
A bet with Seven Treasures Clan and starting from the ground up

After all that over complicated talk that should have been simplified to 'there are some assholes that are somewhat strong that you must slap later on', I was now on a weird spot. On one side I had a 100.000 years spirit bone in my hand (the one from the king crow, mother had a full set so she could not use it) that I could use on myself right now, in the other hand it was Crow's mother that made this spirit bone, taking it away could cause him to feel bad or some stupid shit like that.

Growing up in my previous life there were a few key things I have learned. First is that being an ass to everyone is way too much fun, second is that I ALWAYS win in the end, and third is that I should know when to be more of an ass and when I should back down for the future. I have lost count of how many times I have lost a perfect deal because I insulted the client slightly (how was I to know that the guy I called a bastard son of a whore was actually a son of a whore that was considered a bastard growing up, how is it that he became the president of USA is still beyond me) so I know that taking this spirit bone will cause too much tension.

Well, I know that there are other spirit beasts of this age around so I can always just go hunt more of them after I grow up. I would need to anyway since I need to study spirit rings and put some in my Millenium Rod as it will not have automatic spirit rings like Obelisk and Blue Eyes later on.

Anyway, now that this is settled I am in this town near the spirit forest with the express purpose of waiting for the dumb duo to come back with the answer from Seven Treasure Glazed Title Clan, even though the answer shouldn't even be in question. They will accept this, there is no doubting that.

And so now that those two were gone towards one of the three major clans, and mother ran back to Spirit Hall with Crow (she said she will train him and any other highly tallented youngster herself and make them useful as soon as possible) to think about what her next step should be to increase the power of Spirit Hall, I was free to do as I pleased inside this city. Normally this would not amount to much if it were other people, but for someone like me it was just what I needed, a place filled with stupid people that are selling things much more expensive than they understand without knowing what they are losing exactly, a bunch of losers so to say.

I had already bought some spirit beast's hide and blood from many different types as well as rare orbs and materials for my future experiments in Essence Tool creation. It was actually interesting how people could sell something worth 1000 gold coins for just 4 if they didn't know what it was actualy worth, and in this place where wannabe 'smart' people reside and that actual understanding of the value of things is lost on them, yeah I was 'scammed' the equivalent to 97.000 gold coins in these last few days, in my favor of course. Even the items that people actually knew the value I would just trade the rare metal that should be worth 1000 gold coins for an Essence Tool of my design that the materials costed the equivalent to 3 golden coins and about 3 minutes of my time to create.

That was my only loss, my time is just that important.

Anyway, today I decided to go see the new additions to our little group of employees and assistants. Entering the inn they were staying I saw that both Jackelyn and Akisa are training hard under the tutelage of Shin Sheng, he was instructing them on how to better use their new spirit rings (mother had allowed the two to quickly enter the forest to obtain spirit rings, but they were under the protection of two tittle douluos with express orders of running away at the first sign of danger).

Aki's first spirit ring was called Pain Whip and it created a whip in her hands covered in thorns, it could easily lock someone in place as well as lashing out at others since it had a pain multiplication effect, every hit with it hurts 20 + the rank she is in% more than normal attacks. Meanwhile, Jackelyn's first spirit ability was named Evil Fire, it is an ability that creates a powerful flame in her fists. The fire can stick in any superficial it hits and it spreads quickly from it, she likes it since she wants to go towards the direction of absolute fire power in that every spirit ring will be power and fire related, she said that she wants to be able to punch the ground and make a volcano out of it in the future if memory serves me right.

Meanwhile, I know that Lingling is in my office studying about Essence Tools diligently, she is intelligent for someone that young (she is only 4 years old) and is absorbing information about the subject in an impressive speed. With luck, she will be able to start working with me in development and fine-tuning some details of my projects within the next few years.

It feels weird to me to think about my employees, but the fact of the matter is that they will probably be useful in the future and knowing your resources and using them wisely is the mark of a good boss.

Seeing the two working with their spirit rings was little Xiao Wu, this 100.000 years spirit beast turned human was training with the two girls whenever they wanted to train just their bodies and explaining to us about the different types of places and spirit beasts there were in the forest. She was reluctant at first but after I told her of my objective of creating artificial spirit rings and how it would lessen considerably the hunt for at least the lower level spirit beasts she was more than glad to help me in any way she could.

She always wanted to do something to help other spirit beasts, but the spirit forest is not a nice place for the weak at all but if humans stop hunting the weaker spirit beasts things would be much better for the Spirit Bests as a whole.

