
Chapter 2: Evil Sect Disciples Are Dangerous

Feng Xin returned to the sect and met with the stone faced instructor. The instructor looked at him but said nothing in the end.

After waiting for twenty minutes, no one else returned.

"You may return to your cave." The instructor said and left.

Feng Xin went to his cave. A stone bed with straw pillow, a bamboo slip illustrating the Blood Rupturing Palm Technique and some other things. His room was extremely simple and dull.

The next day, a bountiful amount of cultivation resources were delivered to his room. The pills were enough to last him a year, there were some for healing and he even got a weapon. In addition to this, he was given 300 pieces of spirit stones. He was probably the riches person in the outer sect disciples now.

The person who brought the goods dared not to stay longer and quickly left.

Today was a rest day and there were no missions assigned to his batch. It was a good time to increase his knowledge.

The library was simply a large carve illuminated by glowing stones. It looked creepy.

He payed the keeper for a days worth and entered, he begun reading books about history, then geography and then the about martial arts.

It was the same for the following days. He avoided interacting with the other disciples who were quietly reading. He knew that people who joined such evil sect were all dangerous. He wanted nothing to do with them.

Gaining enough knowledge allowed him to finally start training other martial art skills. He visited the corresponding facility and started browsing for what he needed. It wasn't a cave this time but a late building filled with bamboo slips and scrolls.

He read carefully and tucked in a couple of scrolls before paying the fee and leaving.

Back to his cave, Feng Xin started practicing his Blood Rupturing Palm in the walls of his cave. There were already countless dents made by the previous owner.

After doing so and increasing his proficiency in it, he started studying the two scrolls he took.

One was a lightness skill called Buzzing Step. It did not sound impressive but Feng Xin was interested in the principle behind the skill.

This skill requires a high control of the contraction of the muscles and Qi flow. It was very difficult for outer sect disciples like him. It had a record of crippling practitioners who did not have a durable flesh. The vibrations ripped their muscle tissue apart, some of them just exploded on the spot. Of course, Feng Xin knew nothing about this and the keeper did not bother to remind him.

Once someone mastered this skill, it was possible to travel at the speed of sound.

The next was a simple skill. Shadow Concealment. It enables him to hide his presence by regulating his breath and Qi flow in dark places.

Both skills were necessary for his escape plan.

Later at noon, someone informed him of the next mission. Kill five Demon Beasts on the southern forest. Feng Xin's face turned pale.

This was a mission for an entire batch, but he was a single person now after committing the massacre yesterday.

If he failed to complete the mission, the monthly resources allocated into him will not be given. In addition, he had to pay a penalty fee of at least five spirit stones. Once he failed to complete a mission and unable to pay the penalty fee, he would be forced to leave the sect. Officially leaving the sect means death.

Right now he has 300 spirit stones in him, it could last him for six missions.

Feng Xin will not waste those spirit stones for paying the penalty. He sat down and took a handful spirit stones and begun cultivating. With the aid of spirit stones, his cultivation soared quickly.

The original Feng Xin was at the Level of Martial Apprentice stage 2, nothing too impressive. At the end of his training he broke through and reached stage 4. If he had more time, he would have broken through stage 5 as well and enter the inner sect.

Feng Xin spent the day training the movement and concealment skills that he have. He almost injured himself in the process, fortunately, he was cautious and always vigilant.

He gained a minor achievement in his Shadow Concealment, as for Buzzing Steps, he decided to temporarily set it aside. A minor mistake had cause temporary numbness to his feet.

Feng Xin reported to the instructor on the following day. It was only him and the stone faced man.

"Your targets this time are the Blood Stalking Cats or the Wise Frogs at the Twisted Grove, either of the two. You have 2 weeks to complete the mission. Bring five heads in before the deadline. Is that clear?"

Feng Xin nodded and turned away. He has to prepare for his things. He used some of his spirit stones to buy some crossbows and arrows, he also bought some toxins. He tucked in his dagger, the extra reward he got from the monthly allowance. His clothes were overlapped by light leather vest.

He set off before noon and walked deeper into the Demon Beasts territory. Both creatures were comparable to a Martial Apprentice stage 5. The might of an inner disciple. Monster were usually even stronger than their human counterpart.

The Blood Stalking Cats were difficult to find so he went to marsh, the territory of the Wise Frogs. He didn't expect to see another group of outer sect disciples trying to hunt his targets.

"Let's surround it, attack it from a distance and avoid getting too close!"

"Su Lei, don't get too close to Xinyue! Leave enough space for maneuvers!"


Feng Xin backed off from the group and his behind a thick foliage. He waited and then there were footsteps and murmurs. It seemed that they were talking about their losses. They have sacrificed lives and yet they were unable to beat even a single frog.

Feng Xin have no business with the group from a different batch, killing them brings no benefit. Getting involved with evil sect members is also dangerous, who knows if they were nuts in the head. So he chose to hide.

The group was tired, physically and mentally. They probably won't return until tomorrow.

It was Feng Xin's turn to give a try. He went to the swamp and ignored the corpses that were attracting flies. Blood dyed the mud red, broken tissues and body parts scattered around.

A frog the size of an adult man was lazily submerged in the mud. Feng Xin have observed from the battle that it's skin was thick enough to shrug off a sword strike.

His arrows probably won't do better unless he aimed it at a vulnerable part such as the eyes, or the belly.

Feng Xin aimed his crossbow and fired.

The frog opened its eyes and whipped with its tongue, smashing the arrow to pieces.

Some of the metal part scratched the tongue. Although the toxin wasn't enough to cause a systemic effect, the wound have turned purple and started swelling rapidly.

