
Chapter 1

Chapter 1: At The Bus

Hiroshitu Atsuko, a 16-year-old Japanese boy, finds himself in possession of special abilities. He has kept these powers hidden for years until he decides to transfer to a school far from Tokyo. Despite his extraordinary abilities, Atsuko is driven by a relentless pursuit to discover the missing piece that would complete his power. He firmly believes that enrolling at Kenzetu High holds the key to uncovering this elusive piece.

However, Atsuko is haunted by a mysterious red shadow that trails him, especially during moments of peril. He senses something suspicious about the red shadow, which seems to be an enigma, following him relentlessly. Atsuko is determined to unravel the truth behind the red shadow—is it a necessary ally, guiding him toward his destiny, or a cursed entity that threatens to lead him to his demise?

As Atsuko embarks on his journey at Kenzetu High, he delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding his abilities and the ominous presence of the red shadow, determined to uncover the truth and unlock his full potential.


Atsuko Hiroshitu's Point of View

The school bus came to a halt at the station, allowing the students to board.

However, I found myself unable to leave the room; a red shadow blocked my path, persistently trying to distract me and keep me inside.

What should I do...

The red shadow loomed before me, its origins unclear. It seemed neither human nor animal, but rather an enigmatic entity.

This suggests that individuals with special abilities should steer clear of such energies.

"Who are you? Why are you following me? What do you want from me?" I inquired, undeterred.

The energy spirit remained silent, obstructing the doorway.

"Answer me, what do you need?"

The shadow dissipated abruptly, leaving me to survey the surroundings, puzzled by its sudden disappearance.

I seized the opportunity to open the door and reach the bus, though time was running short as the bus prepared to depart.

Suddenly, unfamiliar voices echoed around me in unknown languages.

Did that shadow not comprehend Japanese?...

As I reached for the doorknob, I noticed it was tainted by the red shadow—a green residue warned of potential harm, suggesting that touching it could dissolve me without a trace.

Attempting to harness my mind-command ability, I struggled against its limitations.

Standing a safe distance from the door, I focused my mind, summoning spiritual energy to aid in my release.

I sensed the energy around me, calming my thoughts to enable my ability to take hold.

Blast the door before me now...

The glass began to crack as the poisoned doorknob healed, though breaking through the door remained the only viable escape.

Excitement surged within me as the glass fractured—a first for my energy command.

The door exploded, shrouding the pathway in smoke. I hastened my pace to evade it, but the bus had already begun to move.

I needed to hurry...

If I missed the bus, I couldn't enroll in that school—a critical step in uncovering the mysterious energy beyond my control.

Enrolling was vital; otherwise, I'd remain vulnerable and lose my abilities. I summoned my mind-command once more.

Stop the bus...

With a mental command, the bus came to a halt, startling the driver and passengers.

As the driver attempted to restart the engine, it refused to comply. I approached the bus, observed by the teacher.

The door swung open, welcoming fresh air as my vision sharpened and my eyes glowed blue upon ascending the steps.

Entering the bus, I maintained an air of detachment, unnoticed by my fellow passengers as I secured a vacant seat.

"All students must fasten their seatbelts. I repeat, all students must fasten their seatbelts. Thank you!" the announcement echoed.

It was my first time encountering seatbelts on a school bus—capable of accommodating 33 passengers, excluding the front seat.

"I presume you all share a common destination," the teacher remarked, smiling timidly.

While others engaged in conversation, I immersed myself in my manga, observing the interactions around me.

Amidst the chatter, my gaze fixed upon the forest outside—the concrete path winding through dense foliage, far from the city.

"I understand you may find this peculiar, but as I mentioned, our destination is Kenzetu High—a prestigious school nestled deep in the jungle, where students are free to explore their hidden abilities," the teacher explained.

I hadn't anticipated my classmates possessing special abilities, uniting us under a common purpose.

It piqued my interest...

"I trust you all are now enrolled at Kenzetu High. Proceed with caution, as your actions may carry unforeseen consequences," the teacher cautioned.

"So, we can unleash our powers here," a male student remarked, his tone tinged with mischief.

"Not so fast, young man," the teacher intervened.

"You mentioned we could freely wield our abilities," he protested.

The teacher chuckled, amused by the misunderstanding.

"Apologies for the confusion, young man," she began, interrupted by his sudden display of power.

He directed his energy outside the bus, conjuring violet flames—an act that sent the passengers into a frenzy.

What should I do now?..

If left unchecked, disaster loomed. Something inside the bus could ignite, causing widespread damage.

"What if I unleash this power?" he taunted, oblivious to the danger.

"Fihiro, you're endangering everyone," a concerned girl interjected.

