7 Chapter VI

When Karma awoke she was laying on top of the same colored form, although she could tell the colors now. Green was the main color mixture of yellow and blue, with a dark black swirling in the middle, but there were more than just colors. There was something within the colors she looked into the depths of him it was as if it whispered to her, telling her all his secrets.

She smiled at this, she knew everything about him in mere seconds.

He was just like her. Thrown off Olympus at birth, but unlike her he was all alone.

No one came to save him.

He limped his way back up from Olympus where they used him for his blacksmithing skills. They took what they wanted then laughed and whispered about him behind his back. He used to want to fit in with the gods but now he absolutely despised them.

They were the reason he kept his limp. Hephaestus was the best crafter none to man, he could surly build himself something to rid him of his limp but no. This was his reminder of no matter how nice they seemed he knew what the gods really were.

Whether he liked to admit it or not though he still wished to be accepted if only because he was so lonely.

She looked further and further there was something deep down that not even he wanted to know about himself. But she was interrupted by another figure walking into the room. Their colors were not as bright and vibrant as Hephee's. They were a full yellow mostly with bits of red making a light shade of orange. They also had a dark abyss in their center but theirs were bigger, darker. The shape was different too. While Hephee's color would ripple in big curves outlining his shape the strangers had smaller ripples. The stranger was so dull.

Karma creeps out of the bed judging by the snores Hephee was still sleeping.

"Hello my la-" Karma put her finger over the person's mouth silencing them. She let their soul whisper to her. It was so easy, as if she was reading a book or someone was telling her a story. She saw his past and his future. It must be easier to get information from a human because it all easily flowed out of him she didn't have to look hard like she did with Hephee.

The young man had lived in a city called Athens, he was an intellect very smart but he was injured as a child during a house fire where he lost his parents. He had a large burn scar covering half his face.

It seemed Hephee had a soft spot for people who had a similar story to his own.

He had tried to get into schools and colleges yet none would accept him because of his horrific face. The called him a monster because of the way her looked.

He had the potential to make inventions and change the world but he only wished for the acceptance of his peers.

Hephee took him away from that world in hope to salvage his ideas, but he lacked the passion for inventing, never able to get past his rejection. So Hephee made him head servant of the house.

What a waste, such a beautiful brain held back by a broken heart. He would live 29 years until he was overcome by the black abyss in his soul and hung himself. That is unless she fixed him.

His soul whispered to her as she saw his life written out before her. She just had to simply reach out and erase it and write him a new story, a better story, as she was about to she heard her name being called from behind her.

She looked at Hephaestus he was agitated and angry.

"What are you doing Karma?!?"

She looked at him and tilted her head to the side in confusion. She had looked through both of their souls, their memories gave her the knowledge she needed to communicate and so much more. She had obtained all the knowledge they had.

"What do you mean? Big brother"

Hephaestus looked at the little girl when he woke up. She was on top of Alec, her eyes glowing white as he convulsed. When he called out her name she immediately stopped and looked at him so innocently he doubted she even knew she was hurting him. The small smile she gave him showed it all. She was now between the ages of 10-13. It was such a pity gods are only children for such a short time, she was just so adorable.

She'd be fully grown by the end of the week. Looking into her doe eyes he almost completely forgot about the unconscious Alec on the ground.

"What did you do to Alec?" Karma looked back to the man on the floor. Then she looked down at her hands, her expression was guilt-ridden and sorry "I just wanted to see him." She said brows furrowed.

She must have hurt the weak man when she was fixing his soul, she'd have to finish him later.

Alec gained consciousness, he slowly lifted himself off the floor. Using his forearms to steady himself.

"W-what happened?" He said, confused holding his head in pain.

Karma walked closer to him and reached her hand out to help him up.

"You must have hurt your head." Karma whispered to his soul. Rewriting his own thoughts.

"Yes, you're right. You must've spooked me and I fell."

Hephaestus walked over and picked Karma, the small girl wrapped her arms around Hephaestus neck.

"Clean this mess up, we'll be in the kitchen." Hephaestus finished and limped away. Karma looked back at Alec and smiled and waved goodbye innocently. Alec gave her a nervous smile and waved awkwardly back at her as Hephaestus turned to corner out of the room grabbing his cane.

As they were about to enter they heard a high pitched voice yelling at Thea the cook. Hephaestus knew right away who it was, he'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"I SAID WHERE IS HE! I want him here NOW!"

"M-my lady I-I'm sure he'll b-be right down. If you just be pati-"

Hephaestus places Karma down behind the corner to the kitchen. "Stay here. And don't move"

"PATIENT! Why yo-"

"Aphrodite" Hephaestus says lazily.

The goddess turned her head. Hephaestus had to admit she was beautiful. Her long blond hair and baby blue eyes never failed to leave him in awe. She was tall and slim. The way she moved was always so graceful like she was floating. Her lace pink dress flowed gracefully around her when she turned not a hair out of place.

