
Part Thirteen

After a couple of hours, Joseph woke up from his sleep. He stretched and noticed Nathan was sitting on the floor leaning on the couch, focusing on his laptop.

"Nathan." Joseph murmured.

"Baby, you're awake!" Nathan exclaimed.

"I'm sorry. I'm too tired." Joseph said.

"It's fine. It's nearly 6 p.m. now. Do you want to eat anything before you go home?"

"Yes. You." Joseph replied.

"I'm serious!" Nathan giggled.

"I'm serious too." Joseph blushed as he said that.

"You are so cute when you try to flirt with me. But that's not how you flirt."

"Then how should I do it?"

"Like this." Nathan gave Joseph an unexpected kiss on the lips. Joseph's eyes widen at the surprise but he soon bacame familiar with it. The kiss lasted for a few seconds only as Nathan pulled away.

"That's how you do it." he said. Joseph smiled with a blush before Nathan leaned forward for another kiss. Joseph closed his lustful green eyes as Nathan placed his lips upon Joseph's lips again. Joseph's heart was thumping hard as Nathan tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Joseph gently placed his hand in Nathan's hair, running his fingers through it while Nathan was grabbing Joseph's face with both of his hands. At the mean time, they felt like nothing in the world existed, but each other.

They both smiled after they pulled away and gasped for air.

"Let's just go eat something before you go home." Nathan suggested.

"Can I not?"

"Umm... you don't want to eat?"

"No... I mean... I don't want to go home..." Joseph looked at Nathan with sad puppy eyes.

"But your mom is waiting for you. She will be worried if you do not go home." Nathan gently fixed Joseph's hair while comforting him.

"Fine... You're right... Let's go eat before I go home." Joseph looked down and sighed.

"Okay." Nathan smiled with crinkles by his eyes.

The two boys left the house and went for a dinner. Afterwards, they went back home separately.

Although Nathan was all alone in his house, he still felt very warm, thinking about his loved one and all the things that he did with him. He took a shower before he went and got some rest.

For Joseph, his mom was doing household chores when he got back home.

"Sweetheart, where have you been?" she asked.

"I... just went to a friend's house." Joseph stuttered.

"Oh okay. By the way, do you have lessons tomorrow?"

"No. Not tomorrow."

"Okay. Go take a shower sweetie. There is hot water ready for you."

"Okay, thanks Mom." Joseph replied before he went to take a shower.

Joseph slowly took off his clothes and stepped into the shower. He started sinking into thoughts as water started pouring down like a water fall from the shower head.

'Should I tell her the truth? What will she think if I come out to her? Will she accept it?' he wondered, closing his eyes as water cascading down his body.

After taking a shower, Joseph lay in his bed, trying to sleep. However, with a fretful mind, he could not fall asleep at once. He stared at the empty ceiling, thinking about his relationship with Nathan and what he should do. He fell asleep eventually as he was too tired.

The night faded away after the sunrise. The sun quietly made its way up to illuminate the whole sky. A ray of light passed through the blinds and sneaked into Joseph's bedroom. The sunlight woke Joseph up and he stretched a bit before he got out of his bed.

He went to the bathroom and washed up a bit to get rid of the tiredness on his face. Then he walked downstairs and saw his mom watering plants in the backyard. The things that he thought about yesterday immediately filled his mind again.

'Should I tell her now? Will she get mad at me? Or should I wait?' Joseph pressed his lips with a slight frown.

After a few seconds of thinking, he eventually chose not to disturb his mom and waited for her to get her work done. He decided to discuss it with Nathan first before coming out. He took out his phone from his pocket and sent Nathan a text.

Joseph : Hi.

After a few minutes of waiting, Nathan responded.

Nathan : Hi, what's up?

Joseph : I have something that I want to discuss with you.

Nathan : What is it?

Joseph : I feel like I should come out to my mom.

Nathan : ... Now?

Joseph : I'm not sure... Should I do that? I'm scared though...

Nathan : Why so sudden?

Joseph : I think she deserves to know our relationship. Also, I don't want to lie anymore. Every time when I lie, I feel really bad...

Nathan : Um...

Joseph : But at the mean time, I don't know if she will accept it... What if she doesn't accept it? Is our relationship going to end? I don't want it to end!!

Despite being miles away, Nathan could feel Joseph's frustration and depression through text.

Nathan : Babe... Calm down. Our relationship is not going to end. Never in a million years! If your mom doesn't accept it, we can use time to prove our love! She will understand it and accept it.

Right when Joseph wanted to reply Nathan's text message, his mom had done watering the plants and was on her way to the kitchen.

Joseph :I'm going to talk to her now.

Nathan : Good luck.

Nathan could not believe he just told Joseph not to be scared when he himself was also scared of coming out to his mom. To be honest, he had never thought of doing it. He actually decided to keep it as a secret from his mom.

In the meantime, Joseph rushed to his mom and stopped her from entering the kitchen. His mom looked at Joseph, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What are you doing sweetheart?" she questioned.

Joseph plucked up his courage and asked, "I have something I want to tell you. Can we sit down and talk?"

Next chapter