
Chapter 14

Kakashi looks at Pakkun who is just a pup. Who still needs to be near his mom.

"Kakashi choose one!" Sakumo exclaims in excitement. He is glad that Karu his ninken's mate Kamiko would allow Kakashi to pick one of her pups. Kakashi immediately chooses Pakkun.

"Haha, I knew it! You now owe me a steak" Karu exclaims in excitement.

"Damn" Sakumo whispers under his breathe as Kakashi chose the smallest one. He thought Kakashi would pick the second biggest.

"You can start calling him in three weeks. He won't be able to do much yet but you can start bonding" Kamiko explains to Kakashi. Kakashi nods in pure excitement.

"You can name him, Kakashi" Karu states with pride.

"Pakkun" Kakashi answers quickly. Pakkun immediately turns to Kakashi.

"He likes it!" Kamiko exclaims seeing Pakkun reaction to Kakashi. Kakashi smiles happily seeing his old friend again.


2 hours later


"Tsunade-sensei what's with the fish?" Kakashi asks curiously. His training day with Tsunade switched for today as yesterday she didn't make it. He had spent all day with Minato-sensei.

"Heal it," Tsunade says as she takes out the fish from the bucket and gives it a small cut.

"What?" Kakashi says in shock as he sees the fish flop.

"Hurry or it'll die" Tsunade states with a grin. Kakashi hovers his hand about the fish. Trying his best to get his Chakra to be calm and smooth transfer to the fish. Doing his best to control how much chakra he uses. Too much will kill the fish too little it won't be enough to heal it. The wound of the fish slowly starts closing.

"Damn" Tsunade whispers to herself. She did not think he would be able to heal the fish this quickly. Kakashi soon stops not closing it all the way acting like he lost control of his chakra.

"Sorry, Tsunade-sensei I failed in the end," Kakashi says in defeat. Tsunade looks at Kakashi with a raised eyebrow. She finishes the healing of the fish putting it back.

"Brat you did better than most! However, you still failed so we will be here until you succeed! I believe you can do it by the end of the day! If you don't I will make you reread all the books!" Tsunade states. Kakashi looks at her with a fake determined look and nods.

"I got this" Kakashi states determined and starts to heal the next fish Tsunade injured.

~~2 hours later~~

"I did it!" Kakashi exclaims he decided to finally heal the fish. He was getting bored and hungry.

"You did much better than most! Good job Kakashi im proud of you! I hope you become a full-fledged medical-nin" Tsunade states with a grin.

"I like learning to heal but I don't want to be a full medic-nin" Kakashi states with a frown crossing his arms cutely. He quite likes acting like a child. He can act childish and get away with it.

"Alright, I got it brat!" Tsunade sighs a bit remorseful that Kakashi won't become a full medic-nin. She would be happy for the help in the hospital.

"Tsunade-sensei im hungry," Kakashi asks using the ultimate attack Pakkun used on him so many times. Now he can use such power, the power of puppy eyes.

"Fine, we will take you to eat!" Tsunade caves in after a couple of seconds of Kakashi puppy eyes. Kakashi smiles in triumph he loves being a child sometimes. Free food is the best kind of food.


Kakashi POV


When I arrived home my dad was sitting at the kitchen table.

"What's wrong dad?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Hm, it's just I will soon go on a long mission. I will have to leave you here" Dad says softly. I look at him and I see pure fear. He is probably scared because of Danzo. Well, Danzo did try to recruit him multiple times his first time around.

"Dad don't worry I have stayed by myself before! Don't be scared umm how about I just stay home all the time? Maybe by then, Pakkun can be out" I answer trying to ease his worries. Even if Danzo came he is confident in being able to escape from him.

"No need Kakashi, someone will be coming to take care of you. He is Dan, Tsunade-san's boyfriend. He'll be watching you and help train you while your sensei's and I are gone" Sakumo explains softly. I almost couldn't hide my pure excitement finding out that Dan will not be going.

"Alright, dad then there is no need to worry" I respond with a smile. I hug my dad tightly to hide my excitement. Dan will not be going! He has made a change!

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