
Matagot, Affinity and Leveling up.

*Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding* She broke out her trance at the string of Dings, causing her to look around. "What the fu..."

Kella looked saw, heard, felt, smelled and sensed so much so that her head hurt and at the same time something felt like it was stabing her in her heart but deeper and that hurt even more, so much so that she held her in agony and rolled off the branch she was sitting on

While falling she managed to jam her claws in the tree she fell off to slow her decent which worked surprisingly well.

after hitting the ground Kella just sat there getting used to it which took nearly 15 minutes for the pain to fade and 30 minutes to get used to the new information pouring in her head.

Kella looked around to see if anything was around her "nothing around."

looking at her other hand that had a blue Metallic cube that was still in her hand "Wow that stayed together during the fall Wait, How long was I doing that? ohh probably a long time." Kella Said looking at a stupidly large window.


<Kella Acquired Meditation>

<Meditation has reached level 4>

<Flow Mana Control has reached level 7>

<Rudimentary Mana Infusing has reached level 5 MAX>

<Rudimentary Mana Infusing has evolved into Effect Mana Infusing>

<Effect Mana Infusing has reached level 6>

<Kella Acquired Creation>

<Creation has reached level 3>

<Vitality has increased by 3>

<Blood Healing Magic has reached level 5 MAX>

<Blood Healing Magic has evolved into Magical Cats Healing Blood>

<Cat Beastkin Reflexes has reached level 5 MAX>

<Kella Acquired Mana Infused Eyes>

<Mana Infused Eyes reached level 5 MAX>

<Mana Infused Eyes has evolved into Magical Cat Eye's>

<Kella Acquired Enhanced Mana Sense>

<Enhanced Mana Sense has reached level 5 MAX>

<Cat Beastkin Reflexes and Enhanced Mana Sense Combined to make Magical Cat Instincts>

<Condition have been met: Magical Cat Eye's, Cat Beastkin Stomach, Magical Cat Instincts and Magical Cats Healing Blood has Combined to make Matagot's Body>

<Kella Acquired Matagot's Legacy title>

<Due to effects of Matagot's body one affinity has been forcefully unlocked.>


"Ummm, that's a lot to process." Kella Said staring at the window. "Status..."



<Race:Cat Beastkin>



<Titles:(Matagot's Legacy)>





<Stat Points:0>





>DEX:10 (11)

>INT:14 (15)

>LUK:25 (50)




>Matagot's Body

>Flow Mana Manipulation ^LV 7

>Mana Set Circulation ^LV 1


>Claw Control ^LV 1

Mana Claw LV 2

>Effect Mana Infusing ^LV 6

>Meditation LV 4

>Creation LV 3






"My health, mana and luck doubled. I think I know why so let's see what the Matagot skill and title do." Two windows popped up, showing information that made Kella drop the blue cube and Strangely enough it went. *Thud* and stayed solid when it hit the ground.


<Matagot's Body>

Matagot Filled their body with Mana and made it course through every part of their body by doing the same, one can achieve a copy of Matagot's.

>Allows eyes to switch between night vision, thermal vision and mana vision. multiple visions can be activated at the same time but with reduced effect.

>Almost anything organic can be digested safely. Poisons that attack the stomach will become ineffective.

>Improves the 6 senses and instincts tremendously and constantly improves them further as time goes on.

>one's mana filled blood constantly heals anything that's around it. This effect accelerates when fed with excess mana.

>Improves poison resistance substantially

>Improves mana conversion speed of one affinity by 50%

>Mana capacity is increased by 100%

>Improves evolution of body based skills



<Matagot's Legacy>

Matagot was a mythical luck cat spirit who liked to play tricks on people for fun but then was betrayed by a close friend and kept in a cage for the rest of their life to steal the Luck they had and leaving behind a legacy that only lucky cats can carry-on

"Live your life to the fullest but don't drop your guard as I did."

[Effects can be increased by (Unknown).]

>Health increased by 100%

>Luck increased by 100%

>INT and DEX are increased by 10%

>Luck is shown as 5 to others no matter the method.


"Let's sort out what this means

1 I'm am lucky.

2 people that are lucky(Me) are at threat of being captured for their luck.

3 the effects of Matagot's Legacy and Matagot's Body are insanely powerful.

I got lucky to find this out before getting out of this forest, hahaa... Ok moving on, unlocked a affinity, let's see." tap



the space affinity is incredibly rare but incredibly powerful affinity that allows space cutting, teleportion and pocket dimension creation.


Kella's eyes sparkled upon reading this. "But how do I...Oh, that might be it." Kella felt a sphere by the side of her heart "So pull from that and... there!" Kella pulled mana that was in the sphere and started moving it to her palm.