"It may amuse you, but it's no joke to us. Your flames could engulf us all," another student warned.

Fihiro's notoriety preceded him...

Most were familiar with him or his antics.

"Well, then. But I have a question," he turned to the student beside me, engrossed in his manga—much like myself.

Fihiro's energy now directed at my companion.

"Why are you here?" I remained composed, engrossed in my manga, mirroring the student beside me.

"Fihiro, are you insane to question a stranger?" the girl interjected once more.

"What's your point, Fihiro?"

"You're causing trouble, Fihiro."

Fihiro disregarded their protests, fixating on the student beside me.

"I'll ask again. Who are you, and why are you here?" he demanded, his voice authoritative. The student closed his manga, meeting Fihiro's gaze.

"And?" he replied, his tone cool.

Fihiro laughed without cause, his power escalating, inciting panic among the passengers.

"Fihiro!" the teacher's voice boomed. Unperturbed, the bus continued its journey, the engine maintaining its steady pace.

Fihiro must be out of his mind, yet his motives remained elusive.

"I saw your actions. You'll pay for what you've done to my—arghh," the teacher unleashed her ability against Fihiro.

Wind flames...

A potent ability indeed...

Fihiro staggered, his emotions betraying his discomfort. I turned to the student beside me, now clutching his manga.

"Why didn't you retaliate? He threatened you," I inquired, as though speaking to a brother. He met my gaze with a chilling smile, his crimson eyes sending a shiver down my spine.

"And why would I need to?" he replied calmly. "A word of advice: when I ask a question, don't respond with one."

"Oh, did I?" I grumbled inwardly. This guy was irritating. "Fihiro's violet flames are dangerous. His ability emits an ominous energy capable of inflicting grave harm. If he were to target you without warning, he could end your life effortlessly. I'm uncertain of his intentions, but his power poses a significant threat to us all. I sense the energy emanating from his ability is three times stronger than gamma ray frequencies, or akin to the force of five atomic bombs, ready to detonate if left unchecked," I explained, folding my manga once more and turning to him. Fihiro appeared calmer after the teacher's intervention.

The student beside me chuckled inexplicably, finding amusement in my words.

"Five atomic bombs, you say. Did you not realize that if his power equaled that of five atomic bombs, why would the teacher attack him knowing it could result in extensive damage, potentially fatal to us all?" he countered, implying my misunderstanding.

I pondered, puzzled by the teacher's actions if Fihiro's ability truly rivaled the force of five atomic bombs.

"You might wonder why the teacher attacked him if Fihiro's ability equates to the force of five atomic bombs," he continued, his gaze steady.

His words resonated, prompting me to reconsider the situation.

"The answer isn't as elusive as you might think, young man. By the way, I'm Kei Akemetsu," he introduced himself, extending his hand. I shook it firmly. "Atsuko."

"Atsuko, this bus belongs to Kenzetu High, and as you've likely deduced, it operates under a spell energy. No one can unleash their abilities without the bus's prior approval. If the bus detects any harmful energy that could lead to extensive damage, it automatically regulates the release of that energy. It mitigates the energy's force; hence, even if Fihiro's flames were equivalent to five atomic bombs, the bus's spell would temper the energy's impact," Akemetsu elucidated.

"Always bear in mind that when you attempt to use your ability, 85% of its force dissipates, with 5% absorbed by the spell's spirit energy. Only 10% of your ability's force remains, dwindling by 0.01% per second once released into the air. So, I wasn't concerned when Fihiro threatened me," Akemetsu explained, shaking his head with a chuckle.

"Nevertheless, there's residual energy to contend with," Akemetsu stated gravely, his demeanor devoid of emotion.

"I'm not worried, Atsuko. While the offensive energy weakens, the defensive energy remains intact. Should Fihiro attempt an attack, I can counter it with my defensive abilities."

It dawned on me that Kenzetu High's bus was no ordinary vehicle; it was imbued with intricate spells that governed its operations.

Kenzetu High held secrets, fostering an environment where students could hone their abilities.

I couldn't shake the suspicion that something was amiss. If the bus was under a spell's control and unauthorized abilities were suppressed, how did my mind-command ability bypass its defenses?...

"Oh, we've arrived, everyone," the teacher announced suddenly. Glancing around, I was taken aback. I expected the school to resemble an ancient edifice, steeped in history, devoid of modern amenities. However...

The school appeared modern, with sleek glass façades, contemporary architecture, and state-of-the-art facilities. Yet, an aura of energy permeated the air.

"Atsuko, let's proceed," Akemetsu said, removing his hand from my shoulder. "Idiot."

Perhaps it was time to teach this guy a lesson. I had no tolerance for unwarranted familiarity.

So irritating...

Next chapter