I now am working at studying my first spirit ring on my Millenium Rod to analyze the same spirit ring, it is only a 10 years old spirit ring but that just makes it better since it helps me in analyzing its structure. The effect of the ring is quite weak, but Obelisk is helping me with this whole spirit sensing thing and amplifying the power of this spirit ring to be equivalent to what a 10.000 years spirit ring would be like so I can see the spirit ring for what it is with extreme precision.

It was astounding how absurdly simple it is to me. This spirit ring of the 10 years mark is like a calculator program in terms of complexity, only those who have no idea what they are doing can't figure it out. The problem now is how to develop it separately, well I will figure that out eventually anyway.

"Boss, why are you just standing there like that? Either come to train with us or go do something besides looking at us like that silently, gross." Jackelyn said, making me see that she is truly a festy little one with no sense of me being superior to her in any way.

No, if I were to word it better it would be that she has an absolute belief in her own self worth.

... I don't like this, all my employees are to treat me with the respect I deserve, being too casual when they don't even know me is unacceptable.

"How about a fight then? You are confident in yourself, right?" I suggested with a degree of provocation. She smirked and showed me a sign to come and fight.

The two tittle douluos saw this and gave an approving nod, as if I needed their approval about anything. I think they may think this might be the birth of a friendship between me and her, but it will not be like this at all. This is the boss showing why he is the boss, nothing more and nothing less.

Now it is me and Jackelyn in the field as both Akiza and Xiao Wu took a few steps back. The two started talking with each other like it was no one's busines.

"I bet my next desert on big sister Jackelyn." Akiza said confidently.

"Huh? Why? We both know Kaiba is going to win, there is no way lame red can beat him. But if you want to lose so much I bet my desert for 4 carrots." Xia Wu said with a smirk, this little girl looks cute but can be vicious and 'evil' when she wanted to. If I didn't know any better I would say she might be my sister, but Renxue is cuter by a lot. It is just a shame that Renxue's time is getting limited since Diaoliu started pressuring her about god this and angel that, so annoying.

This battle started without a warning from anyone, Jackelyn activated her Red Dragon Archfiend spirit, it appeared as a demonic dragon behind her before her handa turned similar to the claw of the dragon, three horns appeared in her head as her eyes got red and draconic wings appeared in her back, she also sprouted a demonic like armor over her body as well as a draconic tail. She looked like a humanoid demonic dragon, and I, strangely enough, think she will be super sexy when she grows older and uses this dragon themed form, if for nothing else because it is dragon related.

She lunged at me on high speeds, but I did not move an inch as my Blue Eyes White Dragon appeared on my back. Blue Eyes lunged at Jackelyn, it locked arms with it as both started a battle of strength in where it was clear that she had a slight edge, but I didn't care since Blue Eyes was more than brute strength anyway and it still didn't have a spirit ring so his power is limited by quite a lot.

With a mental order Blue Eyes opened his mawn and light energy focused in it, Jackelyn saw this and tried to jump back to evade it but it was too late. She fell into my trap as she did not see the Blue Eye's tail that was pulled back like a spear, the moment she jumped she got in the exact place I wanted as the tail advanced and stopped a centimeter before touching her. I could still go further but chose not to since finding a new employee would be a hassle.


A few claps sounded from close by and turning to see who it was I saw the shadowed figure of Ghost Douluo approaching.

"This was excellent work, young master. Your use of a faint was quite good and the attack was enough to have killed if it was an enemy, very good indeed. I am sure you will give quite a scare to those from Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan when you get there. And yes, Ning Fengzhy accepted the proposal for you and your employees to go there for refuge for this period of time." The Ghost Douluo said. "We will station the Sheng brothers there as well, do try and get along with people there."

I could only smile innocently (kind of) towards this comment, I will obviously use my best behaviour when visiting there.


"Explain to me again why you did that?" Yue Guan (the transvestite) asked, a serious face as he glared at me.

"I was showing my best behavior for the sect master." I said, and I mean it. It was the best behavior possible for me really.

Let's make a summary to make it easy to understand what is going on.

After getting the invitation I and the others went our way. The Sheng brothers came with us as well as Yue Guan and Gu mei, the first two as instructors and the last two as guards, but all had to listen to me if not in a life or death situation. Arriving in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan we were wellcomed with open arms and a feast of food that I personally don't think amounts to that much, one thing that I intend to improve in this world is food because it lackstaste and seasonings in large degrees. Luckily Kaiba Corp was also the number one company in the food industry (as well as gaming, technology, space traveling, car industry, aviation, pharmaceutics, and anything else that caught my fancy while watching TV, which I also bought all the main TV networks by the way) so I had an understanding regarding that too.

