
Act 14: Results and Class Classifications!

After Lucien got treated for his bruises, he met some candidates outside the hospital. They came to inquire about Yuichi's well-being and see Lucien's complicated things.

They looked at him with disdain due to what he had done and how cowardly he had acted. Somewhere inside him, he also felt a sense of guilt. He walked away from them quietly without uttering a single word.

" Let's go inside and see how he's doing!"

They walked inside and as they were about to enter the ward, they met with Arata Sugawara, who was just coming out of it.

" How is he?"

" Can we see him?"

" What is it, Sugawara-San? Why aren't you saying anything?"

Mr. Sugawara tried to find the appropriate words to explain the situation to them. The candidates could read worry in his eyes, no matter how much he tried to act the part that nothing was going on.

" His condition is worrisome. He hasn't yet regained consciousness. We have to wait and believe in him."

" Can we see him?"

" We know he can't hear us, but we might just help him."

" We just want to give him support and encouragement."

Mr. Sugawara read in their eyes that they would enter the ward somehow, even if he was to forbid them from doing so.

" You may see him, but don't stay in there too long. He needs his rest."

" We won't!"

Mr. Sugawara left and they entered the ward.

On his way back, he thought-------------

(They might help him in some way. You have to fight, kid. Don't give up! Your journey is just starting.)

Inside the ward, the candidates looked at the appalled and unconscious Yuichi. They reminisce about the battle and the determination he showed.

They approached his bedside one at a time and touched his hand to give him support and encouragement.

" You've fought well today. You showed a determination and courage that was never seen before."

" You need to recover, so we can enjoy the school year together. Don't leave us!"

The others followed right after that--------------

" Please, you have to regain consciousness! It'd be ideal if we could be in the same class."

" We'll need someone like you in our ranks, so don't give up! Fight for your life, just the way you did earlier!"

" We'll be waiting for you tomorrow for the announcement of the results. See you later!"

After giving him support and encouragement, they walked out of the ward.

Right after they left, someone else entered the ward.

" Yuichi, my friend, do you like the hospital that much?"

That person who had just entered the ward was Tatsuya Marashi. He and Yuichi were acquainted with each other in the preliminary round.

" How long do you think you'll sleep for?"

" That tiny attack couldn't have gotten the better of you, did it?"

" I heard from the doctor that your condition was critical. Don't tell me you plan on giving up without fighting!"

" Think of what you've come here for. Think of your dreams and ambitions! How can you let all that go?"

Although Tatsuya was speaking so frivolously, he was extremely worried about Yuichi's condition. Talking like that was simply his way of motivating him not to give up and fight for his life.

" We promised together to make this world a better place and render it back to normality. You can't break your promise!"

Tetsuya stayed there talking to Yuichi non-stop to obtain some kind of reaction from him, but nothing happened.

He was there until the nurse came to change his bandages.

" You've stayed with the patient long enough. You have to leave and let him rest."

Tatsuya quietly left the ward. As he was leaving, he took a last glance at Yuichi and walked out of the room.

The nurse in charge changed his bandages and checked his condition before walking out of the ward. The day came to an end a few hours later.

The following morning, the candidates gathered in the eatery for breakfast.

" Today's the announcement of the results. I wonder how good we did in the last round."

" I wonder about that too, but more importantly, I'm more worried about the classes we'll be assigned to."

" Us too!"

Right after finishing breakfast, they all gathered back in the event hall for the announcement of the results.

The MC arrived there a moment later. All the candidates were nervous.

" What would the results be?"

" What's on your mind?"

Tatsuya wasn't listening to what was said in the event hall. His mind was elsewhere.

" Sorry! I was distracted. What were you guys saying?"

" You were thinking about him, weren't you?"

" If he's as strong-willed as you said he is, he'll make it back."

" You're right!"

The MC gathered everyone's attention as it was now time for the results' announcement.

The MC showed a screen in which were five sections respectively. In each of these sections, there were names written.

" You'll be classified in these five sections respectively based on your results for both the preliminary round and the last round."

" The first three sections are the Quest Class. This class is specifically for those of you who did really well on both the qualification exam and the main one."

" The Quest Class will be divided into three respective factions. The Quest Classes A, B, C. The last two are the general courses for those who did poorly."

" Those are classified as the T Class. T for Training. That means if you work hard throughout the year, you can still make it to the Quest Class."

" The same goes for the Quest Class. Don't think that because you're in the Quest Class, you've secluded your place. You can still lose it and end up in the T Class."

" You all did your best and deserved to be here. Find your names to the faction you've been assigned to."

" That'll be all from you. Thank you very much for your attention!"

The MC concluded his speech. Right then, each of the students tried finding with which faction they've been affiliated.

" I'm in Quest Class B."

" I'm in Quest Class C."

" What about you, man? Can you find your faction?"

" Yes! I'm in Quest Class A."

" Congratulations!"

" Although we're not affiliated to the same Quest Class, we're in the same faction. We'll be seeing each other a lot."

" That's true!"

Tatsuya and the students who had visited Yuichi at the hospital had all made it to Quest Class A. Not to forget Yuichi's opponent, Lucien.

As they all checked where they had been affiliated, the headmaster introduced himself to the future anti-thieves of Kaitou Academy.

" I'm the headmaster and the founder of this institution. My name's Ludovic Moreno."

" I have just one thing to say to you all. In this interminable fight against the forces of evil, we must triumph and restore this world to its proper and definite order."

"Let us all work together to make this our aim and sole objective."

The students clapped hard once the headmaster was done with his speech. Mr. Sugawara stepped in to announce something.

" For those of you who don't know me, I'm Arata Sugawara, and I'll be the professor affiliated with Quest Class A. I didn't come before you today for that."

" I have great news, which most of you had been waiting for since yesterday."

" Your classmate, Yuichi Hanagawa, has made it back. He's no longer in peril."

" Yeah!"

" Yes!"

" We knew he'll make it back."

The students were all elated that Yuichi had finally regained consciousness, especially Tatsuya.

" See, I told you he'd make it. Are you reassured now?"

" Yes!"

Back to Mr. Sugawara and the students--------------

" Is it okay if we go see him now?"

" Yes, you may go see him now. Just don't forget that you have classes tomorrow."

" Yes, sir!"

" Let's go! There's no time to waste."

The students walked out of the event hall one by one.

" Let's go, as well!"

" Yes, let's go!"

Tatsuya and five other students left the event hall together. They were all heading in the same direction, and it was all to see Yuichi.

" Surprise! We're here to see you, classmate! How are you feeling?"

" Don't make so much noise, all of you. The patient needs to rest."

" Sorry, doctor!"

" Sorry, doctor!"

" How are you feeling now? We were all so worried about you."

" I'm fine now. Thank you all for visiting me! I truly appreciate it."

" Don't thank us! The least we could do was visit you."

" We're sorry we couldn't do anything for you back there."

" Don't apologize! It was my fight and no one had the right to interfere. Don't feel guilty!"

" Okay, we won't!"

" It's good that you made it back. We'll be taking classes together and fighting for the same objective, which is the rehabilitation of the world."

" We'll leave now. They are other students waiting outside the ward. We'll be seeing you tomorrow at school."

" Thanks to all of you for coming!"

The first batch of students got out of the ward and the next batch of students got in.

Next chapter