
The Big Accident

Asuka: 2 years old

Tsuna: 5 years old

Ieyatsu: 10 years old

God gave him three gifts which are his rain guardian, Heavenly Chef cooking set, and battle suit, unlike the clothes. The rain guardian is similar to Byakuran ghost but it's not from a parallel world. God personally created and say it's your shadow the gender who be determined by you if you become a girl it would become a girl. It would always wear a mask if you want to switch or something else it can pretend to be you even Reborn would not notice. It priority would be to keep you alive but it would behave the same as you. It would be absolute loyalty to you. It has Ghost ability also. It would know what to do and what not to do just think as an extra body. The battle suit is created for battle only it has more defense mechanism, can block a sneak attack, have clothes function, and more function.

Tsuna suddenly has a bad feeling for the same sex as the shadow. Tsuna uses VHI to check but nothing bad is going to happen so Tsuna ignored it.

Tsuna: 'Yuki my stats please'

Yuki: 'Yes Master,

Age: 5 years old

Title: Reincarnated, Heavenly Chef

Energy type: Dying Will Flame: Chaos

Body Constitution: E

Chaos Flame control: 19.99%

GKP (Good Karma Point): 1001000

BKP (Bad Karma Point): 0

Intelligence: A+

Wisdom: C

Luck: EX

Battle Mode: 29 mins 59 seconds

Talent: Battle Sense, Vongola Hyper Intuition (VHI or HI)

Potential: Limitless

Shop: (USE KP only)

Missions: To be ready to be born (Completed), Mom's Jealously and Mom's Confession (Grade: EX)

Inventory: Void, Sakura, Heavenly Chef cooking set, A cloth, a battle suit, eight box weapons, headphone, a contact lens, eight rings, 8 notes from god'


When Tsuna is three years old their sister was born on March 21. When his sister is born REMS was on for one hour but everyone expects Tsuna forget about. Tsuna was surprised that her sister and her REMS purity is 100% and it's no rejection from each other what even more is that compatibility was so high. His sister instinctively shut down REMS.

Tsuna: 'What the hell happened Yuki?'

Yuki: 'Master, your sister compatibility with REMS is too high which make REMS evolve even further which even God didn't expect.'

Tsuna: 'Is it a good thing or a bad thing?'

Yuki: 'Good Master.'

Tsuna: 'Okay'

Suddenly the sky ring begins to shine a little then stopped. Tsuna didn't see that. His mama and papa was here

Nana: "Tsuna how about you give your sister a name please don't be a fish like Ieyatsu."

Ieyatsu blushed never thought that black history would come out like that.

Tsuna: 'Never will I give my sister a name that like Ieyatsu.'

Tsuna: "Sawada Asuka, how about it mama?"

Nana: "I agree with you, a lot better than the name I thought of."

Iemitsu: "I agree too, a lot better this time than when your brother names you."

Nana and Iemitsu were laughing. Ieyatsu wants to dig a hole and hide there because of shame.

This time they get to celebrate without any important thing happening, unlike what happened in Tsuna birthday.

Tsuna looks at Asuka stats but regrets it later

Tsuna: 'Yuki shows me Asuka stats, talent (originally he can do already), and potential

Tsuna: 'Yuki my stats please'

Yuki: 'Yes Master,

Name: Sawada Asuka

Age: 0 years old

Energy type: Dying Will Flame: Sky

Body Constitution: Ex

Intelligence: SSS or S+

Wisdom: AAA or A+

Luck: FFF or F- (The world still don't accept her)

Talent: Kendo, REMS, Scythe user, Fast Learner, VHI, Comprehension is very fast, one-word genius

Potential: Bro-con, peerless beauty, assassin, and anything she wishes to become.'

Tsuna really regrets it all his stats are lower than her sister expect luck. Her sister is bound to become someone everyone would remember. Tsuna mouth is twitching look like his family are mostly natural born genius except him.

Yuki: 'Master, original it's impossible for her to be born because of your mom and dad divorced but you changed. She is not bound by any fate or destiny. Unlike your brother who is a natural born leader to become Vongola X. She is an existence that should not exist so she is born to become what she likes. She creates her own destiny which is good. She doesn't have any bad karma. However, there would a big trial for her to be accepted by the world.'

Tsuna: 'What do you mean?'

