
Ch-3: A Mother's Embrace

I stepped through the front door, and there she was – my mother, bathed in the soft, warm light of our living room. Memories from my previous life flooded in, and I couldn't hold back the tears.

But before I could even utter a word, her loving arms enveloped me in a comforting hug. "What's the matter, my dear?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern. "Did something happen at school? Did you have a falling out with a girl? Ah, the joys and sorrows of youth.

Her words were like a soothing melody to my soul. In that very moment, I realized that I cherished this mother just as deeply as the one I had in my previous life. Her embrace, her familiar scent – it all felt so genuine, so heartwarming.

I sniffled, but these were tears of gratitude and love. "No, Mom," I replied, my voice trembling with emotion. "I'm okay, really. It was just a strange day at school."

She gave me a knowing smile, as if she could sense that there were thoughts and feelings I couldn't quite put into words. "You know you can always talk to me about anything, right? Dinner will be ready soon, so go wash up."

I nodded, feeling a profound sense of comfort wash over me. As I made my way to my room, I couldn't help but reflect on everything that had transpired. This new life, this new family – it was all still sinking in. But as I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging, a sense of being right where I was meant to be.

This was my opportunity, my second chance at life. It was a chance to protect the people I cared about and to unravel the mysteries of this manga-inspired world. With my newfound powers and the warmth of my family's love, I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

So, there I was, back in my room after that super weird meeting with mom. I couldn't shake off the excitement as I opened my status window. And guess what? Right there, in the Hado section, were ten Hado spells staring back at me. Problem was, I could only remember two of them from the anime. It felt like I'd just stumbled upon a jackpot of hidden powers.


Hado Section

1. Hado #1 - Sho

2. Hado #2 - Zephyr

3. Hado #3 - Gansakuken

4. Hado #4 - Byakurai

5. Hado #5 - Raitenka

6. Hado #6 - Hishoken

7. Hado #7 - Soraburu

8. Hado #8 - Genjitsu

9. Hado #9 - Kokonoha

10. Hado #10 - Fukushinzan


Starting somewhere had to be a thing, right? So, I decided to kick things off with Hado #1. I tried to sound all serious and confident, like those anime characters. I pointed my finger like I knew what I was doing and said, "Hado #1 - Sho!"

**Ding:** <Congratulations, Ridhiro! You've successfully cast Hado.>

<System>: **Hado #1 - Sho (Thrust):** <A basic offensive spell that releases a small, concentrated burst of spiritual energy from the caster's finger or palm.>

But hold on to your hats because what happened next was bonkers. Instead of a little sparkle or a gentle nudge, a blinding light shot out from my finger. It zipped over to a tree nearby, and then... BOOM! It exploded like there was no tomorrow.

I swear, the light turned into this massive force. The explosion was so loud; it felt like the whole neighborhood got slapped awake. Windows shook, and birds freaked out and flew away, thinking the world was ending or something.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I looked at the mess that used to be a tree. Hado #1 had done a number on it, breaking the trunk and sending leaves everywhere. It was like a confetti party of destruction.

As the dust settled, it hit me: I'd just unlocked something huge inside me. No longer just a bystander in my favorite anime world, I was a player now, armed with the insane power of Hado.

My heart raced with excitement and adventure. With nine more Hado spells to figure out and master, I was ready to dive headfirst into this Bleach-inspired world, all while trying to keep my cool in the face of these newfound, wild powers.

After that wild Hado experiment, I couldn't resist taking a peek at the Bakudo spells. There they were, listed neatly, all ten of them. But here's the kicker – just like with Hado, I could only recall two from the anime. It felt like the universe was playing a prank on me, saving all the cool stuff for later or something.


Bakudo Section

1. Bakudo #1 - Sai

2. Bakudo #2 - Tsunagi

3. Bakudo #3 - Kanshi

4. Bakudo #4 - Hainawa

5. Bakudo #5 - Shuuchuuryoku

6. Bakudo #6 - Jakuhou

7. Bakudo #7 - Hogo

8. Bakudo #8 - Seki

9. Bakudo #9 - Geki

10. Bakudo #10 - Chikara no Kabe


But hey, I was pumped up with my newfound powers, and that curiosity itch needed scratching. So, I decided to mess with a lizard. Yeah, I know it sounds kinda random, but that's the fun of it, right? I raised my finger, trying to channel my inner amateur sorcerer – zero experience but a boatload of excitement. With all the seriousness I could muster, I went for it: "Bakudo #1 - Sai!"

**Ding:** <Congratulations, Ridhiro! You've successfully cast Bakudo.>

<System>: **Bakudo #1 - Sai (Restrain):** <A fundamental binding spell that creates a weak, ethereal restraint around the target, temporarily limiting their movements.>

And then, something seriously crazy happened. That laid-back lizard, basking in the sun like it owned the place, freaked out. It froze mid-crawl, eyes wide with terror, and plopped onto the ground like a limp noodle. I stood there, mouth agape, wondering if I'd just turned into a lizard hypnotist or something.

Then, the truth hit me like a brick – I'm petrified by the poor thing with fear. I forgot about my fear for lizards. My amateurish attempt at Bakudo had transformed the lizard into a living statue near my feet. In a fit of panic myself, I let out a scream that probably freaked the lizard out even more, and I sprinted away from the bewildered reptile.

So now, not only did I have these unexpected powers, but I'd also discovered my secret talent for scaring the daylights out of lizards. I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. With a heart full of excitement and more Hado and Bakudo spells waiting to be uncovered, I continued my exploration, eager to see what other bizarre surprises this Bleach-inspired world had in store for me.

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