
STRUGGLE : since her birth

It was twelve at night and sky of the village Sonepur was covered with thick black clouds. Soon it started raining along with thunderstorm. The midnight sky was getting lightened up like it's day. The wind was blowing too hard and every resident of the village Sonepur were locked inside their houses. The atmosphere was as if something catastrophic event is going to occur. Everywhere in the village there was darkness except in the house of the sarpanch Kaluram's residence. His daughter in law was pregnant and except the sound of thunder storm the only sound which was audible in the whole village was the sound of her screaming because of agony. Then suddenly along with the sound of the wind her screaming also stopped and it was replaced by soothing sound of a healthy baby girl crying in the warm laps of her grandmother. The lap of grandmother was warm and the baby girl soon calmed down but her mother's whole body turned pale and cold. Soon the father of that baby girl came inside the room, he was stunned on seeing that in one corner his wife Sarla was lying dead and in the other corner his newly born daughter was sleeping calmly. That night passed away and bright morning came up with birds chirping and cuckoo sitting beside the window and singing song with joy, as if they were there to welcome the new one but everyone was not happy and celebrating as Kaluram wanted a baby boy and Mohanram, his son was too depressed as his loving wife had passed away. After few days , Mohanram also passed away out of depression. Time is said to be the best healer. And it healed everything, after ten years everything was back to normal. Laxmi was a pretty girl who was running around the house searching for her grandmother. But she was not able to find her as she had went to the market to sell the pottery which she made in her house itself hiding from her husband in order to collect money for her granddaughter's school fee. Kaluram was strictly against educating Laxmi as according to him educating a girl child is just wastage of money and he wanted to do her marriage as soon as possible . He was too much influenced by the social evils prevailing in our society. He was still the sarpanch of the village and a hardworking person. He was respected by everyone in the village and his each and every words were followed like gospels of God. Laxmi studied in a small school, nearby the village. She went to school hiding from her grandfather. Kaluram also did not gave much attention on her as he used to be too much busy with all the events occurring in that village. She was the brightest student of her school and wanted to become a renowned lawyer. But between her and her dreams there was lying a huge obstacle, that is; our patriarchal society which is against a girl child's education and which treats a girl child as an asset. Some students of the school were jealous of her because she was the topper. So, they used to disturb her. A boy named Raman who belonged to the same village as that of Laxmi, one day out of anger went to Kaluram and told him everything about Laxmi that she used to attend school and her grandmother used to pay her fees. Kaluram busted out of anger and he shouted. He called his wife and started beating her. And he decided to do marriage of his granddaughter very next month itself. Soon the date of Laxmi's marriage came. The whole venue of marriage was decorated beautifully with lights and garland of flowers. The musicians at the orchestra were playing songs and all the guests were enjoying there time. But the atmosphere was completely different in the brides room. Laxmi was crying in her grandma's laps same as at the time of her birth as she do not wanted to get married and desired to pursue her higher studies. Then on seeing her granddaughter in such sorrowful condition grandmother asked her to run away by giving her thousand rupees and an address of her old friend written on a piece of paper. Laxmi ran away from the venue and flee to Patna.

Fifteen years passed by, now Laxmi has became a renowned young lawyer. Then one day she decided to re-visit her village and meet her grandparents. She went to that village and the old house in which she used to live. She finds that the house is locked. She asks about her grandparents from an old person who was sitting under the nearby banyan tree. And that person told her that her grandmother is no more and her grandfather is under police custody as he is accused for being involved in corruption in order to win the election. He also says that today is the date of hearing of his case in the court. Laxmi quickly runs to the court and reaches there just before the commencement of hearing. Her grandfather started crying after seeing her and told her that he is not involved in any illegal practices its just the plan of opposition to send him to the jail. So, they can win the election easily. Laxmi took this case in her hand and by her hard-work and knowledge she won the case.

On seeing this, Kaluram felt proud and understood the importance of girl child's education. This act came up as an inspiration for every villagers. And girl child education was made compulsory in the village Sonepur. Now, every girl of the village will be "LAXMI".