
Chapter 1 Parademons

[2015] [9:52 pm]


A plane began lowering the front wheel as it scraped along the ground with a screeching sound whenever it touches the road.

A teenager no less than fifteen years old was rushing along the way passing by the many passengers that were seated and strapped in their seatbelts.

H went and set down in his seat strapping his seatbelt and locking it in the side.

Koa looked out at the window staring at the night sky, he thought that this place was a little crowded with the tall buildings around everywhere he looks, at first he wasn't fond of it but decided that maybe it wasn't so bad as there was a certain cape hero that always saves the day.

Koa knew that superman as people call him can't be here forever as people expected, robberies were happening here and there while superman was busy with whatever he had to do first.

What koa does not understand is why other individuals like superman for example let the criminals live after the countless fraud they had done and not kill them whether people were hurt no matter the consequences that criminals nor villains inflicted on them.

Putting the subject away koa unstrapped his seatbelt and gets ready to leave but quickly held onto a seat next to him as an explosion occurred right on the outside of the airport,

The passengers gasped as some of the others scream in fright at the scene, while they watched the plane that followed after theirs burned out in flames.

People felt sympathy for those who were probably waiting to leave the plane only to get blown up.

The people began freaking out in fear of what happened next. Five figures tore through the top of the plane and walked toward the scared humans towering over them.

Humans as always made a foolish act, standing still watching the fire, and not running for their life.

The five figures flew towards them as everyone who was watching had a shocking look on their faces, a light from a news helicopter settled on the five unknown beings only for one of them to fly at the helicopter and slammed his ax on the door of the heli right at the same time a reporter closed it.

"whew, good thing I expected that would happen!" A female reporter said wiping sweat off.

"Umm, Lois, I advise you to please step away from the door!" Warned the assistant, Jimmy Olson.

The reporter Lois lane turned around thinking why her assistant and friend Jimmy Olson had said that. When she turned around she was met with the parademon starting right at her with its eyes even though it was wearing a goggle with a deep red color.

Lois stepped back further only for her back to hit the other side of the helicopter door. The parademon began punching the door and with a couple more until the fifth punch, the two friends held onto each other.

There were a couple of dents forming on the door while the parademon kept going and with one more punch he broke the door and ripped it off of the helicopter.

"Aaahhh!" Both Lois and Jimmy screamed.

The parademon closed his wings and entered the helicopter. Lois frantically searches for her taser and tases the creature receiving a screeching roar.

The parademon snarled in frustration and just grabbed Lois by her ankle and dragged her out of the chopper.

"Loiiis!" Shouted Jimmy he ran to grab his friend only for him to fail.

"Let go of me!" Lois lane screams while attempting to free her leg but to no avail, the clutch of the parademon was stronger then she had thought.

Her fear of heights just increases from how high the parademon seems to fly high. The creature grins at the woman in the purple suit and reached for his ax bringing the sharp edge to her neck.

Although Lois wasn't showing any emotion of fear on her face, her heartbeat began beating rapidly thinking this was her end.

Closing her eyes as she prepares for her end the reporter was expecting a quick death but instead, she heard the sound of the parademon screeching as it gurgles out orange blood.

Lis squinted trying to get a good look at what's taken long for her capture to kill her, she then saw a shadow figure behind the parademon. She couldn't get a good look from this stranger, he was wearing only a dark leather cloak that covers almost every part of him as the only thing that you can see is a brown boots.

"Ar you alright there Ms. lane." Someone said speaking her name.

Wondering how the stranger knew her name she figured that people already knows her due to her job as a reporter.

The tail of the helicopter was sliced off from one of the few parademons that arrived from who knows where.

"Ms. Lane, im afraid I'll have to drop you off somewhere," Spoke the stranger.

"sure please just save them!" Lois responded.

"Good, I'll be back," Replied koa.

Koa floated down to a building letting the reporter step off on her own. Lois turned to where the helicopter was falling in circles while the parademon kept tearing apart the plane.

Koa flew to the parademon in an instant he was behind the creature as it tried to grab Jimmy Olson only for it to have the left

The side of its arm was caught by a strong grip.

"Hi there," Said koa as he punches the parademon sending it crashing into the ground and creating an eight-foot gap.

Koa then flew down at the falling helicopter grabbing a scared Jimmy Olson and the pilot. First, he threw Jimmy out and into the air, and then the poor pilot who didn't even notice that a stranger threw him out as well.

Koa was about to exit the helicopter but he then sees that there were other people down running scared.


