
Chapter 2: Haruto Yuki

[ hah.. ] I sigh, laying on top of my bed.

I closed the book I just finished reading.

After that, I was left with the feeling of emptiness.

I look at my surrounding, I'm currently inside the small room of my apartment. There's a large bookshelf on the side of the wall, it was filled with many books and mangas that are not well organized. You can also notice that there are several medals and trophies being displayed on the wall which I got from competing at many sports competitions.

I opened the window beside me and I was instantly greeted by the bright light of the outside.

The sky was completely blue and was only filled with a few white clouds.

With the feeling of emptiness, I think back on how I lived my life till now.

I'm just your typical otaku guy, who does nothing but to play games, read mangas and other stuff. I was quite active when I was a little kid. I competed in many sports like Archery, Karate, Kendo, and many others. But ever since I started to lose many times more than I won, I lost my confidence to ever compete again, and since then, I slowly became an otaku.

At school, I always bring 2 - 3 books with me to read, I often get scolded for reading in class while my teacher is still discussing his lessons. I actually didn't like to listen to what my teacher was saying, for me listening to it was just a waste of time. I prefer to spend my time entertaining myself, diving into the world of fantasy inside my books, separating myself from all voices around me describing me as lazy, jerk, idiot, loser.

I know that I was not living my life the way I'm supposed to, in fact, I know that I'm just wasting it. But I just can't escape anymore. It feels like my real-world now was what inside my books, And the world I'm in now was the fake one. I don't know if this is already a known disease, if not, then I'm the first one to have it. And of course, if this is a disease, then there must be a cure for it.

I tried many things to try to change my self, I tried to do karate again, I tried to join in an art club, I also even tried to join the music club which was really famous at my school. But each time I tried to join them, I will immediately get bored and will decide to spend my time reading or play games instead.

There really is nothing I can do, I can't improve my studies, I can't find any new hobbies, and socializing with people my age is really hard for me too.

[ This world is so boring... ] I said as I placed down the book I'm holding to the bed.


Claire finally left, leaving me alone on this vast green land.

[ Haah... what do I do now...? I always wished to be transported to another world with magic... but my current situation is totally and completely wrong! ]

I'm still trying to comprehend what just happened but this is not what I was expecting when I hear someone getting transported to another world...

[ this is just so cruel... ]

While having these thoughts inside my head, a refreshing heavy wind blew through me which instantly made me calmed down.

And now, being totally calmed, I checked myself. I'm currently wearing an ordinary shirt and pants. It looks like I'm currently wearing something like an ordinary villager NPC would wear in an RPG game.

[ And here I was hoping I could bring my favorite set of otaku hoodies with me... ]

It looks like Clair wasn't kidding when she told me the most satisfying life I could live here is to live as an ordinary villager...

Arghh... this totally sucks!

While remembering Clair, I also remember what she told me.

[ She said that I don't have any special skill or power... what should I do now... all the MCs in the books I've read has some kind of especial abilities! ] I muttered angrily.

I feel really depressed... and angry...

[ Maybe I'll just go and try to look for my first village. ]

Feeling hopeless, I gave up and started to think of how am I supposed to get to my first village.

Clair said that she revived me to a place nearest to the town where slaves are not allowed... but she didn't tell me where's the direction I'm supposed to go to...

Just how stupid is she?

Having no choice but to rely on luck, I started to walk.

The soft breeze of the wind is refreshing and the air I'm currently inhaling is totally different from that in my previous world.

Feeling refreshed, I eagerly wanted to try to run.

I readied my self and started to run.

Without me noticing, my pace was becoming more faster every second, and I felt the gentle breeze was becoming more heavier.

Until -


[ ..... ] I instinctively closed my eyes as the heavy wind I felt earlier suddenly increased its pressure more.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that I can't even see the place I was in before anymore, and also, that there's a trimmed path of grass behind me.

[ Just what the hell happened?! ]

The only explanation I can think of is that I ran so fast that I trimmed the grass on my path from its roots...

But Clair said that She didn't give me any special power... so what is this?

[ she wasn't joking when she said that earlier, right...? ]

Maybe I'll try to do something different...

Thinking so, I prepared to jump.

I'm totally afraid of what might happen so I closed my eyes.

And then, while my eyes closed, I jumped like I was reaching something in the sky -

[ ...!!! ]

With my eyes still closed, I felt the pressure of the wind pressing against my head like crushing it. In fear, I opened my eyes.

[ ...WHAT THE HEEELLLL!!!!!! ]

What I saw was the same ground before I jumped, but the difference is, there is now a big crater on it, and looking at it clearly, It feels like I'm getting farther away from it every passing second.

My head is still unable to comprehend and is currently on a daze.

While still feeling the pressure in my head I realize I'm still going far up.

I looked at my surroundings and saw the clouds.

[ ahh... they look so fluffy when looking at them this close... ]

I was on a complete state of shock that I wasn't able to comprehend what is happening until -

I realize that my current speed of being blasted into the heavens was slowly going down...

Then it finally stopped and I went down from the skies with increasing speed.

My head turned pale, and I can now feel that my heart is beating so fast that it might burst out of my chest.

It feels like I was going to lose consciousness.




I threw up...

I lose consciousness...


I woke up...

When I opened my eyes, the same sky came into view.

[ what just happened...? ]

I sat up and look at my surroundings.

[ ...wha... what is this!? ]

I'm currently sitting on top of a large crater... that I guess was made from the impact when I landed from the skies.

[ how the hell am I still alive...? ]

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