
Chapter 1 , Opening day

It was a normal day in the Kamado house hold deep in the cold mountains , well almost normal. 

Nezuko Kamado , the once sweet Angel that can do no wrong is going through puberty .

Tanjiro was the happiest about it , buying her pads and pain pills when the doctors refused.

He didn't understand why their mom says that she started to become disrespectful. 

He never did. 

Though Nezuko could be mad and angry at times he understands completely. 

He can literally smell her pain and hormone changes from a mile away .

Soon he started to comfort her when she and mom argue .

Mom started to get mad that he kept taking her side and slowly became narcissistic. 

Soon he couldn't stay near her for too long before needing a sweet scent .

Soon he sneaked into his mom's room to find a new disciplinary school for delinquents .

On it was his and Nezuko's names on the sign in paper .

Just because they didn't agree with anything she says .

He told his little siblings what he found and they were sad , Nezuko felt betrayed .

2 weeks later mom told him about it and he tried to act surprised , yet she noticed that he already had his bags packed .

When it was time to leave Nezuko and I went into the train. 

" Goodbye mom " 


Tanjiro POV

The school only had one floor , or that's what I supposedly thought before smelling life below.

Nezuko was amazed by the city and honestly , I was a little sick due to the overpowering scents.

At the front door I saw 2 people handing out papers and cards so I went there .

" Names ??" 

" Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado. "

I answered calmly and the 2 people gave me 2 numbers on weird cards and 2 papers.

" Ah , the Kamados .

Since you 2 were raised on the mountains I will explain to you what these are .

These are your room keys , without it you cannot enter your room.

The numbers shows you where your room is and the papers are your schedules , you are expected to be on every class . Now run along now . "

We nodd and went to inside the building before putting our keys into our luggage .

The building from the inside was the biggest place we ever entered .

We quickly went to the side to admire the view.

It had an elevator that leads to the under ground just like I suspected.

Nezuko decided to lead us to a giant gym room .

There were like more seats that I can imagine and more people sitting on it .

I walk towards some empty chairs and sat down.

Nezuko decided to sit next to my right.

Soon the whole room where chairs were filled with people .

By their scents I can tell that their ages ranges from 13 to 18 .

At the front was a huge podium and on the podium were 13 people standing near the principal. 

principal was a tall man with shoulder length black hair and a kind scent .

" Hello children , my name is Kagaya Ubayashiki, and next to me are your guidance council ."

The 13 people around the principal waves at the students , well except for 3.

And honestly I don't blame them .

The people sitting around me wasn't there sitting happily either.

" You must be curious on why you were sent here by your parents. 

You see , this school is a disciplinary one that will be here in Japan thanks to over 30 years of planning and testing to make sure you and your future will be good .

You all here were sent for different reason so we made these badges ."

On a big screen above the podium 8 badges were shown.

" Each represent what type of delinquent you are and for each badge you will have 1 or 2 council members to look after you and to make sure all rules are met , and for your knowledge I gave them complete control with their punishments , corporal or not."

The students were furious and wanted to rebel , but before they could the principal raised his finger to his mouth , silencing the whole place .

" And before you all argue both the Government and your guardians agreed to these before sending you here . 

We already gave you your dorm cards and your rooster. 

Yet we didn't tell you all the rules ."

The screen changed from changing from the badges to a few rules ; 

Rule number 1 : School starts at 9 :00 A.M and ends at 4 :00 P.M .

Rule number 2 : Dorms can be opened till 8 :30 P.M .

Rule number 3 : Smoking and drugs are strictly prohibited 

Rule number 4 : Interrupting class for non-important reasons is prohibited 

Rule number 5 : Trying to fight back the guidance council and teachers are prohibited .

Rule number 6 : Taking or stealing others badges, cards or schedules are prohibited .

Rule number 7 : Uniforms and books must be in order for weekly check-ups 

Rule number 8 : No devices in class unless it is permitted by teachers

The rules honestly wasn't that bad, but oddly enough I can smell dissatisfaction all around me .

And soon after 30 minutes of talking we were guided to the dorm rooms who were behind the school .

It was huge .

Me and Nezuko went to our dorm rooms and started to look around .

It had a small kitchen, a small living room with a small sofa and a small T.V .

Nezuko was more exited of getting a private room with her own bed .

I was too ofcourse but I was happier noticing that Nezuko was happy .

I thought that she would be sad but luckily she was on the positive .

I unpacked our stuff and after 30 mind we went to our bedrooms to rest . 

Nezuko's POV : 

The school wasn't so bad yet , this place was a blessing in disguise .

Ever since my period came mom changed. 

She was more rude and often wanted me to watch over all of my siblings more , ofcourse I refused since I don't want to .

I also asked for privacy but she called me selfish, even though she has her own room to sleep alone in .

I was honestly surprised when Tanjiro took my side of the argument and helped me through it.

Though I was even more surprised that mom sent us to a disciplinary school for delinquents .

I was actually heart broken for a little, but seeing that I get to get a private room and personal space made it a little better .

I climbed onto the soft bed with a smile. 

Maybe this won't be so bad

So , what do you all think ??

I hope it isn't corny (0-0)

Amy555creators' thoughts