Koa leaves the heli and flowed underneath the helicopter and flew back up to the sky and threw the heli at a couple of other parademons destroying them.

He hears the two people that he threw into the sky coming back down wailing in fright of their life, koa went and grabbed the two and dropped them in the same building where he left the female reporter.

"Oh thank you so so much," Exclaimed Jimmy as he felt relief to be able to stand on his two feet again.

"Yeah no problem," Responded koa.

He saw that there were many other beings like those parademons and knows that he couldn't save them all but it didn't mean he was just gonna stand back and watch.

"Listen, I need you two to find a good place to hide," Toa tells the two.


Lois tries to speak but was interrupted by her colleague.

"sure we'll do, thank y- umm, im sorry I don't catch your name?" Asked Jimmy Olson.

"Oh the name is k- im mean Dragon fist," Koa said, he cursed himself for almost exposing his name.

Lois was stunned by the unknown person that had saved her Jimmy and the pilot. At first, she had thought that Superman was the one that saved her instead it was a stranger or more likely a teenager due to the sound of his voice but the reporter understands that now wasn't the right time to start throwing questions at her Saviour.

"Ok dragon fist, I hate to tell you this but there are about five more of those things and you might wanna turn around," Said lois.

Koa turns to catch a blade between his two fingers and grabs the parademon by the head and began to rip him in half. Even though Lois and Jimmy have seen incidents like car accidents and people dying they've never witnessed someone being torn apart.

Jimmy held his mouth close and ran to the edge puking out his latest lunch, meanwhile, Lois got out her digital camera and starts recording the stranger fighting off four other incoming parademons as he finished them off one at a time.

She heard a screeching parademon flying at her from the left, the reporter cursed herself for not heeding the warning from the stranger.

Lois felt the winds blowing by her as koa appeared in front of her in an instant snatching the parademon by its head and killing it.

Turning to the reporter and her two colleagues.

"HIDE NOW!" Yelled koa.

The three of them immediately nodded and scrambled towards a door but wouldn't butch.

"Umm, you wouldn't mind giving us a hand with that strength of yours!" Jimmy said.

Koa walked toward them and punched a nine-inch hole where the knob used to be.

"Thank you," said Lois as she and the other two ran inside.

Koa grabbed a decent size crate and placed it in front of the door blocking any parademons from entering just in case they might choose this building as their next target for human life.

It took koa only a few minutes or less to clear every parademons he sees, the civilians were smart enough to hide, and he had to also save some of them from wherever these creatures were taking them to.

For a moment he stopped turning his head in a certain direction to where Detroit is. Rolling his sleeves up checking his watch it beeped in a flash of red.

"What could that scientist want now?" Wondered koa.

No matter what koa flew after in a certain direction in Detroit.




A scientist of African descent with short black hair and brown eyes, standing at five foot nine weighing around a hundred fifty-two pounds.

The scientist and his long-time colleagues were eager to test out their newfound project on Friday which was today but since the arrival of these strange creatures with bronze metallic armor snatching anyone they see whether they were a man, woman, or even childrens.

And now the scientists Silas stone his two other colleagues and his son were heading for a car but the four of them halted when a parademon landed in front of them.

They tried to go another way but were blocked by two other parademons landing on either side, one landed on top of the car breaking its engine as it slammed its weapon on it.

"Everybody duck!" Warned Silas.

Silas' colleagues Sarah and Thomas morrow glanced at each other confused, the two of them looked at where Silas was pointing, and a man stepped in underneath a pole light.

Revealing himself as a blonde-haired man with a height of six-foot-one and one hundred ninety-five pounds.

"I suggest y'all might wanna listen to your friend!" Warned Steve Trevor.

Immediately they got down when the man gunned down two parademons with his high-tech assault rifle and

"What are you waiting for, run!" Yelled steve as he began shooting at the parademons with a stern aim for their heads.

The damn things were tough and had a couple of bullets denting their armor making it a little hard for Steve to finish off.

"You two come on!" Victor the son of Silas said shouting at Sarah and Thomas.

Steve rolled to the left as one parademon flew down and strucked the ground where he stood. Aiming at the neck steve emptied the first clip snatching his second one in a quick motion and sliding it back into the assault rifle till he heard more of the creatures flying towards him.

Knowing as much as his man ego wanted to stand his ground and fight Steve knew he'll eventually die a quick death or get taken away, but seeing as the parademons were trying to kill him, he regretted the decision that he made and that maybe he should've listened to a certain Amazonian.

