

A bit of difference and twist to the storyline, still being brought by the bidders but quitting you of your maid job, you are now confined server in the penthouse where you also reside. The MC is unlike the story as she’s feisty and not as submissive as the traits of the story, she has a fight in her along with other skills. Join her, in her romance with the bidders.

Voltage_Smutter · Video Games
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5 Chs

Mamoru x OC [SMUT]


You woke a little later than planned but your head was pounding. Letting out a groan, you step out of bed and into the bathroom. With a change of fresh clothes and freshening yourself up, you head out. Coming out onto the stairs you heard a light snoring and there on the sofa you see the rugged detective sound asleep on the sofa. That man could sleep for the world. Your stomach rumbles slightly and you head into the kitchen, creeping quietly not to wake the sleeping man. He had fell asleep with a cigarette in his mouth, he was unbelievable but at least it wasn't lit.

You sneak over to him and gently take the cigarette hanging from his mouth and place it in your own, better than going to waste. Taking the lighter on the table you light it, your eyes widening as you inhale.

"I was saving that kid," A voice mumbles making you jump.

"You idiot! I thought you were asleep!" You yell, grabbing a pillow and slapping the no-longer asleep detective, his eyes still shut.

"You nearly gave me a bloody heart attack!" You add before going back to the kitchen. Arse, you thought. You hear him chuckle and watch as he sits up. rubbing his eyes.

"You cookin?" He asks, to which you respond with a nod and his eyes light up.

"Do you want me to make you something?" You say, turning your attention to the fridge.

"Depends what it is," He responds, you hear the click of his lighter indicating he was lighting a cigarette. You inhale and exhale before putting yours out and beginning to make food.

You were going to make soba noodles, a wonderful hangover cure, you didn't care what time it was. You begin to prepare the food.

"So why are you down here? Did you pass out last night?" You ask, you knew his room was next to yours. He inhales before he responds.

"I fell asleep on here for a bit, but when I got up and went to bed there was light buzzing noise and it was driving me mad so I ended up coming down here," he said, you prayed he never heard you, you cheeks flushing a dark colour.

"You okay kiddo?" He asks, looking over at you.

"Yes, yes fine! Was it just a buzz you heard?" You asked with suspense, turning your back to him to use the cooker.

"Yeah, it was like a low humming, I was too exhausted as soon as I heard it I left," he says, clueless to the fact that buzzing was your vibrator from the early hours of this morning. You let out a quick sigh of relief. You allow the noodles and stock to simmer whilst you see Ota enter the room, flashing you a devious smile. What was up with him.

"Good morning pet," he purred to you. You smiled back, unsure of his motive.

"I can't stay long, I have an exhibition to host," he says, grabbing water from the fridge.

"Oh and (Y/N) next time if you're lonely, come next door and I'll make you purr louder than you this morning," he adds before darting out the door. You were speechless, you face flustered red. You had forgotten Ota had the room the other side to yours, a sandwich between him and Mamoru. You caught Mamoru looking clueless for a minute but it clicked. He looked at you, his jaw dropped slight, realising what the buzzing noise actually was.

"Yes, okay, okay, I have vibrator, I'm a woman I have needs okay," you hiss in embarrassment. It was better to just address the situation then leave an awkward silence. You didn't mind admitting this to Mamoru, he seemed to be the most tame of all the bidders. Trying to brush off the situation, you check the noodles to see their done to perfection and plate two bowls.

"Here," you say and push the bowl over the counter, Mamoru getting up to inspect what you made.

"Are these… soba noodles?" He asks looking at the bowl then to you. You give him a nod before trying to eat your noodles in a polite manner.

"These are my favourites!" He says slightly enthusiastic with a smile on his face. He was actually extremely handsome when he smiled and wasn't looking so gloomy all the time. You admired his face, the smile leaving his face as fast as it happened.

"Mine too! There proper lush!" You say. He looked up confused and repeated the word 'lush' several times.

"It's another word for good in England, well in Wales," you say, relieving him of his confusion.

"So you're actually going to work today?" You ask, you rarely see him leave the penthouse. He shakes his head in response too busy engaging with his food making you laugh slightly at the fact he calls you a kid! How did this man even have a job when he rarely went.