Sitting there I had to entertain the young daughter of the sect master, a girl named Ning Rongrong. She is a self-centered and snob little girl with a head of pink hair, she was quite interesting for someone her age but sh kept pestering me about showing my spirits since everyone was talking about it. I decided to first show my Millenium Rod, and she was completely uninterested since it had a white ring and she thinks the spirit of her family is better, but when I showed her my Blue Eyes White Dragon she got super excited and wanted to ride it. I decided to allow it if only to make her shut up for more than three seconds, when on the sky she was marveled by everything and tried to stretch herself to touch a cloud, stupid I know, and she almost fell. Almost due to how I held her down when she was about to fall, I was scolded for even letting this happen while she was scolded much more. In the end, she glued herself to my side since that point and wanted to ride my Blue Eyes every five minutes, much to Lingling's displeasure as the two started competing for my attention.

It was VERY annoying.

After that whole shitshow, I went to talk to Ning Fengzhy a few more times about a possible union between Spirit Hall and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan. He wasn't too happy about it since it would entail a lessening of freedom of his Clan, but the fact that his clan severely lacked in attacking power was undeniable, even their top are just two Title Douluos and even with a boost, they could not protect all their members. He frowned when I said this as he probably heard this as a threat, but I decided that it was best to just be clear with him already. I explained the true situation we all are in right now with the Dark Gods and that Spirit Hall knows that the Seven Treasures Clan might be the key to save the continent, but we can't allow for them to be a dubious ally when the time comes since it is a situation related to the entire continent's survival. It is amazing how people can be manipulated when their life is at stake.

After this, he got quiet and started walking side by side for a while before speaking of how it probably was not just their help in combat they want but also the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan's financial support. Of course, I shut down this interpretation since as long as I am here there is no need at all of the financial support of others, I alone can make the Spirit Hall more than rich enough using only the scraps of what I can make.

He looked at me for a while before laughing, it was a laugh like he was thinking this whole sittuation funny before saying how he wished I was born in his clan instead of Spirit Hall. I could only smirk and explain that it would not matter since I would be badass regardless.

He then decided to propose to me an interesting test to see if I could stack up to the challenge.

He lent me a total of 100.000 golden coins and I must give him back 2 million golden coins in two years as well as find the time to train enough to reach rank 25 by then, and considering that I will be eight years old by then it would truly be a miracle. If I lose I will enter his clan as a groom to his little daughter, Ning Rongrong, and if I win he will accept my proposition with the terms that his clan will not get involved in any scheme against other powers as well as they will not side with the enemies of Spirit Hall as well as the Clan will only be cordial until the time comes and then they will fight by our side.

A bit ridiculous but it was enough for me. This was not that difficult of a deal anyway.

Other terms of the bet is that I can't use my connection to Spirit Hall and I will spend this time during the bet with Rongrong as 'preparations for the wedding', which I call BS by the way. Sigh, I even have to be accompanied by Yue Guan for 'protection', even though I still think his mere presence unbearable due to how much perfume he uses.

Right now I am waiting in a room in the capital of Heaven Dou Empire, the person behind these doors is the leader of the One Strength Clan, a 'divine blacksmith', and someone I want to talk to personally. He had some slight status due to this position as clan master and a divine blacksmith, but I know that as a blacksmith he is looked down upon as the job itself is viewed as inferior and pathetic. He only gets some degree of respect due to the fact that he is the clan head of the One Strength Clan, a now prosperous clan since it got closer to Spirit Hall and got 'abandoned' by Clear SKy sect.

With our help, the clan head is fast approaching the rank 88 in just this year and a half since this relationship started. We helped to guide him with some of the knowledge of cultivation that was truly suitable for his spirit instead of the crap that Clear Sky gave him, it is like Clear Sky sect never truly bothered accumulating knowledge and only thinks like a troglodyte that 'smash smash'.

Anyway, with all that I now am with two little girls hugging my arms from both sides (Rongrong and Lingling) while the transvestite is lecturing me about how my definition of 'good behavior' is not quite right.

It was at this point that a lady in white entered the room. She had an elegant face but she was rather tall and muscular with her hair cut short for ease in movement, she had the aura of an earnest worker that I wish I could instill into these people surrounding me, especially Jackelyn who was sitting in a unlady-like fashion and measuring up everyone she sees and trying to imagine how she would win against them.

"Young master and mistresses, the clan head and elders are ready for the meeting now." The woman said while showing us the way to the room, this will be the first of various meetings that will define the future.

The new Kaiba Corp starts here.

Next chapter