

"So you and Hermione are a couple?" asks Fred as Kai shakes his head.

"No, there are too many secrets between us at the moment. Maybe after we both showed our hand we can talk about that," says Kai as he and Hermione might look close but they aren't as close as they are playing it.

"Which secrets?" asks George as they walked through the field.

"Like that I know some gods," says Kai sounding sarcastic to the trio while telling the truth.

"Oh, come on. Give us something to work with," says Fred as Kai stopped in his tracks while stretching his hand out to stop the three.

"A group of four people is in front of us," says Kai feeling their presence not knowing who it could be when he listened closely.

"Malfoy, you are also alone," says one voice when Kai looks at the group behind him.

"We found them and a person named Malfoy is with them," says Kai when the twins seemed agitated wanting to do something when Kai says, "We don't want to drag the attention towards us so try to not make trouble."

"Are you sure you are younger than us," says Fred hearing Kai.

"It's because of my family. If you were born in it you would understand why I'm more mature than other people my age when put under pressure," says Kai as he was the easy-going type of person until he has to handle a situation.

He would still be easy-going if it was only his life that he needed to worry about. But right now he felt responsible for the lives of his friends that left his side.

They walked towards the voices and find the three when the new face a boy with white-blond hair said, "Weasley, your siblings arrived and they bring a bloody companion."

Kai forgot to clean the armor and axes after killing the mage that was making him stand out now. Hermione turned around seeing Kai in a bloody armor not noticing that Kai's axes were sullied as well.

"Are you alright?" asks Hermione as Kai nods.

"We encountered a mage. I had to kill him since he was about to kill Ginny," whispers Kai to Hermione since the new face didn't need to know that.

"Who is he by the way?" asks Kai as Hermione still looked at Kai to see that he was alright.

"He is Draco Malfoy, he will be a fourth-year student of Hogwarts like us," says Hermione when Draco hears his father calling for him.

"It seems, I have to leave. You should protect the Mudblood befo-," says Malfoy before he was interrupted by a bloody ax that passed beside his head.

"Say that word again and the other ax won't miss," says Kai furious as his eyes turned red and his aura manifested for Draco to see.

Draco fell to his ass as he saw Kai grew bigger in front of him. Kai's red eyes were bigger than the moon as he saw Kai's fangs stick out of his mouth as if he was a vampire.

"I dare you to say it again," says Kai again but for Draco, it sounded deeper as if a giant was talking to an ant.

"Leave me alone!" shouts Draco as he was crawling backwards trying to flee from Kai who stretched his hand out and his ax returned to him.

Kai seemed ready to kill Draco when suddenly Hermione stood in front of Kai and says, "Have you forgotten that your family changed their ways."

Kai looked at Hermione and she suddenly could see the giant that Draco was seeing for a moment before Kai's eye turned blue again.

Hermione's legs were weak from seeing that when Kai catches her and says, "Sorry, I lost control of myself."

"It's alright, you snapped out of it before you did something bad," says Hermione as she hugged Kai for returning.

Then the Dark Mark appeared in the sky making everyone except for Kai feel nervous when Kai says, "Huginn and Muninn, how about we redecorated the sky."

Hermione didn't understand what Kai meant when suddenly two crows were heard and the Dark Mark vanished from the sky and the runic symbol for Asgard appeared in the sky.

The crows then flew toward Kai and landed on his shoulders when Hermione asks, "Did you just-"

"Manipulating some clouds is quite simple for those two. Aren't I right, Huginn and Muninn?" says Kai as he crawled their stomachs making quite clear that they loved it.

"I haven't seen them before?" asks Hermione as Kai smiles.

"It's because you didn't come to my twelfth birthday. Havi gifted them to me saying he wouldn't need them," says Kai with a smile.

"Why didn't you present us earlier then?" asks Hermione seeing the crows when they take off again.

"Tell Fenrir and Jörmungandr that everything is alright or they might try to find me," says Kai as the crows disappeared in the horizon when Draco and Harry disappeared from their view.

"And away he is. Quite slippery your friend Harry," says Kai looking at where Harry was a second ago.

"I need to follow him. He might get himself into trouble if Ron and I aren't around," says Hermione as she grabbed Ron and they rushed off to find Harry.

"And off she goes," says Kai as he watches Hermione run off to catch up with Harry.

"They are the miraculous trio since they are first-years. It will be hard to get yourself between them even if you are her best friend," says Ginny as she was jealous of Hermione being that close to Harry while she can only watch from the sideline.

"Well, I won't be able to stay with her anyway since I can't enter Gryffindor as you all did," says Kai as he summoned water out of his hands to clean his armor and axes.

"We should still follow them even if the danger seemed to have passed," says George as the rest nods.

