
While walking home

In the city of Justice a young man named Nova live's there alone in his house, the city was so opposite of its name, the city was full of danger people, none a single day that no one get killed, gangs everywhere.

One day at Saturday 8 in the morning, Nova went outside to buy groceries in the market near at the base of the "Join us or die" also known as "JUOD" gang, the JOUD gang were hangingout in their base more than a hunders of member of JOUD gang were thier waiting for people to come by and beat them, Nova just moved in the city last week so Nova did not know how danger the city is.

The JOUD gang saw Nova walking and entered the Market after Nova bought all the groceries he need the JOUD gang were waiting outside, door open's "Come agian sir"

The JOUD gang pulled Nova in to the dark alley, Nova didn't know who were they, so Nova asked them " Umm who are you guys?"

The gang leader was pissed off " Are you a trash? how can you not know us?!", Nova replied " Im sorry Im just new here, so I dont know who you guys are!", " So your new, let me introduce my self, Im Wofo other called me Wolf because of my agreesiveness I can kill people with my bear hands and bite them into pieces, and Im also the gang leader of JOUD, Joud means Join us or die?, so before ending this conversation I have something to ask you!", "what is it?", " You seem tough, your not even shaking right now, so let me ask you Join us or die?", Nova quickly replied, " No, why woul I need to be in a gang if I can protect my self?", Wofo was really pissed, " so after our conversation your gonna let your self get killed than to join JOUD? fine! you ask for it, before killing you wanna say your last word?", Nova smiled and replied, " Im Hungry!", Nova made Wofo very angry, one member of JOUD start charging with a knife to Nova, with a quick move Nova grabed the knife on the JOUD member's hand and stab it to Wofo 6 times, every body was like froze for a second, " I forgot to introduce my self, Im Nova 21 years old I just move in here and the reason I move here because I killed thousand of people in the other cities and I just want to have a new life in here but yeh you guys showed up and now I killed your gang leader I hope this is the last time I get to killed someone, But Im not a bad guy I killed thousand of people because they pissed me off", JOUD members run and left Wofo,"I guess this is lesson never piss someone that did nothing to you, see you Wofo".