
Chapter 6: A Problematic Night

"How far could they have gone. I can't waste any time I need to think carefully."

The kids had been missing for a few hours now so Ken knew he was short on time, for all he knew it could have already been too late but he chose not to think about such a gruesome possibility. It was too dark, especially with the trees blocking out the moonlight not much could be seen in this area. Ken solely had to rely on his other senses to deal with any threats. He was still in the outer edges of the forest, so there wasn't too much to worry about right now.

"Think Ken! Where could the children have gone? They should know better not to go deep inside the forest. Unless... they lost their sense of direction and continued into the heart of the forest. If the kids went there, then they're definitely going to run into the King Of Wolves. I better hurry up."

"I don't like the idea of going deeper into the forest, though it seems like I'm out of options. I've been wanting to see this wolf for a long time now. I suppose I might be able to see if the rumours about it are really true."

Ken reluctantly ran deeper into the forest. He scoured the area in search for the kids. Ken was trying to make as less sound as possible, to prevent any unwanted attention from the wolves that were stationed around the forest. That also meant he wasn't able to call out for the kids. Things were made a lot more difficult because of that. A few minutes went by, Ken started to lose hope and thought that he might not ever be able to find them. It was then he heard a howl coming from an area near him.

Without any hesitation, he switched directions and ran straight to where the sound was heard.

"This isn't good... What if that was a sign that the wolves have encountered the kids. I better make it there in time!"

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, there stood a handful of villagers. Taking even a single glance at them would show you that they were shaken to their boots. Some carried pitchforks others carried axes and swords. They tightly gripped the weapons in their hands and traversed the forest carefully. Thankfully, they were carrying torches, even though it covered a short distance, it was better than nothing.

"Don't you think we should head back now... what if we... you know... run into the wolf king..."

"Are you telling you me you really believe in that nonsense! My son is in danger, and you expect me to head back and sleep it off?!"

"He's right. We can't leave them to die, even if it means risking our own lives. I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I decided to give up now."

"But that's not the problem, what good will w-"

Before for the terrified villager could finish her sentence, the villagers heard a strange sound, almost as if something was coming... The footsteps were slow and steady the villagers took a few steps back. One of them panicked and threw a torch into that direction. The villager leading them turned around and then, in a frustrated manner said.

"You fool! What if that's one of the kids."

The villager trembling in fear couldn't even get any words out. He pointed out into the direction of the torch. He slowly turned around to look into the direction as a grey wolf slowly walked out of the shadows.

"What are you so afraid of it's just a single wolf..."

After saying that he gripped his sword even more tightly, so tight it was as if it became a part of him. His acts at trying to be brave were not fooling anyone. These were peaceful villagers so naturally, they would be afraid because they hadn't the slightest clue in real combat. For each step the wolf took forward, the villagers matched that with one step backwards.

"What on earth are we supposed to do boss?! It's getting closer!!"

"It's just a lone wolf we can easily kill it..."

The man placed his sword directly in front of him, clutching it with both hands. Shortly after, the wolf let out a piercing howl and stared down the group of villagers. It was likely that the lone wolf was calling for the aid of more wolves. Thirty long seconds passed.

It was at that moment the wolf was tired of waiting. Suddenly, the wolf lunged at the man with no time to react he froze. It was almost like everything had slowed down, his eyes met with the wolf's cold eyes. Stuck in fear, he wasn't able to do anything. As he had lost all hope, a miracle happened. From the right, a sword came flying like a dart, it came at a tremendous speed impaling the wolf mid-air. The sword stuck to the tree along with the now-deceased wolf.

The villagers looked to see where it came from and there stood Ken. In joy, they shouted.


They were relieved after seeing Ken come to their rescue, but all Ken did was march towards the villager and snatch the sword off of him. You could see it all in Ken's face, it was full of anger, and frustration next came a surprise...

"What the hell are you idiots doing here! Are you trying to get yourselves killed!? What did you expect to accomplish running into a wolves den alone!?"

"We were jus-"

"It doesn't matter anymore, you all need to get out of here right now before all the other wolves show up. I won't be able to fight while protecting all of you."

Giving the villagers no room to speak, they were forced to withdraw and leave the rest in Ken's hands. Staying there any longer would only distract him at this point. In a matter of time, wolves started to appear from different directions surrounding Ken. But no sign of the supposed King.

"Well then, shall we get started?"

Let me start by adding that this chapter was a lot longer than I expected I feel like I might've picked a great place to end it because of that though. So I hope you can enjoy this chapter as much I enjoyed writing it.

SquidwardTentaclescreators' thoughts
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