with another statement by Ensui

" Of course, what else should we expect at this point "

Since they are most likely curious and seconds away from familial interrogation, I snap the words out, like ripping off a band-aid

" Since there isn't really a procedure for this and no way to tell you guys without making you worry, I'll just tell it frankly "

Here I pause, not because I need it but because I want to, cause their expressions are always priceless

" I traveled to another reality, spoke with the gods there, and earned the right to summon them, kinda like the summoning contracts. You are welcome by the way "

My words short as they were, rang in the room for quite a bit and seeing their slack-jawed expression with great impact as well

Predictably the next few minutes were filled with their attempts to make sense of my words, a scene I naturally relished

The scene was worth relishing as the common " Not again! ", " Why? Just why? ", " Give me a break, just give me a damn break ", " Get the sake " and similar sentiments

But sadly I needed to draw the drama to a close. So I grab their attention and I do it in a way that ensures their belief in my word. I bring the scroll out of my inventory and the scroll does look legitimate

" Would you like to make some new friends Himari-chan? "

I take her cheerful babble as yes

So I open the scroll and this is the thing I am kinda glad for as this is Himari-chan that's signing

' We don't need blood, sure we can do it that way as well but the scroll is set in a way that all a person needs is to write their name using their finger, they need permission of course '

So before anyone interrupts me I guide her fingers and write Himari Nara on the scroll and immediately the unseen gestured writing comes to life with ink, a nice gold ink in amazing handwriting. As the name comes to view the scroll lifts into the air and acts as if it is going super Saiyan mode, but the light show ends after a few moments of air time and returns back to the floor accompanied by Himari-chan's clapping

' Guess she liked the light show '

" So any questions before I summon one of them? "

Ensui actually motions at me while talking to my parents

" He's even enjoying this. What is wrong with you guys, ground him damn it!! He's playing around with our minds "

Naturally Ensui's words prompt others into working order and soon enough my parents are scolding me, which slides off me as water slides off a duck. As I had expected it, I responded calmly

" Calm down. It's not like I did this consciously " 'Well I did, but you don't need to know that ' " It just happened and I went along with it "

At this Naomi-san boggles at me in an incredulous voice

" How? How does something like this happen unconsciously? "

" I think it's one of my gifts "

" Believe me Shikamaru, a lot of words come to my mind but a gift is certainly not one of them "

" That's cause you aren't that smart Ensui "

"... I am going to hurt you "

" No, you won't "

" Yes. I. Will "

" Believe me Ensui, you won't "

To move the discussion forward I decided to let them know the edited version of what happened

" Look there was an extinction-level event not here, I put a stop to it, they wanted to thank me but as it was my presence that saved them and I had to come back and as we had no idea what would happen if my presence didn't continue existing in that world, we decided to form a contract. They did it for the continuation of their existence and I did it because most of them looked like they could school the Kyuubi. I need to prove myself before I can summon them but still, I got a chance "

As my explanation dragged on their disbelief became stronger till they couldn't contain it any longer when I uttered the last fact

" School the Kyuubi? Are you insane? That's the Kyuubi, you don't school it, you survive it!! " Naomi heatedly spoke first, a notion shared by the adults surrounding me

" You may have met some strong beasts son, but I assure you the Kyuubi is on another level "

As I could see where this was heading and wanted to nip it in the bud, I put my hand up and asked a few questions to get my point across

I spoke in a monotonous tone

" Did the Kyuubi create this world? "

" Well no. "

" What does that matter here? "

To which I replied " Arceus did and if I prove myself then I can summon him "

Silence, utter silence, which I break

" I told you a place not here, but I wasn't clear enough. I didn't mean it as in another continent, I meant it as in another world in another reality. A world which Arceus created "

As they continue their silence I ask them again

" How old is the Kyuubi? "

This time however they contemplate before answering

" I believe that it should be around 1000 years or older "

" Most of the legends are older than that "

" To put it shortly, the Kyuubi is no longer the largest thing I know, neither is it the more experienced or destructive or immortal beast. I can only summon one of them and only in emergencies, but I will do my best to raise that number and even if I can't I will grow strong enough to deal with it myself "

Father straightens himself and speaks

" Are you completely sure about it? "

" The Kyuubi represents the ultimate chakra beast and I now know a pokemon that is their version of the shinigami, so yes I'm pretty sure "

My answer evidently staggers them as their calm break once again

" Pokemon? "

" Shinigami!! "

Father though, just looks at me and nods. Then he speaks and when he now speaks he speaks as the clan leader

" This secret is not to be spread outside the clan. Actually, keep it to yourselves, I will inform the elders that Shikamaru earned a normal but new summoning contract, and if you must slip something ensure that is what comes out "

At his command, because that is what it is, each of them responds with " Hai! ". Even mom, even me.

Some people raised some questions that I thought I should answer. So I’ll be doing these as authors thought

Why I brought Pokemon into this

A species who generally lives to be stronger, follows the law of the jungle and yet is able to coexist with humans. That is pretty much what summon clans of naruto are. The only difference here is that Pokemon are from another world and all that entails it. From that view point it felt that a crossover with Pokemon and naruto world was okay

Shanhe11916creators' thoughts