
Act 12: The Last Test!

The event hall, where Yuichi was, was full of people who were qualifiers of the preliminary round. There was an imposing tension in the room.

Most people were stressed out of their wits. They were all trying to figure out what the last test would be about. With the theme alone, they had a lead, but that didn't give them much info.

" The theme of the last test is 'stealing, isn't it?"

" Does that mean we'll be robbing places and stealing stuff?"

" No! It cannot be that. They wouldn't ask us to steal, would they?"

With the discussion going on, Yuichi also had some thoughts that crossed his mind.

(This last test is about stealing. That's the theme that was chosen. I just hope they won't ask us to do illegal things. If they do ask that of us, they would be no different from phantom thieves. Either way, I won't take part in it.)

An hour and a half later, other people started showing up. There were four people in total, and they were all adults. They were probably the school staff. Among them was our examiner Arata Sugawara.

" Hello to all of you!"

One of the school staff started speaking to the audience, which is us in particular.

" All of you fought hard to make it here today. Some of you might have gone through intensive training to prepare for this particular day, and everything will conclude with this last test."

" This last test will serve as a placement exam. Based on your results, you'll be placed in one of the four respective classes, which shall be explained a bit later."

" Now, without further ado, the MC will explain to you what this last test will consist of."

" As the theme very much implies, this last test will be about 'stealing'. What to do to succeed in this test isn't difficult. You'll have to steal one of your opponent's belongings."

" It can be anything. As this is a competition, the first to succeed in stealing the belonging wins."

The MC explained the test in detail. What was expected of us was as clear as crystal water. One of the participants had a question, however.

" Are we allowed to use our powers?"

" Yes! You can use all the magic at your disposal, but you have to use it moderately."

With the explanations out of the way, it was now time to begin the last test. We were given the choice of choosing our opponent ourselves.

To prevent any damage, a barrier was cast in the room.

When everyone was choosing their opponents, I was wondering what to do.

(I was in such a hurry that I didn't bring my grimoire along. Fortunately, I brought my cards along with me. I hope that will be enough.)

" Hey!"

Someone came speaking to me while I was still in deep thoughts.

" Are you talking to me?"

" Yes, I'm speaking to you."

" What can I do for you?"

" Would you mind being my opponent?"

" I don't mind!"

I was looking for an opponent and the opponent came to me himself. Out of all the participants, why did he choose me to compete against?

" We will now begin this last round. Everyone, take your positions!"

The test began. It was pretty intense from the beginning. This test was nothing compared to the preliminary round. Although it looked easy in aspect, it was more than that.

" It'll be our turn soon, but before we go up there, let's familiarize ourselves with each other. What do you say?"

" I don't think that's necessary. We're enemies until this test concludes, so why bother familiarizing ourselves with each other? That's pretty stupid, don't you think?"

" What magic do you use? Can you tell me that at least?"

(He's so annoying! Why does he want to familiarize himself with his opponent before the battle? What is he after?)

" Won't you answer that either?"

" I'll answer you, but you'll have to keep it a secret."

" I give you my word."

" Would you come a bit closer?"

The guy came closer to me and I whispered to him the truth regarding the question he had asked me earlier. He was speechless.

" Are you telling the truth?"

" Why would I lie about something so serious?"

The guy tried to check whether I had magic or not. He used his odor for this action.

" You're right! I don't feel any magic meaning from you."

Just like that, half of the participants went on, and it was now our turn.

"It's good manners to introduce each other before a confrontation, so I'll go first."

(When I told him the truth about me not possessing any magic, he was elated. He must have something planned in store for me. I better be on my guard.)

" My name is Lucien Fritz. Nice to meet you."

" Yuichi Hanagawa. The pleasure's all mine."

As soon as the confrontation started, he came to me head-on. Using his vegetation magic, he had me cornered from the start.

He immobilized me, and I was unable to move a muscle.

" This will be over in a few seconds. Just bear with it for a while."

" I'll have you released in a moment. It's not against you, believe me. You have to understand my predicament."

" Having a good placement is important if you want to be the best. Please, don't hold it against me!"

In the corridors, the teachers were discussing among themselves.

" There's something strange with Yuichi Hanagawa."

" Something strange? He got cornered from the start."

" That's what's strange about it. How come he was cornered so easily? He didn't even avoid it."

" You don't think he didn't protect against that attack on purpose, do you?"

" That's exactly what I think. Besides that, there's something else which I find strange, but I can't quite put my finger on it."

" Whatever it is, this confrontation will say it all."

Getting back to the battle at hand, Lucien was getting ready to make his move.

" Your strategy is quite amazing, must I say. Good job on landing such a good attack!"


" I'm impressed by how strong you are. I should show you what I'm capable of too, right?"


Lucien was finding Yuichi's words very confusing. What confused him, even more, was how happy and serene he seemed.

" Why are you so calm? You've already lost this battle."

" I've cornered you with my magic, and you have no way of freeing yourself."

What Yuichi said next shocked him to the core of no belief.

" Freeing myself? What are you talking about?"


" I have no intention of escaping this confrontation. Why should I escape when I have already won?"


" What are you saying? How could you have won when I have you cornered?"

As he wondered that, he felt a sharp pain in the head and let out a slight shout.

" My hair! Why is there nothing on this side of my head? Where has my hair gone?"

He saw cards up above his head, and one of the cards was holding the missing hair from his crane.

" How did you-----------?"

" That's an easy answer--------------"

The vegetation magic faded away and Yuichi turned to sand and disappeared out of thin air.

" The one you had cornered was not me, but a fake."

The cards came back to Yuichi's hands, and there he saw the real Yuichi standing before him.

" How is that possible?"

" Didn't you wonder how you got me cornered so easily?"

" You were so sure of winning this round just because of what I revealed to you, weren't you?"

" You thought this round was in the bag and fell into my trap as a result."

" I don't understand!"

" Do you remember asking me what kind of magic I used right before the duel?"

Lucien then remembered their conversation right before the duel.

" Yes, I remember! What about it?"

" Well, this is my magic. I'm a trickster, and all that happened when you thought you had me cornered was simply me playing a trick on you."

" All that happened was your illusion. While you were focused on the illusion I had created, the real me was standing right before you."

" You tricked me!"

" You lied to me about you not wielding any magic. You're a liar."

Everyone reacted strongly to the sudden revelation.

" He possesses no magic whatsoever."

" It's true. There's no magic emanating from him."

" He pulled this off with just trickery."

Even among the teachers, the same discussion was going on.

" This was the strange feeling I got.

" He cannot wield any magic, but he can do this much with tricks alone. He's a master trickster."

" Doesn't this make us think of someone? The last name is very similar to that person."

" It's not possible. This might just be a coincidence and nothing else."

Getting back to the field----------------------

" You lied to me. You're a liar."

" I didn't lie to you. I told you the truth. I cannot wield any magic, simply because I was born without any."

" Regardless, my tricking ability is my magic."

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