

The year 2050 is when it all started. December 31, at midnight, is when the first gate to another world appeared, releasing all types of creatures on Earth. Goblins, dragons, undead, elves and almost every fantasy being you can think of was released.

It started off small, with weaker beings being the first to come over. As time progressed, the gates stabilized and Earth became part of the larger cosmos, which was thought to be a mere fairytale before. The more evil races, such as goblins and undead, killed and pillaged without mercy. The first year, half of the humans on earth had died, while the others started to adapt. Human technology before the gates didn't work against the creatures. Normal guns would barely make a dent in a goblin, much less a dragon. 

Luckily, the integration into the larger cosmos came with the System. The System is a mysterious phenomenon that quantifies each being into an interface. Unlike the gods, which came after, the System is on an even higher level then space and time, interwoven into reality. Using the parts of monsters and beings in the gate, the humans were finally able to fight back against them. Once the gates stabilized, then true human nature started to show. 

Even before the gods arrived, humans were already starting to monopolize the wealth and power of the world. The powerful humans started acting according to their deepest and darkest desires, committing atrocities as they pleased. Entire towns were wiped off the map, for as little as an argument between powerhouses. 

The gods arrived in 2055, splitting the new territory of earth while waging wars using their apostles. The apostles were chosen from the remaining humans, and the gods could help give them power. Even though they cannot control the system, they do have the power to affect it. The apostles became the most-sought position because it came with newfound power and authority. With this power, murder and slavery became a common occurrence. The gods cared little for human life, doing as they wished without repercussions.

By the year 2100, the gods had consolidated their power and the large wars were over. This is when Alex Woodly's journey truly begins. 

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