Yuki: 'I Changed Fate so Why Not Change Again

Description: Your sister and your mother would face a trial from the world. The world rejects your sister and wants to eliminate both your mother and sister because your mother gives birth to a person without fate or destiny. Your sister is a person without fate or destiny.

Condition to complete: You need to protect your mother and your sister from dying

Condition to failure: Your mother or your sister died

Start/Deadline: 2 years from now when you three go out shopping (Some mission has it some don't.)

Reward: Your sister would gain Byakugan, Your sister would gain a weapon that suits her, Your sister would recognize by the world and not be killed by it, Your mother would gain a blessing as long as she is in the world nothing can directly kill her expect old age, a mission from the system, and extremely rare case of accident, Your luck would go beyond EX. You can gain more if you perform better than an E+.

Failure: Death of all three, Both your father and brother would be forever upset and curse upon'

Tsuna: 'WTH this quest is even more dangerous and outrage than the previous one?'

Yuki: 'Master because your sister needs to gain the world accepted by the world.'

Tsuna: 'Fine'

Nana: "What happened Tsuna you face looks very scary right now?"

Tsuna: "Nothing mama it might your illusion"

Tsuna smile brightly.

Nana: Maybe.

Nana: 'Seem Tsuna was thinking about something important. Tsuna would never show that scary face to anyone but today he does that means something bad is going to happen like hope it's my imagination.'

However, what Nana doesn't know is that thought was right on.

Flashback finished

"Aniki~, breakfast is ready!" yelled Tsuna from the bottom of the stairs still wearing his apron (it was blue with a silver tuna on the right bottom) and holding a spatula, having moments before finished making omelets who is helping his mother out.

"Be there in a moment Tuna!" yelled back Ieyatsu, trying to get his tie knotted while running from his room. He didn't want to give Kyoya a reason to attack him because Tuna and his mother would make a fuss over him. Also, it always made his otouto and mother sad when he was injured.

They had a fight every school day before classes because Ieyatsu had accidentally hit the older boy with a baseball. The perfect just happened to be napping on the rooftop when Ieyatsu hit a home run and set the ball towards the roof. What started out as revenge for getting hit with a baseball, turned into a normal occurrence because Ieyatsu, didn't just stand around and let himself get hit, or cower away from the KI (Killing Intent) the older boy was leaking. Ieyatsu didn't think he did anything wrong. He had apologized to the older boy. There was no need to bite him to death.

Hibari gave him a one-day free pass for not having their daily fight (he only got out of it because the perfect knew that Tuna and Tuna's mother didn't like violence), but he didn't have free rein to break school rules today either. So he was making sure that his uniform was on properly and had studied up on the school rules so he didn't accidentally break one.

"Good morning Aniki" Tsuna smiled as he put the plates with omelets in front of his Aniki. Then they took their normal seats (Ieyatsu at the and nearest the door, with Tsuna at his left, and Nana next to Tsuna with Asuka.)

"Thank you for the breakfast Tuna. I've said this before but I'm going to say it again. You should be a chef when you grew up. Your food is the best!" said Ieyatsu as he was halfway through his omelet.

"Hey! How about me my son? But, I need to agree to my son that Tuna cooking tastes so good that can eat forever without stopping. It makes feel shame that my son can cook and do chores better than me. If people don't know the circumstance I would be definitely send to jail for child abuse," Nana said while pouting.

"Sorry, mama your food taste the second best," Ieyatsu trying to correct himself

"I'm glad you like it aniki, mama your food taste the best," said Tsuna with a 1,000-watt smile. He is still so excited about having an older brother he just couldn't help and his mother relationship was better than his past life. Tsuna is preparing the bentos.

Nana: "Do you want me to help to prepare the bentos?

Tsuna: "No, mama just sits there I would do it."

Nana: "I cannot help but think who is the real adult and the child here?"

A year before Tsuna begins to help Nana but Nana was against because of Ieyatsu ability on house chores really sucks. Nana cannot help to be surprised that Tsuna skill for house chores is better than her which hurt her pride as a parent. Nana doesn't know is that Tsuna he being doing chores for over 100 years already. During this year, Nana was spoiled by Tsuna which makes Tsuna like a mother (father but he act like a mother more) and Nana as a child.