The toxin was originally used for bleeding, but an extra amount of it caused the blood within the area to coagulate rapidly, clogging up the blood flow in the target area. Over time, the tissue would die from necrosis.

This wasn't enough to kill the frog. Feng Xin dropped the crossbow to the ground and took his dagger before attacking.

The long flexible tongue lashed out. Feng Xin bent on all fours, letting it pass over his head. The tongue quickly retracted, however, Feng Xin suddenly appeared and grabbed it with a vice like grip and drove his dagger viciously.

The frog croaked loudly. Qi gathered on the tongue and blasted him away. Feng Xin landed on the mud as he continued his mad offense.

The frog became furious, it's tongue was badly disfigured and the pain unbearable. It opened its mouth and gathered Qi inside, forming a ball of fire. The ember light filled the swamp, the muddy water reflected the color of flame. It was as though the entire place was burning.

Feng Xi turned around and went to escape. Even from such distance, he could feel the heat scorching his back. He picked up his crossbow and ran as fast he he could.

Accompanied by hot air, the fireball shot forth toward his retreating back. Feng Xin suddenly jumped to side. His clothes caught fire immediately. The fireball exploded ahead of him and caused the water to boil with hot vapor rising up from the site.

Feng Xin quickly got up and distanced himself. It only then that he realized the power of a demon beast. It would take an entire day to take it down with his current ability.

If he learnt even a lightness skill, perhaps it would have saved him time.

He carefully observed the frog. It looked a bit tired after the attack. It's body was expanding and contracting rapidly, the mouth was hung opened to allow entry for air.

Feng Xin dashed in a zigzagged pattern, his dagger swept through the air as he thrusted it to the creature's eyes.


The dagger managed to go through, but the viscous tongue whipped him away. Some of his bones were broken as a result.

The frog opened its mouth and started forming another fireball. But it was interrupted by a sudden seizure. There was incomprehension in the frog's eyes. It's muscles were twitching uncontrollably. It suddenly fell down with a splash.

The poison from his dagger quickly acted on its brain. It laid down on the ground with its limbs twitching. The remaining eyes stared blankly.

Feng Xin approached carefully. Its chest was still rising up and down. Seeing that he wasn't attacked yet, Feng Xin stood in awe of the effectiveness of the poison. It acted in just a second and downed a massive beast like this.

Feng Xin smashed his palm on the frog's head and the sound made by the impact sounded like a clap. The beast's head shrank like a deflated ballon, small amount of blood leaked out from its orifices.

He struggled to cut the head off. After half an hour, he mange to get it off. He squeezed out the blood and put it on his sack.

The burden was minor with his stage 4 cultivation, his broken bones ached a bit but that's it. He strode back to his path and returned to the sect.

A random busybody have intercepted his path however.

There were ten of them and they greedily eyed the bloodied sack on his back.

"Friend, is that a Demon Beast? Why don't you give it to us, we will help you transport it to the sect." said their leader.

Feng Xin was right that these brats are very dangerous. One can't really underestimate an evil sect.

Feng Xin scanned them, their cultivation didn't seem to have reached stage 4 yet, some of them were even weaker but none lower than stage 2.

The group silently went to position to surround him.

Feng Xin dropped the sack with a thud. While everyone else was looking at it, he activate Shadow Concealment, further turning away all attentions from him.

The sect prohibited anyone from killing a person from other batches, but Feng Xin did not care. He was talented and he would soon enter the inner sect by the time they found out about this murder.

He moved to the closest person and slashed his carteroid artery. Blood flowed out like small fountain. Everyone else was shocked, they did not expect their target to kill without any ounce of hesitation.

Feng Xin, a stage 4 Martial Practitioner, was like a wolf among sheep. He does not have any movement skills, but he was experienced in one vs many situations. He had honed his footwork and positioning. Wherever he passed by, terrible screams would ensue. The disciples were clutching their bloodied neck as they knelt down. Fear of death was evident in their eyes.

Seeing the situation turn south, many of them turned to run.

Feng Xin took out his crossbows and shot them one by one. His aim was decent, some were killed instantly but most of them were grievously injured. The sect was still far away, enough time to track them off later.

Now Feng Xin was facing off against the leader. It was a young man aged around 15, a senior member among the outer sect disciples. He was experienced in various martial arts but in front of Feng Xin, all his hit landed on air.

He desperately tried to resist but his arms were crippled the moment a palm smashed it through. Feng Cin also felt pain from his previous injuries, but his willpower was stronger.

The leader screamed in agony, trying to shout for help as he turned to escape. Feng Xin shot his head with an arrow. He eyed the surrounding corpses and silently counted them before leaving to pursue the rest.

Most of them thought that they were safe once they escaped, thinking the no one have enough time to bother with them. They were wrong however.

When the bloodied figure of Feng Xin appeared in their eyes, it felt like their heart fell. Their heart beat fast and they were trembling all the same, his sudden appearance was just like a ghost. Feng Xin quickly finished them off.

Others did not even get the chance to see their murderer. They were shot by an arrow from their blindspots.

Feng Xin finally settled all the accounts, a total of ten corpses. He returned and counted the corpses and looked for new traces. Their position was just as before, the surrounding was also the same. Indicating that no one came and saw this gruesome massacre.

Feng Xin collected the arrows then he tied the corpses together before dragging them deep into the forest. It was a tiresome task but it was necessary. He found a natural pit, threw them in and set it aflame. He watched the fire until sun set and buried the remains.

He collected the Demon Beast head and went back to the sect to report.

Next chapter