He grabbed a round metal object from his left side pocket, this was one of the many special grenades he requested for the scientific team from the metahuman task force to make.

Unclipping a thumb-size cap, and pressing a button, steve tossed the smoke grenade fifty feet away from where he stood, it stopped rolling, and with the cap opened it released a hissing sound, the last color flashed black and began releasing a large smoke that reached up to twenty feet high and spreading around the area.

Quickly catching up to Silas and the lead scientist led them to a lab where they waited for the door to slide back, Steve the scientists including Silas son victor entered the star labs building.

"Quick people to the red room!" Yelled Silas.

Victor went ahead of his father and shoulder pushed a door open slamming it against the walls.

"since when have you become so fast!" Sarah asked as she ran alongside victor.

"Ford high school quarterback," Replied victor.

"Turn left!" Thomas says.

Vic Sarah and the others reached a certain room. Silas stepped past the others snatching his I.D. from the neck he slides the card waiting for a few moments till the red light flashed green

"Everyone, inside now!" Silas said.

Victor Thomas and Sarah enter the laboratory room followed by Steve Trevor who shuddered when he sees a parademon flying on through the hallways coming right at them.

Silas glances at where the soldier was looking and with a quick act he tapped into a small pad on his right forearm and before the parademon could get through the last door, it created an incision dent when a ten-foot-tall door slid from either side.

Steve let out a deep sigh of relief, he turned to the scientists.

"Are you sure that door can keep those things out?" Spoke Steve.

"It is a heavily modified door made from the very steel that we've mined from different parts of the world. It may not be enough as I know these creatures will eventually break through," Silas responded though.

"Huh! Dad, what do you mean it won't hold for long?" Questioned Victor.

At first, victor thought that they were safe from the parademons and that he and the others around the room would be safe in the laboratory.

But Silas knew that it wouldn't do much good since they have nowhere else to run to and they'll be dead soon enough.

As they waited for a few moments for what felt like an hour to them they winced when a loud bang sounded out.

"Seems like they don't like being locked out!" Uttered Thomas.

"What was the reason you even brought us here for Silas?" Steve said incredulously.

He knows everything about the people around him, victor was the easy one since he is a teenager playing football in high school, Sarah and Thomas weren't that difficult for him, but Silas on the other hand he didn't need to since the scientist denied an offer from A.R.G.U.S.

"I am truly sorry, I thought we would be safe, we were not prepared for this," Silas answered with an oversight grunt.

"Oh no!" Exclaim Thomas in shock.

"What is it, Thomas?" Asked victor.

"Look!" He pointed in the direction where the door is.

Fire burst right through the door creating a hole, and in came one to three parademons, but one opened its mouth as a light

"Everyone get back!" Spoke Steve.

He grabbed a grenade and threw it at the creature in front of him, just as the parademon continue once more but stopped when Steve switch to a single shot and shoots the grenade causing an explosion, Silas and the others had to cover their ears, the loud ringing was oppressively too much for them to deal with.

Steve stood back up after having to move back from what had just occurred, he glanced at everyone else to make sure if they were alright, that is until more parademons entered passed the spot where the steel door used to be.

This got Steve Trevor to veer around and began spewing bullets at them, he ducked underneath a launching fist that came for him as it put a hole through the wall behind him, and Steve shot it in the back of its legs, one parademon came and snatched him off where he stood, Steve struggled to free himself, punches and kicks weren't doing him any favors but once the parademon clenched its claw on his shoulder Steve screamed in pain rendering him from fighting back, he could feel the claws digging slightly into his skin.

Choosing not to die he calmed down when the parademon unclenched the tip of its claws from his shoulders.

He noticed that they were four hundred feet in the air. Hundreds of other people were dealing with the same fate as him. Steve felt hopeless at the fact he couldn't do anything hell even the coast guard wasn't fairing any better.

Out in the middle of the ocean, a tower rose from under the sea creating a decent size wave that flushed those who were too late to run.

The bronze tower stands at two hundred fifty feet tall and had a rounded shape in the center of it with a red shape in the middle.

He saw that the parademons entered the tower as they flew in with their victims.

Steve had a slight shiver when glancing down at the ocean, from how high he was he wasn't sure he could survive a fall at all and was at least a bit glad that the parademon hadn't dropped him yet.

One of the people manage to free herself by stabbing the parademon in the arms, she cried out in fright when the parademon let go of her.

The blonde woman's heart began to pump at a fast rate as she started below her, falling hundreds of feet from the sky wasn't what she had wanted to be the last thing before her end. She just closes her eyes and waited for her inevitable death... The woman felt someone touching her.