"So what's your plans?" You ask him, attempting to engage him within conversation. He mumbles a reply about sleeping and an event Eisuke wanted them all to attend later that evening.

"Well some of us can't spend all day in bed! I'm going to start cleaning the suites, so if you want to go to bed I'll leave your room last?" You say, taking the empty bowls and placing the in the sink. He grumbles a thank you whilst yawning.

You had changed into your maid outfit and worked your way through the rooms, thankfully everyone was out leaving you in peace to clean. You'd just finished Eisukes office when you hear the doors to the penthouse open. There stood Eisuke, his arms crossed over his chest admiring the view of you bent over to gather your cleaning supplies.

"This is a nice view to come back too," He stated, startling you. You hadn't noticed him standing them and quickly stood up.

"Don't stop for me, in fact whilst you're bent over," He adds, taking a step towards you, a smug grin on his face.

"I actually have other rooms to clean sir, so if you'll excuse me," You reply and quickly dart past him, heading towards the stairs. He grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks and you turn to face him.

"We have an event later, be ready for 7, I'll punish you for every minute you're late right on that sofa," He smirks to you before letting you and heading into his office. Your face burned up slightly at the remarks and headed quickly upstairs. You only had mamoru's room left to do. You knocked gently on his door, but there was no response. Gathering he must still be asleep you allow yourself into the room, it was ridiculously dirty.

"Fuck me Mamoru," You whispered, looking at the state of the room, unsure where to start. You saw the bed sheets crumpled but no man between the sheets, he must have left whilst you had been cleaning another room. Sighing you get to work, throwing piles of his clothes on the floor into the wash bag. It was actually looking pretty tidy by the time you made his bed. Crawling onto it you push the mattress cover that is rising off back into place. It was slightly stubborn and you had to proper lean over to get it in place. Your actions to get the cover into place was not going unnoticed.

Completely unaware, Mamoru had stepped out of the bathroom, fresh from the bath, wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist, running his hand through his hair. His breath hitched and he stilled, seeing you on all fours trying to fix his bed sheets, your skirt rising up flashing him your sweet behind as you struggled with the task.

'UGH!" You yell in defeat as the stubborn cover refuses to fit into place. You would come back to it. Lifting up onto your knees, you turn around and there you see him. His eyes fixed on you slightly, his mouth opened a jar, his toned torso exposed slightly wet with only a towel around his waist. How long had he been there? How did someone who rarely moved have a chest like that? How come you felt a wave of lust come over you as you stared at him.

"Ma...Mamoru! I, I didn't think you were in, I did knock!" You quickly protest, removing yourself from his bed.

"I was in the bath… Don't let me stop you," He replied, his eyes fixed on you. You nod and fix his bed sheets before gathering your stuff, gently sucking on your bottom lip each time you caught a sight of him.

"I'm all done, I'm so sorry to have disturbed you," You say, turning to him before dashing out his room and into yours. You were breathless at the man you had been ogling at, hoping he never saw. Never had you seen such a handsome man, beneath that ruggedness and tiredness, there was something different about him. You couldn't get the image of him out your head, it was sending a heat wave through you. It wasn't just a sexual feeling, you generally enjoyed Mamoru's company, he was the least crude out of all the bidders, almost acting like he wanted to protect you and keep you safe. Your core was burning at the thought of it, you couldn't deny that you felt something towards that tiresome detective.


[Mamoru POV]

You tossed and turned in your bed, for once you were unable to sleep, that damn kid was on your mind. The thought of her pleasuring herself in the room next to yours, only a wall separated you, your arousal was hitting new heights. You had an erection that was pressing harshly against your trousers, begging to be released. You were desperate to release it, to release yourself with her in your mind but you couldn't. You felt slightly dirty at the thought of you reliving yourself over her, not that you could keep yourself from thinking about her. She was beautiful, ravishing, you would give all you had to call her yours and not share her with the others. You knew Eisuke and Baba certainly had their eyes on her, but they wouldn't treat her like you would. They lusted for her and so did you but you could provide the emotional side, a caring side something the others lacked.

Your desire for her growing, you free yourself of your sheets and enter your bathroom. Turning on the bath, maybe this could calm you down. You submerge into the water and begin to feel yourself relax before a small knock at the door disrupts you.