They follow the tracks when they find the others again but this time they were accompanied by some adult. They notice Kai in his armor but see the Weasley twins and Ginny behind him taking their suspicion about him away.

"It seems everyone is alright," says Kai seeing everyone still breathing as he approached them with his group.

"So what happened?" asks Kai as Bill waved them to him.

"The Dark Mark was conjured with Harry's Wand making him the prime suspect but he was cleared by Ron and Hermione because Harry lost his wand before everything hit the fan," says Bill as Kai could understand the suspicion placed on Harry if he hadn't seen the Dark Mark in the sky while Harry was without his wand.

"And who was it?" asks Fred curious.

"It was the house-elf of Mr. Crouch. But it seems that the house-elf was controlled by someone. Poor thing was fired by Mr. Crouch and nobody would want to take her in," says Percy as he explained who it was.

"Can I hire her then? Our butler at home is quite old and would certainly welcome a second pair of hands," says Kai surprising the group.

"Why would you take such a risk. She could be controlled again," says Charlie now seriously.

"Trust me, my family knows itself around magic. We should be able to deal with it," says Kai as Percy then points at Winky.

"Then you should talk to her before she disappears," says Percy as Kai nods.

He leaves the group and walks towards Winky when he stood in front of her and places a knee into the mud while saying with a smile, "You must be Winky, right?"

"Yes, Winky is my name. But what do you want from Winky?" asks Winky as she was confused like everyone else.

"I heard you were fired from your job. So I was wondering if you want to work for my family?" asks Kai surprising the adults around.

"Work really? Winky can do anything, really anything," says Winky as she seemed desperate for employment.

"Then it is decided. Come with me Winky. Let's say goodbye to my friend and we will be on our way," says Kai with a smile as he stood back up when Mr. Crouch came forward.

"You can't do that. Do you even know what danger you are bringing home by doing this," says Mr. Crouch as Kai turned to him.

"I will take that risk," says Kai as he walked away with Winky following him while looking back at her former master.

Once back with the others Kai says, "It's time for me to leave. I still need to buy all the stuff before I go to Hogwarts."

"How are you going back?" asks Bill confused when a black portal appeared out of the ground.

"Going through this portal I will arrive at home," says Kai when suddenly a rapier tip came out of it.

"My grandmother poking her rapier where she shouldn't. I should leave before she gets the idea to pass it. Are you coming too, Hermione?" says Kai as Hermione shakes her head.

"No, but I will meet you in two days to buy your stuff before we need to leave for Hogwarts," says Hermione as Kai nods.

"Then I will see you all in Hogwarts. See you later Hermi," says Kai as he passes through the portal while Winky followed him.

They arrived in the middle of the entrance hall and Sarah sees Winky. She points her rapier at Winky who was hiding behind Kai.

"Kaiser, why have you brought that thing into this Mansion?" asks Sarah seriously as the tip went from Winky to Kai.

"She was fired because she was manipulated and I thought Sebastian could need some help since he isn't the youngest any longer," says Kai as Sebastian walked into the hall in his butler attire seeing Sarah pointing her rapier against Kai.

"Madam, is something wrong?" asks Sebastian when he notices Winky.

He picked her up and says, "A house-elf, it has been a while that I have seen one. The last time was when we killed some mages on the border between England and Wales."

"I want to employ her since you aren't the youngest any longer, Sebastian," says Kai as Sebastian liked the idea.

"Thank you, young master. How about we make her some fitting clothes to serve this household," says Sebastian as he took Winky away before Sarah could do anything.

"This house is changing too fast for me," says Sarah as she sheathed her rapier making her walking stick appear.

"I still can't believe that your walking stick is a sheathed rapier," says Kai as he couldn't hide his weapon in plain sight like his grandmother.

"That is all to make you enemy lower his guard. Once it is down I just need to unsheath and kill it," says Sarah as Kai sighs.

"Where are mother and uncle?" asks Kai as he didn't see them around.

"They went to America. Your grandfather needed some help hunting some monsters," says Sarah as Kai was surprised since he never heard anything about his maternal grandfather before.

"I thought he was dead since you never talk about him," says Kai as Sarah walks away.

"I really wished he was dead," says Sarah as she hated her ex-husband to the bones.

"When am I going to meet him?" asks Kai ignoring the last comment of his grandmother.

"Never except you go to America you won't meet him," says Sarah as she leaves the hall when Sebastian returned with Winky.

She was wearing a maid-outfit while saying, "Does Winky really need to wear this."

"Of course, you serve the Masters Household. You need to represent them," says Sebastian proud being the butler of the Masters Household.

"You will soon be accustomed to it," says Kai with a smile as they formed the contract between Winky and the Masters Household.

Hope you like it.

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