
Prove It

"So...I heard I already have grandchildren." Eric's voice echoed like an old VCR tape where the same scene is stuck on loop mode.

The first question already resulted in two gulps down his throat. Jason adjusted his sitting position as his back stiffened straight. He could feel cold sweat drenching his back already. 'Oh, lord. First question and it's already a killer one.'

Clearing his throat, he explained. "This is a huge misunderstanding. Even though we live in the same place, we haven't done anything further than kissing. We do not have any children. By kids, Selina meant the two vacuums she bought. She went shopping with my younger sister, and they ended up naming the robot machines as our kids for fun. All facts aside, we didn't do anything we shouldn't be doing."

For someone who had failed to say tongue twisters without tangling his tongue, he surely explained the situation quickly. Even Michael leaned forward with his elbow on his thighs when Jason started racing words out of his mouth. 'He's very nervous. Heh...Welp.. This will be fun.' Michael took a sip of Mogu Mogu into his mouth.

Eric arched his left eyebrow up and clicked his tongue. "So, you're saying my daughter isn't attractive enough for anything to happen? Huh? Is that what you mean?"

"N..No! She's gorgeous and the only woman I see in my eyes! I..I.." Jason stuttered for the second time in his life. The first time he ever stuttered was when he was around Selina. Taking a deep breath, he tried answering Eric's questions but was cut off by Eric.

"Oh? If she's that gorgeous and you've slept in the same room, same bed and same space, then why haven't you gone further than kissing? Do you think because you two slept together you wouldn't need to take responsibility? Is that what you were thinking? Huh?! What a clever business man you are." Eric didn't give him room to respond. Instead, his questions drowned Jason in dirt water.

Hearing the word responsibility from Eric's mouth, Jason quickly gasped. "I will take full responsibility for her. I would take responsibility any day she decides to say yes to me! I'm already planning a proposal, but this whole kidnap incident happened. I swear to the lords in heavens that I am loyal to her. I am not playing around. I really want to take her as my wife."

"And if I say I don't want you to be my daughter's fiancé?" Eric threw another straightforward question at him.

Jason's eyes were calm when he met Eric's with full determination. "Then I will do better than my best to persuade you and auntie until you two accept me."

"And how would I know if your words are true? What if you are lying to me?" Eric purposely questioned his credibility even though he had already believed in Jason's sincerity. Words could be sweetened and used to tell dreamy lies, but eye contact cannot.

"As long as Selina gives a nod or gives me a yes, I will get our red books stamped. I'll have our statuses changed from single to married. This is my sincere answer. If I have marriage papers with me, I would've signed it already. I have a six-months proposal planned. I can show you my notes on what she likes best." Jason wandered through his phone and showed the father and son duo his secret files.

"Send me it, and I'll review it later. Since you've mentioned it yourself, then you should fulfill what you've just said. Here, take a look at this." Eric took out two copies of marriage papers. With a smile on his face, he stared at Jason's astonished expression with full amusement.

"Huh?" Jason was still stunned by what he was seeing in his hands.

"Oh, don't forget this." Michael took out a small jewelry box and passed it to Jason. Inside were two intricately detailed platinum rings with unique patterns engraved on it. Both rings had their initials engraved. On the left, the smaller sized ring had a floral design on the top with a diamond as its center. Meanwhile, the one on the right had an infinity sign with a diamond on the center.

Eric chuckled, "I don't want you to be my daughter's fiancé. I want you to be her husband."

Staring at the paired rings and the papers in his hands, he was flabbergasted to say anything. His shocked expression was too entertaining for Michael that he had to snap a picture of it. After sending the photo he took to Aaron, he sent a text to his subordinates who were ready outside the villa.

Earlier, he had taken the key to the gates from Selina and passed it to his driver. Now, everyone is waiting on the other side of the villa. The entrance creaked open and the Huis were dressed elegantly for this occasion. Aaron, a lawyer and many other neatly dressed visitors carried handfuls of bags in their hands.

"Well? Didn't you just say it yourself? If you had marriage papers, you would sign it. No need to wait six months to get my daughter's nod, you can ask now. What you've written down were also the details that Michael had included in the tasks he sent to my wife and me. If you want to cater your wedding later, you can. Right now, I'm asking for your answer."

Of course, this was a test for Jason to see how true his feelings were for Selina. Without a second of hesitation, Jason took the pen on the table and scribbled his name in script on the marriage papers. He flipped through pages and filled the required fields.

The minute he raised his pen, everyone scattered around the living room and started decorating. From heart shaped balloons, flower petals, desserts to other detailed accessories, the group scattered around the spacious room and worked efficiently. Their hands were fast enough to beat a blender's job in making a smoothie.

Within fifteen minutes, everything was prepared and ready for a perfect proposal. By the time everything was organized, Jason had already changed into a suit with a bouquet of roses in his hands. His hands were filled with sweat as he wondered whether he was dreaming.

Michael whispered in his ear. "By the way, my parents already knew about the two of you sleeping in one room, sleeping in one bed and having children. This was all a test and you've passed it. Congratulations, my soon to be brother-in-law. You better give my sister the grandest wedding and never bully her. You have all of us on your backs if you do."

Although Jason felt it was a bit rushed, it was willing to marry this way. Even If it takes another three months to prepare the perfect venue for a proposal, he would make it up later. But today, at this very moment, he wanted to take this woman's hand and give her his promise lifetime's vow. He, too, wishes to hear a yes to come out of her mouth.

Standing outside his room, he knocked twice. "Selina, can you come out for a second?"


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