
Chapter 1. Essence Of Kidnapping.

In a dark ally 4 youngsters, we're sitting in a circle as one of them was busy dividing the money between them.

"One for Snotty, One for Bone's, One for the dagger, and two for me."

the same thing repeated by the person over and over until there is only one buck left.

The person who was doing the spilt is the boss, and his name is Kun, and his gang call him Kidnapper Kun.

They all looked at each other as no one wanted to back down, all of them were getting ready to attack each other.

'Pat, Pat, Pat'

three Slaps sounded like the person who was dividing the money hit the other three, as he glared at them.

"The Fuck you all about to do, we are a professional group and there is no fight allowed, That's our Kidnapper Code."

he was the leader of this small group as they all earned small money by doing small kidnapping, like Kidnapping the dog from the garden, or stealing something that other people want, like once a lady hired them to steal her neighbour's new clothes.

they were a pretty well-known gang around the Downtown, as they called themselves Red Scorpion Gang.

and currently, they were struggling with money as they haven't received a single kidnapping contract in months.

"Boss it can't go on like this, look at my skinny body how slim I had become, Whaaa"

Guy named Snotty who was the fattest man you have ever seen said, as his speciality was running in a breakneck speed as no one can stop him or follow him if he started running like a raging bull, Many people who tried to stop him ended in hospital.

he was also the main guy who jumps on the victims to make them unconscious as he carries them and runs away.

"You all need to be patient, Kidnapping is an art and as an artist, you need to have a calm mindset to perform your jobs very fast without any mistakes."

but it still didn't improve the mind of others, he sighed as he stood up, he looked towards the clouds as his back faced them, as he was standing like some enlightened Master.

"It can't be helped, since you all are still new to this profession, so let me ask you all."

as he moved again and faced them this time as he looked towards the other three, with deep gaze.

"Have you ever heard about God Palm Kidnapper Manual? "

all three of them nodded in unison.

"Isn't that the legendary secret manual, From Kidnapper Goda Sect."

Dagger asked towards the Boss.

"Yes, and as your boss let me teach you the essence of kidnapping from the secret manual."

"All the things in this universe have Kidnapper qi Within it."

"and we all Kidnappers Cultivate in this world by absorbing the Kidnapper Qi, it helps us in getting more powerful as it also helps us in our jobs to survive."

"But the most important part of this Kidnapper Technique is to cultivate your mind as a kidnapper who is always calm and compassionate towards it's target."

"Feel the Qi all around you slowly as then start to absorb it and channel to towards your Dantian, the Qi will slowly start to compress itself and form a Liquefied Kidnapper essence."

"And that essence will help you cultivate your mind."

all three of them were listening to him with utmost concentration.

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