
Chapter 7

A man was sitting at a large wooden desk. Many would just think that the desk was normal until they came close to it to see the ancient writing carved lightly into the edges. The carvings glistened under an unseen light and reflected it from time to time. The man was leaning over some documents while the midday sun shown through the large open windows. A slight breeze would move the white curtains from time to time.

"Master." A man appeared drifting out of the shadows like dark smoke. Everything about him was dark and black from his clothes to his hair. The only contrast was his pale skin and dark red eyes.

"What is it Lucien." The man kept his blue eyes on the documents not paying Lucien much attention. His strong arms from time to time would turn to the next page. His tailored blood red suit would stretch just enough for others to realize just how strong his body truly was.

"Venos has returned. He will be here in a few moments."

The man paused in his actions. Relief could be seen in his face. He stood and went to the balcony doors that were slightly ajar letting the cool breeze blow in. The man's dark hair fluttered in the breeze. His bright eyes staring out into the open sky at if waiting for something. Slowly a pleased smile appeared on his stern but handsome face as he watched a dark speck get larger and larger in the sky.

At an open meadow many dragons appeared to be sitting at its edge waiting patiently. They have arrived about an hour ago. The dragon's senses are strong and could detect the powers of an ancient miles away. Slowly a dark figure descended. His body was shrouded in darkness that light could not penetrate. The only part of his body that shown with clarity were his crystal eyes. The dragon's large body landed as light as a feather. He leaned his head down to rest from his long journey.

The man in the red suit had just appeared in a flash of smoke to see this scene followed by his dark companion. The smoke still swirling around their bodies. He walked forward and bowed respectfully to the large creature. Venos looked down at this man but did not move from his spot.

"She is still sleeping." A voice sounded in the man's head.

"Let her rest then. I will wait here for when she wakes." He spoke telepathically to the dragon.

"Master." Lucien spoke through his mind waiting for his orders.

"Prepare some tea and snacks. Kaylen should wake soon." The man lifted his hand and in it appeared a book. With a wave of his hand and two lounge chairs appeared with a low table on top of a large rug. He sat at one lounge and read the book in his hand as if this was a common occurrence.

Shortly after his arrival another lounge chair appeared. A graceful figure appeared in some more swirling dark smoke. She had dark hair and crystal blue eyes. She was beautiful. Her delicate figure made its way followed by another dark but female companion that had green eyes.

"Father." She nodded gracefully and communicated telepathically to him.

"Ester." He nodded back. They both made themselves comfortable and read their own books while sometimes snacking on the snacks that some maids continuously brought out. The short table was full of food. Another taller table made its way there on the edge of the large rug that had drinks available with an assortment of wines and liqueurs. It was not known when but even Demetri managed to find a spot to put his desk on and worked on his laptop quietly tapping away on the keys waiting for Kaylen to wake. Leon, Demetri's father, was now sitting on Ester's lounge chair holding her as he read his own book. The scene was casual and looked as if they had done this often.

They all looked up at the dark dragon when they detected his slight movement. Slowly the spikes on his head moved revealing the stretching small woman. She blinked her crystal blue eyes as she looked at the scene in front of her. Her bright eyes changing colors slightly in the light. Reflecting like dark blue fire opals. She walked down from the dragon's head and lightly landed on the ground.

"Master…" She tried to call out but the man in red coughed and glared at her. "Grandfather." She corrected herself. Her eyes softened as she looked at this family in front of her that waited patiently for her to wake.

"Did everyone wait long?" She called out in her soothing soft voice.

"Not long dear. Let mother see you. You've changed so much since you left." Ester's voice came out shaky trying to fight back tears. "Four years. It's been a long time, dear." She walked up and pulled her into her embrace.

"Sorry, mother."

"It's alright dear. You are here now." She smiled down at the little beauty and brought her to sit next to her.

They discussed about her years away. How she lived and what kind of experiences she had. They snacked and ate as they talked. Everyone looked so proud when they found out about her three master's degree. Ester hinted at Kaylen to find out any news of a man in her life.

"Mother, I have not been in a relationship. Don't look at me like that."

"I am just curious why you would stay away for so long."

"I've been training with Venos." She whispered sadly. They all looked at her knowing her tendency to shut herself away from the family. When she was young, she seemed just like every other child, minus the constant nightmares. She was happy, loved to dress up, followed around her mother like a shadow. The when she was thirteen, she started shying away shutting herself off from them. Ester could see the longing in her eyes but could never bring herself to delve deeper afraid of bringing back dark memories.

"Okay. I won't ask any further." Ester patted her small hands to comfort her. She motioned to the maids behind her and they started to move all the food away. The family stood up and made their way to their home. The whole way Ester did not let go of her hand. Her warm hands seemed to wrap around Kaylen's heart reminding her how important she was to them and that time could not erase her existence. Kaylen thought that Venos might have been right, it was not fair to anyone.

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