"Fuck me Mamoru," You hear through the other room. With pleasure, you respond in your head. No! Stop it, you're not Eisuke, you don't behave like this. Climbing out, you dry yourself off and wrap your towel around your waist. You want to say something but all you can manage is a growl in your throat. There on all fours, her ass facing you, was (Y/N) wrestling with the corner on your sheets. You were frozen in the moment, unable to take your eyes off her. When she pressed forward, her short skirt of that ridiculous maid outfit flashed you her behind and little underwear, baring her ass for you to see. Hearing her sigh in defeat she turns on her knees and faces you, direct eye contact before she sucks her bottom lip looking at your torso. She said something, almost defending her actions for being in here.

"I was in the bath… Don't let me stop you," You said unable to take your eyes off her. As she finishes making your bed, you stay where you are due to your hardness starting to form. You catch her staring at your chest when she thinks you're not looking and it makes you feel uncontrollable. Maybe she felt the same to you as you did to her. She quickly excused herself once finished and you couldn't control yourself.

You lock your door and drop your towel, your fully erect member freeing itself, you don't think you had ever felt as hard as you did now. You pumped yourself to her in your mind, the moment you fell on her in the elevator, her figure from the poker game, the kiss you gave against her soft lips, her exotic dance from the night before and the way she parted herself between your legs, you wished your hand was lips around you. Your hips thrusted immensely, you felt yourself becoming undone. It was the way she had just looked at you then, sucking her bottom lip whilst eyeing your chest that was your undoing. You groaned and grabbed onto the bathroom sink as you pumped yourself whilst you came over the counter and your chest. That was the moment you snapped, you had to her, she had to be yours.



Your eyes light up at the event you had just walked into, it was so beautiful. It was something to do with business partners for Eisuke and you were grateful to be here. You looked around at the other guests, many well dressed businessmen most with women draping over them. Seeing the beauty of these women made you feel slightly self-conscious and you flattened the skirt of your dress slightly. You had put on a plunging cocktail dress that came half down your thighs, it was tight to your body in jet black, accentuating your figure. You had black stilettos on to match, you were just able to walk in them. Your hair was slick straight and a gold necklace hung from your chest. You had entered the event with Eisuke, the other bidders would meet you there.

"You look ravishing, I must admit I was hoping you would be late because punishing you in that dress would be thrilling," Eisuke whispered into your ear before greeting some businessmen who were more interested in you. You smile politely and introduce yourself. Eventually the other bidders entered the room, all looking dashing but your eyes fell onto Mamoru, he looked different. His normally scruffy suit was freshly pressed, his tie done up smartly and he had a new bound to walk, almost filled with confidence. Before anyone can say anything Mamoru takes your hand and presses it to his lips.

"You're breathtaking," He says against your hand.

"You don't look so bad yourself, when you scrub up," You respond smiling sweetly to him. A cough from one of the other bidders interrupts you, you almost forgot they were there, your attention was focused on Mamoru. The group disperses, the bidders going to greet others leaving you to your own devices.

Sipping away at the free drinks one of the businessmen from earlier came and sat next to you at the bar.

"Hello beautiful, I'm Hiruku, its a pleasure to be by your side," He says, smiling towards you.

"Heya, I'm (Y/N)," You reply, sipping on the champagne flute in your hand. You the two of you converse slightly, him surprised Eisuke had left such a thing alone. You was quick to inform him, you attended as merely friends, nothing more, gaining a grin from the man opposite you. You enjoyed the company but you would have preferred Mamoru beside you, you scanned the room for him until your eyes found him. He was conversing with some of the other bidders and men you didn't know with a few beautiful women around them. Your heart sank a little, you wanted to be there with him but he was clearly more interested than being with you.

The music in the room started playing, 'Come and Get Your Love' one of your favourite songs and Hiruku saw your eyes sparkle a little at the music.

"Care to dance?" He said, standing up and holding his hand to you. Not wanting to be left alone, you reluctantly take his hand as he leads you to the dance floor. Walking past the bidders, you turned your face away as you came closer, you didn't want to hear or see the conversation happening between Mamoru and the women. You finish your drink in your hand and place it on an empty table before Kiruku places a hand on your waist and pulls you towards him, swinging his waist in time to the song, purposely pressing his lower half against you.