She thought her capture decided to come back and snatch her back up, and instead of the same metallic claws she felt a soft yet slightly strong grasp, the woman turned her head to look up at who it was but all she sees was a hooded stranger.

"Are you alright there Ms." Spoke the stranger.

"Ye-yes, just please put me down!" She replied frantically.

The stranger saw a nearby building a flew ton to it slowly, he did not want to fly too fast or else the woman would suffer an ear loss. Once he arrived on the roof he saw an opened window and hovered towards it.

"Here, it's safer for you to hide without them knowing," The stranger says to her with a bit of seriousness in his voice.

"It's ok, no need to say it, I was heading home anyway, well you know before all this," The only said that as she was just glad not to be on the solid ground again.

The stranger just smiled though the blonde didn't see his face through the dark hood, heck she even tried to get a good look at him but all she got was glinting white eyes staring right back at her.

Before the strange man left she reached out for him to stop.

"May I know what your name is?" She asked.

"And why do you want to know?" The stranger questioned.

"Well I'm a class president of my school and I want to know the name of the person who saved my life," She answered him.

The stranger otherwise known as koa just smiled, not once has anyone know what his name is well that is because whenever he is seen saving lives after an incident whether it was committed by anyone on accident or purpose he leaves before either the police or anyone like the news people tried to get close to him, not that he didn't care it's because he didn't like being around a lot of people.

In a spend of a few seconds, he tried to think of many names he can come up with, he knew not to tell his real name but he has to tell her one.

"I got one, how about dragon fist!" He told her.

"Ok dragon fist, thank you,"

Facing away from her koa gave her one last look. "No problem," He replied, and then flew away in an instant.


The famous daily planet news person Lois Lane was running down the steps passing the twentieth floor.

Lois' lane colleague Jimmy Olson was behind her panting heavily. She doesn't blame him though, she was used to running laps back and forth and won the number 2 title back in her junior year and later she can back and won the number 1 track star in her senior. That was due to her father Samuel lane being a militaristic father.

She would complain to him at first but eventually thank him for what he's been teaching her, to be a strong woman to be better in many ways in a physical way like training, and even he taught her how to fight, he did not need to educate her mentally way seeing as his wife Elenor lane had homeschooled her up until high school.

"Lois! Can't you wait for at least a sec!" Jimmy Olson said trying to catch his breathe.

"No Jimmy!" Responded lois. "we can't slow down," She says to him.

"If you don't mind me asking Lois, what gave you the right idea to want to go outside, and besides didn't you see what's happening outside!" Jimmy says considering the fact that people dying while others are being kidnapped by flying creatures that he had never seen before.

"Oh don't worry Jimmy, we don't have to be out in the open," replied the reporter. "All we just gotta do is hide from everyone else's view," Lois says as she halted turning to Jimmy. "Besides this will give the daily planet the story of their life. You can stay here Jimmy I don't want to have to lose a partner,"

"Oof, you got me there," Jimmy said putting his hand on his left chest imitating a painful look. "But where you go I go, boss," Jimmy replied in a joking manner.

"Alright then, let's get going," Lois says as she and Jimmy continued through the sixteenth floor and stopped.

Looking to the right passed a rail, Lois saw a number fifteen painted on the wall in red.

The two of them laid low while they use the furniture and crept past a couch, they used the dark shade as cover making sure they wouldn't be seen, Lois and jimmy immediately stopped on foot when they heard a familiar sound, two to six parademons flew past the glass window and followed by a couple more who were holding the people they've captured

And quickly they hid behind a wall, Lois sighed deeply, the good thing was the lights in the living room were off, and seems like the owners weren't in and were still outside and must've been snatched up, possibly.

As there were no more parademons in their view, the two reporters gradually sneaked by the flower vase, and in an instant one parademons popped its head down from above the window outside.

Jimmy screamed out loud attracting more parademons their way, stepping back Lois quickly covered his mouth but fell back as both she and Jimmy landed on their behind.

The parademon pulled his spear back a sonic boom was heard, the parademon stopped and looked up just as a figure came down and took its head off and threw the remaining body in a different direction away from the building.

Then the next thing that happened that made Lois and jimmy both have a face of awe was that the same stranger that saved both of them including the pilot pointed toward the body, and from the palm of his right hand a straight blue beam of energy shot forward disintegrating the headless body and engulfing a considerable amount of parademons in it.

