
Shameless Men

The couple didn't come out of their room but in the wee moments of the next day. That was by the insistence of the hunger they couldn't satiate. Uli had to remain seated at the dinning table as Selai scrambled some eggs to add to the sausages he had fried for his wife and in laws. Uli's parents were not surprised to see them at table during that time. Uli's mom, Ulia couldn't hide her grin, after all she was witness to the shameless attitude of her son in law banging her daughter. She was envious of their youth. She reminisced the past, when Helu had the same insatiable appetite for her body.

" Morning children " Helu greeted them and sat, stretched his hand to take his fair share of the breakfast prepared. Uli nodded her head as Selai answered. " I can see you have worked up enough appetite to consume the feast you have prepared". Helu said.

Uli couldn't raise her head. đŸ˜± How can her father behave shamelessly in front of her.

Ulia kicked her husband under the table reprimanding him. He ignored her, he recommended a secluded romantic cove at the beach they could have a good time and they will not be interrupted. " Thanks dad, I was hoping to get some us time off the hustle and bustle of the city." Selai responded. Uli rolled her eyes at him. He drew close and whispered in her ears. " Did you just roll your eyes at me", " what are going to do about it? Spank me or what?" she answered indignantly at him. " hmmm perhaps I should develop means of punishing when you misbehave." Selai responded and bit her ear sensuously. Uli had to cross her legs under the table and swallow her moan that nearly escaped from her throat. Helu observed their interaction " I hope you are not going to have my daughter as breakfast at this table" . " ooh! dad🙉 can you be less you know uh!🙈" Uli exclaimed and left the table running out of the house towards the beach.

Selai followed her out and overhead Ulia scolding him but he still mentioned it was not his fault his daughter married a shameless man. Ulia scoffed at him and left him at the table.

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