"Smile, pretty lady," He whispers into your ear, quite frankly he was too close for your comfort. As he spins you around, he keeps his hands on your waist and pulls you close again, this time he had pressed your back to his chest. His hands fixed onto you, he began grinding against your behind. You felt beyond uncomfortable and your eyes desperately searched for the bidders, when you saw Mamoru staring at you, his eyes burning at you. You shook your head, trying to signal to him your discomfort before trying to free yourself of Kiruku's grip but he refused to let you go.

"Let me go," You say loudly for him to hear but not enough to be heard by others. He grabs you tighter, pressing himself harder against you, his erection pressing hard against you. You lean back into him, he thought you had surrendered into him and buried his head into your hair where you felt his hot breath against his neck. You felt tears begin to fill your eyes, you were not taking this. Using your left elbow, you take a deep blow behind you, hitting within his chest. Making a whine noise he scrunches slightly, his grip instantly releases you and you bolt away from him.

"You bitch, get back here!" He yells and reaches to grab you but you run. You looked for the bidders but they had gone, you weren't spending one more minute here and bolted for the door, the tears that had formed now running down your face. You don't stop until you reach the elevator and spam it until the doors shut and take you to safety of the penthouse. You bit your bottom lip to stop you from crying but as soon as your enter the penthouse you let it all out, the tears falling off your face. You could still feel Hiruku's grip on you.

Not caring about the risk of any bidders walking in, you strip yourself of your dress, no longer wanting anything he had touched to touch your skin. You calmed yourself down, wiping away your tears with a towel from the kitchen. You was just about to scoop up your dress and head upstairs when the doors open and he strutted in a scowl on his face.

"Mamoru���" You say looking at him. His eyes wide open looking at you standing their in your underwear. Covering his eyes, he heads for the stairs.

"I didn't see anything, I'll leave you two in peace," He mutters, you could hear the anger in his voice.

"It's just me," You whisper, trying to stop yourself from tearing up again. Mamoru stops and rushes to you, he pulls you to him wrapping his arms around you, holding you tight.

"Sh...Shh… what happened," He says sweetly to you, brushing your hair gently in attempts to calm you down. You let out some tears and explain what happened, how it turned from innocent dancing to his controlling grip and grinding, not allowing you to escape.

"I'll kill him," Mamoru muttered and held you tighter, as if he was trying to remove your pain.

"Your safe, I got you," He whispers against you hair as you manage to pull yourself together.

"Thank you," You say looking up to him, wiping your eyes before adding, "What are you doing back so early?". He takes a gulp before pressing a gentle kiss to your hand that was placed on his chest.

"I… I couldn't bare to see you in the arms of another man, it was worse than seeing Eisuke flirting with you," He says, staring into your eyes. That look. That look that melt, that make your legs want to buckle from under you, the look at that sent tingles down your spine.

"I can't give you a lifestyle Eisuke can, or shower you in gifts like Baba, but I can keep you safe and I will never let anyone hurt you again," He says a whisper, almost too scared to say it for your reaction.

"I want to be yours, Mamoru," You said before leaning up and placing a gentle kiss against his lips. You meant it. You felt safe around him, like nothing bad could ever get to you whilst in his presence. He looked at you for a moment, briefly registering what you had said.

He leaned down and kissed you, passion igniting in both of you as you felt his tongue press against your mouth. You moaned slightly and he seized the opportunity to enter his tongue into your mouth. You leaned your arms up, wrapping them around his neck, burying your hands into his hair. The kiss quickly got heated and you felt a bulge beginning to press against you. He wanted you as much as you wanted him. He gently pushed himself back and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.

"If we don't stop now, I won't be able to control myself darlin," He said, like he was almost scared to break you.

"Then don't," You whisper before pulling him back to kiss you once again. You gasp slightly as he picks you up, instantly wrapping your legs around his waist. He places you on the nearby kitchen counter, neither breaking the kiss. His bulge was pressing deeply against your thigh and you knew he was wearing too many clothes and decided to help rid him of them. You pull off his tie and slide his jacket off, as he places light kisses on your neck before sucking on a spot that makes you cry out a little in pleasure. Yours hand quickly working at his shirt buttons, before it falls to the floor. His dedicated hands had worked their way to your back, unhooking your bra and throwing it somewhere across the room. He gasps, admiring your breasts before taking one in his mouth, sucking your nipples before lightly biting them.