It took a while because the mana felt incredibly heavy and didn't like to move. 'God it feels like lugging a lead chian.' As she got the mana to her palm, Kella saw the mana that was made up of shades of blue and purple with multi colored pinpoints in it that moved separately from the mana.

"It looks beautiful it's like im weaving the cosmos... cosmos I like how that sounds."

As she made a circle the size of her palm with the cosmos and filled it. She imagined it was a doorway to a empty room soon a black creeped over the center of the circle and couldn't see through it.

"Now I just need something to test it out." Kella looked around remembering there wasn't even a leaf on the ground then saw a blue cube that seemed to have no intention going away.

"let's see if it works." gingerly picked up the cube and pushed it in the blackness and it vanished "That seemed to worked"

Kella took a deep breath. "Now the nerve-wracking part." She stuck her hand in to get the cube. 'Feels surprisingly normal, there it is.' and pulling her hand out, holding the cube. "Awesome." *Ding*


<Kella Acquired Pocket Dimension>


"It recognized it." -Tap-


<Pocket Dimension LV 1>

A pocket dimension is a personal space, one can do many things with.

> Generate a space filled with air to store anything with no restrictions besides size.

>Size:10 by 10 by 10 centimeters.


"Its a bit small now but this is going to be convenient. Doesn't this mean I can store living creatures as well?"

Kella wondered what to do next when she remembered why she was walking towards the center.

"Right, make more mana sets by leveling up, I could do that now." Kella Said and and started to move more mana through her when.

*Slop Slop Slap Slop Step Spatter Slap*

Kella looked behind her to see 6 slime Animals and a normal looking deer with large antlers.

"Oh dear, that's quite a few of them and Is that a actual deer? For some reason I doubt it."

putting the cube in the pocket and pulled the cosmos into her, dismantling the pocket dimension. 'I wonder how to make more cosmos? I should think about this later.' Kella inspected the group that wanted to hunt her.

"3 wolf's, 2 rabbits, a goblin and a deer that might be soild." Kella started to make a plan to get rid of them without getting hurt when she saw one of the wolves getting ready to pounce.

"Step 1... Run!" Kella turned and ran while glancing back to see their reactions.

'Only the goblin fell, the rest ran after me but the rabbits can't keep up with the wolves and the wolves are having trouble keeping up with the dear. Good, if i fight them all at once there's a good chance I would die.' Kella thought as her nails grew back into claws then went longer and stopped at 10 centimeters and glanced at them. 'When did my claw start to look like that?' Kella's claws looked pitch black like their absorbing light. 'I'll ignore it for now'

'Come to think of it i haven't tried mana claw after learning to control mana outside my body yet, wonder how it looks now.' Kella smiled and made a coat of mana over her claws which now looked like it had blue tinted glass covering it.

After 8 seconds of Kella running the deer caught up and tried to bash Kella in the head with its antlers.

Kella lowered her head to avoid the antlers. "Step 2 cripple the strong." Kella then slashed at the deers 2 front legs, when they hit bite sized piece fell to the ground revealing a blue goo that was underneath the skin making the dear topple over crashing into a tree. The dear trashed to get up but couldn't with 2 missing legs. the stubs started to bubble and expand.

'Thought so, it's a slime but It didn't die, maybe the strong ones Don't have a weakness to mana?'

'Step 3 kill the weak.' Kella pivoted and ran at wolves they pounced at her at same time creating line of wolf's in the air 'just line up for me.'

She slashed horizontally hitting all three of the wolf's with the mana destroying all their skin creating a shower of acid heading towards her.

"didn't think about that!" Kella rolled to avoid her own undoing, just barely avoiding the acid and recovered to a standing position to keep running to reach the rabbits before the deer recovers.

the rabbits Caught up only to see the one they were chasing was now charging at them, being simple creatures with no fear and having less intelligence than actual rabbits, they jumped at her.

Kella saw them jumping at her and slashed at them with one claw each and then ducked under the acid splash.

Kella looked at the two remaining slimes the goblin was still stumbling over its own feet while the deer was charging straight at her.

'Let's focus on the deer, that Goblin isn't doing shit.' Kella thought for a moment then ran to a tree between her and the dear. "Step 4 Combo the troublesome ones."

The deer turned not to run into the tree showing some intelligence but passing it allowed it to get sliced in the body by Kella who was waiting to attack it as it passed.

Kella took the opportunity of it turning around take swipe at the legs again but sadly it only grazed one but it was enough to make it stumble, which was enough for Kella to continue her combo.

