

The hall way was as deserted as usual, the bells that meant close of the school day had rang nothing less than three hours ago, there was quite a lot of mess left behind.

The cream coloured tiles were dazed by muddy footprints and the trash bins were nearly filled to the top, every drag, drip and squeeze echoed round the empty classes, the offices, and the walls, as he pulled the bucket of soapy water along with him.

It was his job to always keep it clean, he hated his job, but he hated the kids more, he hated the way they always laughed at him, at how he could hardly stand straight, why he always wore one particular uniform.

They called him all sorts of names, spooky, moody, trash. But he had a name, a name he never told anyone, a name that made him sick to his stomach.

He hated it as much as he hated the person who had given it to him, he wanted nothing to do with it, nothing to do with his past, his life was trash but at least it was better than what it had been before.

He didn't want to remember, but the memories kept on coming anyway, there was a fire, a tree, a group of tall dirty people, they had long nails, blood red eyes, long hair like the leaves of a whimping willow, and sharp teeth that tore through flesh.

Their dirty faces brightened at the sight of the fire, they wanted it, they danced around it, it was one of the two things they loved, that and the smell, and taste of blood.

" Kyle !!, breakfast's ready, come down now or you're going to be late for school " a woman's voiced sprang up the stairs into Kyle's room.

Kyle, a young teenage boy laid down on his bed, already dressed for school, he held a book over his face but quickly closed it as soon as he heard the voice of his mom.

" Coming ma ! " he shouted back, and pushed the blanket from his body, throwing his legs down from the bed, and dropped the horror novel he had been reading inside his school bag, before heading for the door.

Rushing down the stairs, he tried to grab hold of his bag as it almost slipped from his hand. He brushed his hand over his hair, pulling back the stray strands in place as he moved even closer to the table.

" Sweety, take it easy, what were you doing up there, you are going to be late young man " the familiar voice of his mother scolded.

Louise, Kyle's mom, was no doubt an attractive woman, she had an admirable figure, not exactly voluptuous but her curves suited her perfectly, her long blonde hair that normally fell over her shoulders tied up into a well packed bun, and her big blue eyes adjusted to Kyle as soon as he made his way to the table.

Louise however, didn't fancy yelling at her 15 year old son, a soft voice that made it difficult most times when she had to yell at her young son who more often than not was up to one mischief or the other didn't help her situation, wiping her hands clean with the napkin before letting it land softly on the table, she shot him a questioning look as he attempted to spread mayonnaise on his sandwich.

Oblivious of his mother's gaze, he continued to spread the mayonnaise over the slice of bread he had on his hand, she raised an eyebrow, spotting something in his bag, and as though he could sense her stare he pulled his face up to meet her infamous ' you think you're so smart ' mother's look.

Instantly her eyes travelled to his half zipped bag, where the red cover of his horror book stuck out, and once he followed her stare, he spotted it as well, fully aware of the situation, he slowly lifted up his head, deliberately avoiding her burning gaze, but could very well see her outstretched hand in front of him, the silent gesture that spoke a ton of messages.

If there was one thing that she couldn't condone, it was him going to school with that horror novel of his, somehow he had figured out where she hid it the last time she took it away from him, but judging from the angry, tough mom look she had going now, he was almost sure he would have a harder time finding it if she decided to hide it this time. Putting up a show as though he was completely oblivious of the mystery behind her outstretched hand, he frowned and arched an eyebrow feigning confused.

" Why is your hand like that ? " he questioned, looking awkwardly at her hand, while chewing on his sandwich.

" Ky...le, " she threatened, narrowing her gaze on him, " give it " she ordered, in between clenched teeth.

" What are you talking about mom ? " he questioned, putting up an act .

" Kyle !!! " she suddenly screamed, looking even angrier, and opened her big eyes even more "

" Okay Mom, it's just that it gets so boring at school some times " he grumbled, dropping his shoulders in defeat.

" Hand .... it ... over " she concluded, counting her words.