The light show caught the attention of multiple parademons as they floated in midair and all of a sudden with one high-pitched scream they flew at their new target.

Koa wanted to blast them into nothing but refrains from doing so when he notices that some of them held a few people in their hands.

Decided that the best and only to do that is to get in close and break them free was the best factor if not then people might see him as a villain.

And so koa rushes in taking out numbers of them while freeing the people from their grasp. As he's taking them out koa heeds the coast guards defending the tower they are in as parademons sought to take some of the civilians in the building that's with them. Koa sped from one enemy to another putting a dent-sized fist and kicks in their body armor killing them, meanwhile, he catches each people and set them down on top of the building next to the one the coast guards are defending.

Koa rips off the doorknob and motions for the people to head which they listened without question as every one of them scrambled towards the only safety they had from what is transpiring outside.

He notices the parademons started going after the second building where he's at, gritting in a slight irritation at that, koa sped toward the parademons taking them out in a smooth motion, moving his head to the left as a spear went past him, he just chuckles pointing his index finger at them, six beams of blue light shot forth in an instant. The people that were falling were easily caught by koa as he zipped back and forth into the building dropping them off safely, with every parademon he sees received the same fate as their comrades.

Koa thought that all the parademons that he had taken out were hit by a stream of red energy sending him crashing through a window.

"You think he's alright?" Jimmy said looking at his partner.

"The guy is bulletproof, can fly, and is about as strong as Superman, so yea I think he'll be fine," Replied Lois in a simple sarcastic tone. "Tell me, did you get all of that!?" Asked the journalist.

Tapping the camera on the side. "Oh I got it alright," He says feeling pleased with himself.

Facing the canon eos m50 camera where koa crashed Jimmy zoomed in as he walked out of the smoke.

Jimmy and Lois watched as the stranger had parts of his cloak burning but was taken care of as he just shook the flame off.

Koa turned his head upward glaring at the ones who shot him down, he wasn't mad about what just happened he was angry for letting his guard down.

Immediately koa flew at the parademon sending debris away as he left for his targets.

Koa had his guards up this time blocking attacks and took it slightly serious, he swerved right flipping over one of them, and kicked a parademon sending him crashing against five others, and then after that, he fired a blasted the parademon.

He spread his arms out and fired multiple ki blasts passing by each parademons in their heads. To be honest with himself koa thought that this was gonna be susceptible work for him but as long as he continued fighting off these flying annoyances he realize that there is an endless number of the annoying creatures, and he wanted to get rid of them, but somehow they keep coming back waves after waves.

Not wanting to deter from the actions any further koa sped forth killing one parademon after another, suddenly something in him lit up and he had an idea about it.

If these creatures want to snatch people up that bad then he would have to get their attention.

A small ball of KI emerges from his right palm and shot his hand up at the sky, just as it went past the clouds koa's eyes flashed, and the ball of KI expanded out into a fifty-foot round ball, or just a shining ball of light.

Koa remembered the one move he has been practicing, though this one wouldn't be so nice for those who'll be looking at the giant ball light that has just appeared out of nowhere in the sky.

Just as the parademons glanced at the strange light a figure appeared in the middle of it with his finger spread and pointing at his head.


This gave koa the time to snatch every people from the parademons grasp and kept popping in and out of nowhere.

Lois P.O.V.

"What's going on now, I just how many leverages does this guy have underneath that cloak of his!" Lois lane said to herself.

"Maybe I was wrong, maybe this guy isn't the same as superman?" Jimmy Olson spoke.

He has seen the kind of ability superman displayed during one of his many battles. One of the most well-known ones is heat vision, super hearing, freeze breath, speed, and of course flight, this were the only abilities that superman showed on camera while fighting against his foes whether they were superpowered or regular criminals.

But seeing this individual exhibiting almost the exact power as the man of steel as he dashes forth and lets the energy attacks hit him square in the chest, koa in return pointed at the parademons with his hand in a form of a pistol, and with that, he shoots the parademons as he targeted their heads lungs and every vital point in an instant.

It took koa thirty minutes as he slew two hundred and five parademons. The ki ball he shot up was working in his favor as now the parademons are focusing their sight on him trying to take a single person down.

"Thank you for the help, Ummm, what is your name?" A man in a police uniform stepped forth.

The officer was ignored by the stranger as koa just nodded in response and flew off in a sonic boom.

"Gee's the least he could do is say thank you," An officer spoke.

"Don't you mean the other way around," A Rookie officer said responding to his TO in other words training officer.


Next chapter