
The End of All Things - Chapter 1


A voice boomed through the neverending void. Spoken as a whisper yet all things seemed to speak it.


The hushed phrase rang out. Stirring in that everlasting void, a small light illuminated the universe.

"And so, my child, you appear," the voice now came from one source – a beautiful woman. Despite her nudity, her presence itself emanated divinity and demanded respect.

The light gazed upon the woman and grew a bit brighter.

"Welcome, child of mine, to the end of all things, and the start of everything." The woman took the light onto her palm and held it above her head, "You are my successor."

Slowly, she dropped her arm and allowed the light to float off of it, whereby it came to a stop across from the woman.

"But you are you," the woman smiled, "not mine to be controlled." She cupped the light between her hands, sealing it away from the void and plunging herself into darkness.

"You are granted new life, reborn as a creator, Keeper of the universe." With one quick motion, she swung her arms to her side as the light blazed fervently, blinding the darkness itself.

From the light emerged a man – lithe in his build and tanned in his complexion. In comparison to the woman, the man was older, sporting wrinkles across his skin and streaks of gray through his otherwise black hair and bushy beard. He too, was nude, with thick hair decorating the entirety of his body.

The woman smiled at the man, "I see that the cycle has continued."

"Cycle?" the man asked slovenly in a deep, coarse voice.

"My predecessor was also a man, though not quite like you, just as you are not quite like me." She turned her back on the man and began walking further into the void, only twisting her head to look back as she walked, "Come, my child, for there is much to learn, and a noninfinite amount of time to do so." The man quickly fell into line behind her.

"What may I call you?" asked the man.

The woman stopped and turned to face the man, "My people know me through many names – God, Atum, Ra, Allah – but you may call me anything you wish, for I am everything, and whatever you demand of me shall be made into reality."

"I see," responded the man. The woman smiled and continued to walk as the man trailed close behind.

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