Keller started with its legs so it couldn't fight back then its torso where she could do the most damage.

soon enough the deer slime melted into a puddle. "Ok, now then..." Kella looked at the goblin that kept trying to run only to fall face first. "If you're gonna fall trying to run just walk you dumbass. Whatever it helps me test something out."

Kella put 2 meters between her and stumbly

then poured mana into the tip of her claws and swung her hand at the goblin while controlling the mana that left her claw to be condensed in the front.

it did make a blade of mana but it went the way her claws went, which was to side. making 4 spikes in a nearby tree.

"Well that's not what I wanted, again then." Kella tried again but this time with more force moving the mana forward. they went diagonally this time.

"I could just not use my claws but that would be no fun." Kella Said then continued flinging spikes around trying to get it work.

-15 minutes later~

"That worked I guess, it's limited but it will be useful for me." Kella Said looking at puddle that had 4 spikes in it.

Kella found that the best way to use the mana spikes as she now calls them is to throw it like a pitch from a baseball but with a open hand.

*Ding Ding Ding* "What the hell are conditions for that?" Kella thought as her claws went back to looking like slightly long nails.


<3 Slime Wolf LV 4 42 EXP Earned.>

<2 Slime Rabbit LV 3 10 EXP Earned.>

<1 Slime deer LV 7 57 EXP Earned .>

<1 Slime goblin LV 1 1 EXP Earned.>

<Kella Reached Level 6.>

<Kella Acquired Mana Spike.>

<Mana Spike has reached level 3>

<Mana Claw has reached level 3>

<Flow Mana Control has reached level 8.>


Kella checked how many stat points she got.

"20? extra 5 from milestones I guess. anyway 16 in INT and 4 in AGL so INT is a nice number." Kella put the stats in making her max mana 520.

"This should be enough mana for now let's head back to the exit lucky the markings I made climbing trees make it easy to know where to go." Kella Said and made her way back to the exit while thinking about the thoughts she had in the fight.

"so how do I make more cosmos and why are my claws vantablack" Kella thought for minute 'my claws I have 2 ideas for. it has to do with 1 Matagot's Body and 2 Affinities. I can't really think deeper then that I'm not really interested in this on the other hand I'm more interested in how to make more cosmos.'

As Kella tossed around thoughts on how to increase the cosmos she has. she ended up putting mana in the cosmos sphere and felt it slowly turning into cosmos.

"So that's how." Kella Said then started jogging to get to the exit faster she even Infused mana in her legs to speed up more.

-15 minutes later~

seeing the exit come into view she slowed down. "Now just gonna climb a tree, make my mana sets and take a catnap." She said and started to climb a nearby tree then stopped when she was 5 meters off the ground.

"Can I carve out a place to stay in? If im going to i should make it facing away from the exit so it doesn't immediately get seen." Kella's claws grew out and she started carving out a place to sleep.

-5 minutes later~

her claws made quick work of the wood, making a large enough space for her sit and curl up in but it wasn't very smooth.

"Maybe mana can smooth it out?"

She coated her claws in Mana and ran them along the wood, smoothing it out like it was a power sander.

"Good, now make my mana sets and I'll reward myself with a nap."

Kella worked with enthusiasm With giving herself the motivation of finally taking a nap after fighting monsters and walking for more than 8 hours.

and soon enough *Ding*


<Mana Set Circulation has reached level 10 MAX.>


*Yawn* Kella clicked the skill before going to sleep.


<Mana Set Circulation ^LV 10 MAX>

Acquired by circulating multiple sets of Mana throughout the body.

By circulating multiple mana sets through the body, it can exponentially increase the effects of circulating mana.

>can increase Mana regeneration speed by up to 300%

>allows to be a substitute for food and water to a Very large extent

>can very rarely increase one physical stat by 24-48, chances are enhanced when doing intense physical activity.

[Once a the third effect activates, it can't activate again for 6 hours]

[Stats that are 20 times or higher then the skills level cannot be increased]


"Huh the restrictions didn't go down as much I thought they would but oh well still stupid strong" Kella Said curling up in her self made nest.

"Would it be strange to say I hope to not wake up in my apartment? I'm having so much more fun now then ever before, even in this empty forest."

Kella held her new tail like a body pillow and closed her eyes. her soft breathing being the only you could hear from her as she drifted to sleep.

Went quite a bit longer on this one then I expected

I'm excited to start writing it after I go have a cat nap of my own.

I'm also done swapping the name out I'm sorry if that messed some of you, I'm very indecisive about naming things until I find something nice

Rayithcreators' thoughts
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