"Where were you! I went to your usual volcano and you weren't there." She said through her teeth.

"I don't know where you are, why should you know where I am? Do you even really care?" Hephaestus says his anger growing.

Aphrodite's face changed from angry to seductive, she strutted forward swaying her hips. She walked up to him and tiptoed her fingers across his shoulders.

Hephaestus body stiffened he hated that only she could ever make him feel and act like this. And the fact she knew the effect she had on him.

"My darling husband, don't you know I've always cared about you." She whispers in his ear.

And there it was what he had hidden deep within himself something not even he wanted to believe was there.


It was pulsing it emerged right from the darkness of his soul. It was a red vibrant color every beat released a glow of light illuminating the objects in the room that were once blind to her.

"W-why are you here?" Hephaestus says his voice gruff.

"I heard you brung a girl home from Earth." She said nonchalantly.

He should've known what this was about. Every time he got a new servant that was a girl she immediately came here to threaten them. Whether Aphrodite cared for him or not she would kill him before she'd ever let him cheat on her. To have the goddess of love and beauty cheated on she'd be as much of an embarrassment as Hera.

He was beyond angered by this considering she's had sex with every god in Olympus. And it's not like he had women lined up to sleep with him.

"Yes, I have." He said plainly.

Aphrodite stared at him expectantly and raised her eyebrows. Hephaestus just continued staring at her blankly.

"So go get her!" She pouts

Hephaestus sighs "She's sleeping and she's eight."

"Never too young to learn something." She said sitting down at the table and picking up an apple and looking at it uninterested.

He knew she wouldn't give up until she no longer felt threatened. But he didn't know how to do that without showing her Karma and she's bound to tell everyone about the red-headed god until it got back to Zeus that she wasn't a half-breed and wasn't dead.

Before he could decide what to do Karma came out from behind the corner.

Karma has heard enough of this she had worked her way into the depths of Aphrodite's soul and read her like a book. She didn't like this new woman in fact she hated her. She knew from Hephee's memories that this was Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty. She knew how she had treated Hephee, she was beginning to hold a deep hatred for people who cheated.

Aphrodite looked at the small girl in shock. She was beautiful, nothing like anything she's ever seen. And she hated her.

Before she could open her mouth her mind went completely blank. Her limbs went numb as she dropped the apple and fell to her knees, yet her eyes started wide open in a blank state.

Hephaestus looked at Karma amazed her eyes were shining like polished diamonds.

Aphrodite grunted and her eye twitched as ifshe was trying to fight the hold the little girl had on her.

Karma walked up to her and cupped her face.

"Shh just let me in. No need to fight."

Aphrodite's body went limp and her face went blank once again.

Using her words to command people seemed to be more effective than using her mind.

Karma was fully embedded In her soul. Souls were such a unique and peculiar thing. Karma had learned that the soul held everything. Who the person was or will be, their memories, their feelings. You just had to know where to look. Everything about a person was just there plain as day it was so easy to just change everything about a person and make them anew. She didn't know why she had this power. Maybe that fall did something to her head the way it did something to Hephee's leg.

Karma looked through her memories and made up new ones. "You came here you saw a little girl with plain brown hair and plain brown eyes. You did your usual threats telling me to never touch Hephaestus. Then you left." She imagined these events playing out and put them in her mind. She was going to release her hold on her until she realized something.

She turned around to Hephaestus eyes still glowing.

"I could make her love you." Karma said simply.

Hephaestus was taken aback by this by all the events that had just played out before him.


Karma interrupts before he can finish she takes slow steps towards him. "I.Could.Make.Her.Love.You." She ends with an innocent head tilt.

"Why wou-"

"Because you love her. You're...in love with her. But she doesn't love you. She hates you. You disgust her."

That hurt him more than he would've liked he knew Aphrodite would never love him but to hate him.

"She's so blind she's the goddess of love but she doesn't know what real love is. She refuses to see past the way you look. That's what she bases everything on...looks. But I don't understand because I see you and you are...".


"If she could see past your face she would love you as you love her. So I ask again. Would you like me to make her love you?"

Hephaestus answer was immediate "No."

Karma scrunched her eyebrows confused "Why?"

"Because this is Aphrodite, this is who I love and this is who I want to love me." he stated simply.

"She will never love you. She is broken. Let me fix her, make her better. The way you mold weapons I could mold minds." She says holding her brother's hand and looking up at him.

Hephaestus just shook his head. Karma nodded and released Aphrodite after commanding her to leave.

Hephaestus once again looked down on the beautiful little girl.

This power she had could destroy so much but she was so young and innocent she didn't know what she was doing was wrong. He would teach her, he would not let her be a monster.
