
A Child is Born

Kane slowly opened his eyes, and began to cry, wail, actually. 'Where am I' he thought. As his eyes adjusted to light he looked around and saw giants towering over him. 'WTF they're missive!' he thought, as he tried to get away, only to realize he couldn't move. His gaze then turned towards his arms. 'WTF! My hands! They're baby hands! AM I A BABY!!!' Kane started bawling his eyes out, which drew the attention of one of the "giants".

The woman rushed over to him and picked him up, embracing him lovingly. "Doctor, doctor!" the woman yelled. "He's alive! My baby's alive!" she said as she embraced Kane even harder. Kane couldn't understand what she was saying, but he got the gist of the situation. He had reincarnated, at least, that's what the countless light novels and manhwa had led him to believe.

'Holy shit I died' Kane thought as he began to calm down and observe his surroundings. He looked around and realized he was in a small, haphazardly built room with stone walls, stone floors, and a wooden roof. He saw 2 candles placed on the walls as the only light sources. 'I must have been reincarnated into the past, or into another universe, one more primitive. Am I even on Earth? Those people look like humans, but I guess I'll find out later when I learn the language.'

'How did I die' Kane thought to himself as he tried to remember his last moments. He was in the car with his mom and dad. They were driving back home from a swim competition, one that Kane hadn't done well on. The last thing he remembered was looking out the car window when a big truck was passing by on the highway. 'Holy fuck! Truck-kun claims another one huh?' Kane thought to himself. He laughed at his joke as he began to look at his surroundings once more.

He was still in the hands of his presumed mother, barely breathing because of how hard she was holding him. He looked up at her face and saw her crying and smiling as she stared back at him. 'Damn, these people think their baby survived' Kane thought. 'I guess I'll have to play their role now, RIP baby'.

A tall man with a long white beard wearing a simple gown walked in the room and went towards Kane. The man looked at Kane, trying to see if he was alright. Then he did something Kane had never seen before. "He seems fine, but we can never be too sure, so I'll cast a simple spell on him to see if he is ok." the man said. Kane obviously understood none of what was just said, and simply looked at the man wondering why he was holding his hand out right above Kane's head.

The man closed his eyes and held his breath. Then suddenly a bright light emerged from the mans hand showering and covering Kane. Kane was shocked and speechless as the light invaded his body, going through all his veins and organs. It felt amazing to Kane, this brand new power he was just introduced to. But as soon as it came it began to fade. Kane didn't want this feeling to end, this amazing bliss he was feeling, so he tried to hold on to the light. He grasped at the light, trying to hold on, to no avail. It left his body and disappeared into thin air.

"He is fine, just a little fatigued. It's a miracle he survived, so give him all the rest he can get so he can recover quickly. Alright, I'll be going now. Make sure he gets enough sleep and enough food. I'll come back in a month for a check up, goodbye Ms. Ross." the man said as he packed his stuff up. "Thank you so much doctor, I'll be awaiting your visit" Kane's mom said as the man left the room. The woman then looked back down at Kane, only to realize he had fallen asleep.