"Well Tuna still have his child side but he just doesn't show it, normally," Ieyatsu said, smiling at his otouto, Even though he was 5 years old (about 145 years mentally) Tsuna could not avoid acting like a child since he has an aniki who treated him as a child. A mother would try to gain back her pride as a parent by spoiling him. He is totally childish now.

After Ieyatsu having their breakfast and get ready to go to school. Tsuna was going to walk together with Ieyatsu to school with Takeshi. Takeshi had to meet Ieyatsu at Little League, and they have been best friends ever since. Tsuna and Nana had been going to all Ieyatsu's practices and games and had been introduced to the young Yamamoto. It was a breath of fresh air to see him so innocent and generally happy, not like in the future when he almost committing suicide and joining the mafia.

"Kyoya-nii!" yelled Tsuna.

As he ran and glommed the perfect, who immediately reciprocated the hug. He was used to getting the hug from the little bunny every day, now we know, he has a soft spot for our little Tuna-fish. All the students and staff still didn't use to how the two interacted together. They still end up stopping what they were doing to stare at them.

That is still the perfect growled out, "Keep moving, Herbivores."

"Kyoya-nii, here's your bento," said Tsuna as he handed over a purple wrapped bento.

Tsuna had been making him bentos for exactly a year. Tsuna then makes bento excess. When Ieyatsu were playing baseball and ended up by giving it to Kyoya.

Kyoya was shocked when a little brown bunny tried to give him a bento that time. He refused on instinct and was going to bite little Tsuna to death, but was stopped by the ultimate weapon: a Level Two Puppy Dog Eyes. Kyoya takes the bento without further complaint. As Kyoya took the first bite in front of the small brunette, and Tsuna was able to tell that the perfect was pleased (knowing the subtle body language cues that gave him away when he liked something although about Reborn or him can see though it) then, Tsuna started to make him a bento.

"Keshi-nii, aniki. Here's your bento. Now, I will be going home. Bye!" said Tsuna was about to go back home.

"Okay," said Ieyatsu as he sees Tsuna walking back home.

Ieyatsu has a very bad feeling something bad is going to happen.

---Shopping District---

Tsuna, Nana, and Asuka were walking through the crossroad. Suddenly, a truck appeared driving at a fast speed behind the truck, there are many police cars chase the truck.

Police 1: "You are going to be arrested stop struggling it would only increase your jail period in jail."

The person in the truck: "Hahaha as long as you loser cannot capture me nothing would happen."

The truck was about to hit Nana and Asuka push away by Tsuna.


Tsuna luck activated suddenly a ball hit the truck strong enough to make it turn right so it only a scratch to him. The police arrested the truck driving person and called for an ambulance.

Tsuna already loses consciously and the person who kicked the ball disappear. Asuka also loses her conscious because suddenly a large amount of information suddenly came out. Nana was crying two of her children have an accident today.

Nana: "Papa can you come home?"

Iemitsu: "What happened my wife?"

Normally Nana would flirt with him but, "Tsuna got into an accident because he was trying to protect us from the truck."

Iemitsu turned extreme serious: "I would be there by tomorrow."

Nana was crying and feeling despair but she keeps to herself and said, "Okay I would be waiting for Otto."

Nana: 'I wish to be with my children but even more I want to have enough power to prevent my child to save me it should be the opposite around.'

Nana's eyes are burning a strong amount of determination.

---Tsuna and Asuka Hospital Room---

Tsuna wakes up. The first thing he saw was the last thing he wishes to see Nana and Ieyatsu worrying faces. Tsuna put on his brightest smile.

Tsuna: "Why look so worried I am already right?"

Nana and Ieyatsu: "Thank gods that you are already right."

Nana: "It's my job as a parent to protect you not the opposite way around."

Nana crying as hard as possible and Tsuna comforts Nana.

Nana: "I decided to leave and help Papa also to get stronger."

Nana determination can be seen in her eyes.

Tsuna and Asuka: "Then go for it, mama!!!"

Nana: "Asuka, when do you wake up?"

Asuka: "Just right now."

Asuka: tomorrow, sky

Otouto: little Brother

Aniki: Big brother

Imouto: little sister

Otto: husband

REMS- Rinne Eternal Magekyou Sharingan



(Author Note)

I was about to stuff three chapters into one chapter but I give up

So few more chapters for emotions

I read the gift in the next chapter

Only FFF means F-

Other means +

Unknownisthetruthcreators' thoughts
Next chapter