The look in her eyes already told him she had made her decision and nothing he was going to do would change that, he dropped his face on the table, but raised his eyes up, slowly squeezing his lips into a pleading pout, still, the fierce look on her face wouldn't budge, dropping his head in defeat he slowly reached into his bag, but hesitated in pulling the book out, and just as he was about to hand it to her, the door swung open, diverting his mother's attention, and giving him enough time to slide the book back into his bag.

Grace, a beautiful, young lawyer, and an old friend of Kyle's mom walked through the open doors, just in time for Kyle to get out without his mom noticing.

" Grace ? what a wonderful surprise, i didn't know you were in town, " Ashley, Kyle's mother said on seeing her old friend.

" I came around yesterday, thought i might as well pay you a visit while I'm here, " Grace replied smiling, and wrapped her hands round Ashley in a warm embrace.

" Well you know you're always welcome here " Ashley replied, hugging her as well.

" Was that Kyle, he is so big now, " Grace gestured towards the boy as he walked towards the street, last time I saw him, he was what ? like ten years old ? " Grace asked smiling. " They sure grow up fast " Grace said.

" Tell me about it " Ashley said, rolling her eyes. " That boy is a handful " she said smiling, " so, what brings a big time lawyer like you to these parts of town ? " Ashley asked, as she made her way for the fridge, and grabbed a soda.

" I'm working on a case, " Grace replied, sitting down on the couch.

" Wow, must be a tough one " Ashley said, handing her the soda, and positioning herself on the other end of the couch so she and Grace sat across from each other.

" Well, aren't they all " Grace replied smiling, before gulping down her soda.

" How is Brad, you guys still together ? " Ashley asked innocently.


" You should know, i mean you're his sister " Grace replied.

" Well Brad and i don't really talk that much " Ashley said, sounding disappointed, i never really could understand that guy " she continued to say .

" Well then that makes two of us "'Grace responded, now she was the one sounding disappointed, and seemed to drift off into her thoughts, but quickly shook it off before Ashley could take notice.

" So this case, what have they got you doing ? " Ashley asked and sipped from her soda.

" Mopping up their trash as usual, but it's nothing i can't handle, " Grace said confidently, but her look suggested she didn't feel as confident as she tried to make it seem she did.

" Grace " Ashley said, holding Grace's left shoulder with one hand and then her right shoulder with another hand, and turned her so they faced each other, and then she made Grace look at her .

" What is it ? " Ashley asked, fixing her eyes on Grace, who seemed reluctant to talk at first, but then finally spoke.

" Remember that case from 10 years ago " Grace asked.

Ashley made a face as if she did, but later gave up, " You'll have to be a little more specific " Ashley said.

" The one with the phidophile" Grace said, trying to spark Ashley's memory, who now nodded in response.

" Well i reopened that case, i don't know why, call it a hunch, but somehow i believe that man was innocent all these while " Grace said.

" Grace, you yourself put him behind bars, you handled the case that got him in jail, there were evidences stating he was guilty of the crime, hand prints, i'm no lawyer but proof like that can't just be ignored, " Ashley said, trying to sound more reasonable. " Grace, whatever you did, you did because that man was guilty of the crime, and nothing else " Ashley said.

Grace wanted to believe her words, but something inside her told her it was more than that, still she didn't feel like dragging the issue and only nodded, " maybe you're right, maybe i'm just being paranoid " Grace said.

" Hey, whatever it is, you know you can tell me about it right ? " Ashley said, trying to make Grace feel more comfortable.

" I know " Grace replied, and shot her a warm smile.

" That's better, come here " Ashley said, and put her arms around Grace in a warm hug.

" Are you cooking something ? " Grace asked, when she perceived something burning.

" No " Ashley replied, " why do you ask ? " Ashley asked and pulled away from her.

" Smells like... gas " Grace said, and suddenly the puzzled look on her face grew stiff, she realized what was happening, and what would happen if they didn't move.

" Ashley out now !! " Grace screamed, and the moment they ran out, the living room, the porch and the entire house went up with a booming explosion, catapulting splinters and shards of glass everywhere, leaving behind only a burning building and the wail of triggered cars, not to mention a petrified Grace and Ashley who stared frightfully at the horrific sight of the building that was now up in flames and a cloud of thick black smoke.


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