
Normal life

Lily, a normal 15 year old girl was laying in her bed on her phone. It was late at night and her parents were getting read to go to bed. Lily heard a knock at the door and her dad opened it. A small group of army soldiers surrounded the property and the general asked to come in. Lily's mom went and joined her dad at the door. They said yes he can come in, but had a few questions. The general asked were lily was. Lily's mom wanted to know why and asked. The general simply said that Lily has been selected for a new program. Lily was listening very intently and checked her window only to find the solders in her yard. The program takes one girl that has 3 or more kids that like her. They get the girl and all of her lovers and put them on a train, each one has there own car on the train. The girl will be on the train until she is over 18 and only has one lover left. Lily gasped and sank down in front of her door. She started to cry and come up with a plan. Her mind was empty so she continued to listen in on the conversation. The general asked one more time, where is Lily? This time he was upset. Her parents refused to tell, so the general tied her parents up and started going through the house checking every nick and cranny for Lily. She couldn't let her parents get hurt so she came out of her room and asked who he was looking for. The general said you with a sly smile. Lily decided to get a bit sassy and answered with, are you sure I'm the one you are looking for. My name isn't Lily. You have the wrong family. Her mom understood what she was doing and decided to play along. She said, that is the truth, her daughters name is Samantha and not Lily. The general decided to continue going through things in Lily's room to prove that he had he right family. He eventually found Lily's memory box and went through the diplomas that had Lily's name on all of them.

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