"Fuck, Mamoru!" You cry, your waist thrusting forward, rubbing against his erection. You needed him, your body ached for him. You leaned down to undo his belt whilst he continued to fondle your breasts with this mouth, appreciating the same moans leaving your lips. You tugged down his trousers before seeing the perfectly toned chest of his once again today and lick your lips before dipping your hand into his boxers. He hissed against your skin as you gripped his confined member, slowly working your hand around him.

"Sweetheart, I cant hold back," He grumbled against your skin, slightly panting as your hand around him gave him a gentle squeeze. Before you could say anything, his hands were tugging at your soaked panties and prodding at your entrance. He slowly slipped one into your heat, you crying out from the sensation. He smirked ever so slightly, proud of your reaction to his touch, this was all he had wanted since he met you. As his fingers continue to thrust into you, you freed him from his boxers, a gasp leaving you at the size of him. He chuckled slightly before removing his finger, despite your whine and positioned himself between your legs. Placing gentle kisses to your lips, he guided himself into you, taking his time and enjoying the tight sensation around him. You cried out in pleasure when his whole length was in you.

"Thats it darlin," He said, kissing you and began to thrust into you. Your fingers instantly took to his back, scratching up and down him as he hissed at the sensation. The moans of you encouraged him to thrust faster and he threw your legs around his waist, you tightly wrapping them around him, deepening his angle. His mouth moved to suck on your nipples, one hand toyed with your clit and threw your head back in pleasure.

"Ma...Mamo!" Was all you could manage through moans of pleasure, you felt yourself beginning to tighten around him. He was also close, you could tell from his pants and moans.

"Who...do you...ugh! Belong too," He grunted between moans, applying pressure to your clit. You was about to become undone, the sensation pulsing through your body.

"You, you! Oh! You Mamoru," You cried out, your words spurring him into a unhuman pace hitting your g-spot with each thrust. Your body shook with pleasure as you tightened and released around him. He thrust one more time, your tightness causing him to cum inside you and he moaned your name loudly. He thrusted gently a few more times, both of you riding out the intense pleasure you had both encountered. Removing himself, he placed his forehead against your, both of you excessively panting.

"You are mine," He said, before placing a sweet kiss against you. Once you had regained your breath, you went to stand, only to be picked up by Mamoru.

"Mamoru! I need to move our clothes!" You squeal as he refuses to let you go, starting his assent upstairs.

"Leave them, let them see who's you are," He says a smug grin on his face before carrying you to his room for round two.


[Mamoru POV]

Not wanting to the leave the bed, you looked at (Y/N) sound asleep, basking in the afterglow of last night. You knew the other bidders would most likely be downstairs and you get dressed to go and gloat. A smug smirk on your face, as you walk down stairs to be greeted by the other men.

"On the kitchen counter? Didn't think you had it in you," Eisuke smirks to you, catching your gaze. The pile of clothes from last night still in place on the floor, you picked them up, the only thing you couldn't find was (Y/N) panties.

"Looking for these," Baba says, holding out his hand and hanging off his fingertip was the lacy underwear. You go to snatch it but he moves his hand away. You look to Soryu, you never saw eye to eye but this occasion he understood you. Taking out his gun, he pointed it at Baba who pouted and thew your underwear to you where you shoved them in your pocket. No chance was you getting them back. You nod to Soryu in appreciation.

'Actually, I need your assistance in teaching a man a lesson," You say to Soryu, guesting him to walk over.

"Go on," He says, Baba's eye lighting up as if he thought you was on about him.

"Some prick last night, the guy (Y/N) was with, he hurt her, make him suffer, I don't care what you do," You said through gritted teeth, the thought of him started to make your blood boil. Soryu shook his head.

"Leave it to me," He said, pulling out his phone. With that you left the men to their antics, racing upstairs to climb back into bed with the women you couldn't get out of your mind.

"Oh Mamoru, next time you fuck down here, clean up after you or I'll set cameras up for us to watch the show," Eisuke yelled up to you. You took a mental note of that, he wasn't joking.