
Two Hundred Years Later

She lifted the manga book she was trying to read to cover her face. She has been in the bookstore for more than an hour already and her agenda was to stay with the guy she had a crush on since she was in first year high school. She peeked from it and saw that he was busy arranging the newly-arrived manga books on the shelves. He felt her gaze on him, so he turned to look at her but she quickly walked away from him. She frantically took her purse from her bag to pay for the manga book she picked up earlier but she shrieked when a new manga book fell in front of her.

"You bought that volume last time. This is the latest volume." His voice was cold and she nodded many times before taking it. He was also the one in charge at the counter, so he accepted the money from her, deciding to slow down on packing up the manga book. She clenched her fists tight, certainly avoiding eye contact with him.

"You stayed here for one hour and twelve minutes to read that?" He asked while pointing at the manga book she was holding earlier. She bit her lips and slowly nodded. It was their first time to have a conversation and she was afraid she might say unnecessary and embarrassing things to him.

"Here's your change." He handed her the coins and their skins fingers touched, making her feel like she was electrified. She snatched the plastic bag from him and rushed out of the bookstore. He watched her in amusement until he needed to follow her outside.

"Please be careful." He muttered with his arms around his waist. She froze on her spot, absorbing what just happened. She was almost hit by a car. He saw her identification card on the ground, so he picked it up.

"Your name is Hasegawa Fuyu?" He asked and she slowly nodded. She couldn't believe that she almost lost her life a few minutes ago. He gave it back to her and she immediately left him after a small thanks.

Night came and he didn't bother to turn the lights on in his mansion. He walked in the empty hallway until he reached the end of it. He stared up the huge portrait hanging on the wall. It was him. It was him two centuries ago. Nothing changed except his thirst for blood. His fangs slowly grew out and his eyes were like burning flames. He heard footsteps, so he turned around to see who just arrived. The moon lit up the whole place and a taller figure stood afar from him. His white wings appeared and the younger one smiled at him. Another figure arrived but this time, he was wearing an all-black clothes. The oldest among them has fangs like him while the youngest has the white wings.

"What are you two doing here? Don't you have tasks to do?" He asked before proceeding to the main hall. The two followed him and he almost fell on the floor when he was attacked with a bearhug.

"We saw what happened earlier. That girl. That girl is the one." His pure-bred vampire friend, Higa said while grinning widely. He rolled his eyes and shoved the two away before taking a seat on his throne.

"It's been two centuries since the last time you finished your task. Your new task will start tomorrow." The youngest one said while standing from a distance. The two older ones' faces turned serious and he nodded. He was still wondering why he needed to wait for two centuries just to start this one.

"I need to think about things tonight. You two should leave me alone just for this once." When he said that, the two men finally left. He stood up from his seat and went to the study hall instead. Piles of books were sitting in every corner of the place and he took enough time to stay there and think.

Morning came and he went out of his mansion wearing a set of clean and fresh clothes. It was his day off and he decided to go to the bookstore despite doing nothing there. He found her lurking around as if she was looking for someone and when he approached her, she almost fell on the ground. She was carrying a heavy backpack and it contained the books and things she will need for the rest of the week.

"Are you looking for me?" He asked and her eyes widened before shaking her head vigorously. He raised a brow and then, he snatched the book she was holding. He lifted it high when she tried to grab it back.

"Hounds of the Baskervilles. You like Doyle?" He asked once more but she didn't answer this time. He started walking away and she quickly followed him. She kept on getting it back from him until he decided to get the backpack she was carrying.

"Where will we go?" She finally asked and he looked at her. She snatched the book away from him and her eyes widened once again when he held her hand. She tried to pull her hand from his grip but he just gave her a glare.

"You're not even my boyfriend to hold my hand." She muttered while they were walking towards the university gates. He stopped from his tracks, so did she. He eventually let her hand go but then, he cupped her cheeks and gently kissed her lips. She froze on her spot and when he was about to continue his tracks, he saw Yuhi standing from afar. The younger one was grinning widely. He didn't expect that he would be there.

"I'm your boyfriend now." He nonchalantly said and he pulled her closer to him since he saw her friends approaching them. One of them was Yuhi but he didn't say anything, especially the fact that they knew each other.

"Your boyfriend?" One of her close friends, Yamamoto Sho, asked. She was panicking but she was able to nod her head. The older one's jaw tightened while looking at Ryo. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and then, he gave back the backpack to her.

"I'll see you later, Angel." Ryo said as he felt like teasing the older one. She bit her lips lightly and watched him leave the premises. She doesn't even know his name yet but he is already her boyfriend.

"Why is he calling you Angel?" Sho asked and she averted her attention on him. She doesn't know what to tell him since she never mentioned that endearment to Ryo. Thus, everyone knows that Sho is the only one who calls her Angel.

"I don't know. Endearment, I guess?" She answered and then, she immediately went inside the department building to avoid questions from them. Her heart was beating so fast that she almost forgot that he got her first kiss.

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