
Chapter 14 Goblin Fortress

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[That's mildly racist]

"Well that's me in a nutshell "

I continued on my journey to the mana filled area with almost no hiccups any enemy I came across I ended swiftly, it was at this moment that I was glad I spend 3 whole days training , The journey continued smoothly until I ran into a group of goblins

When I sensed them I activated my [Stealth] skill and hid up a tree , I only saw them a couple of seconds later after I found my hiding spot ,There were 5 goblins in total and 2 of them were your average goblin just with a loincloth and a club but the others were more geared and looked differentfrom the rest, 2 of them wore some lether armor that was made from different beast hides stitched together they were also carrying rusty swords but the last goblin was the most special he was wearing a long robe that looked like it was made of goblin skin and in its hands was a long staff that had a crown made of branches on its top with a heart inside the crown .

[That's a Shaman , a fiend magic user ]

'How dose a goblin have magic and I don't why is the world so unfair ' I send my thoughts to Amira silently complaining

[That Fiend was probably blessed by the Fiend God of Fiends]

'A fiend god of fiends really ? Didn't they have anything else ?'

[Every race has a race progenitor that is the god of said race ]


As I was thinking I watched the goblins begin to move pass my location , they were screeching and laughing non the wiser that the green skin Killer is stalking them.

'Dose that mean the Dark Races have gods ?'

[Yes they do ]

'Then why are the gods not fighting against each other' I was unable to think of a credible reason why ( if the dark and light races were at war) the gods were not fighting there own battles '

[Because the gods don't want the war to end they want the races to fight and pray to them , if there is peace then the religions will weaken , beings with Intelligence only pray to gods when they need something.]

'I see so gods are di**s huh? '

All the goblins passed my location and now had there backs turned towards me I got ready to act by jumping down the tree my Stealth skill did wonders stoping any sound from being made from my jump , I took out my sword and was getting ready to stalk and kill them one by one but the shamen first obviously because I don't know what magic can do yet .

[ If you are about to engage I suggest not to , a blessed is a lot stronger then a normal Fiend and I am not sure what spells the Fiend has cast on itself ]

'But if I let them go they will probably do something despicable , I have watched Goblin Killer so I know what goblins do '

[For the last time that is unconfirmed knowledge, not everything you have read is true ]

'Then give me a run down on what they do as a species '

[Green Fiends are small green humanoids that posses limited Intelligence , there Intelligence is insufficient for complicated thoughts, but they have sufficient Intelligence to make a primitive village of sorts , there leadership is elected by size (The biggest Fiend is the BOSS) they don't have any currency of there own but they posses a hierarchy that is decided by strength, All of the Green Fiends are Male hence they have evolved to have parasitic sperm ,they reproduce by infecting a living being with there parasites this has to be through a aperture as a higher temperature is needed for the parasites to grow and as they grow they use there hosts as a food supply.]

'God its even worse then Goblin Killer Showed '

'I'm gonna kill them and do the world a favor '

As I started to sneak towards the shamen I hear a Rustling noise coming from the front of the goblins I quickly hid in my usual stop and started watching the show , the goblins held there weapons high clearly prepared for combat then the shamen growled and the rest put down there weapons, I was prepared to watch a good show goblin against beast who will win but what came from the foliage was another group of goblins also having 5 members , both groups had the same formation, they were clearly organised , I continued to follow the now joined group of 10 goblins as we went futher there were more groups joining , until it was a small army , I continued to follow the now small army until they reached what looked like a wooden Fortress, the wooden door was open by a large gray troll that motioned the goblins to come inside , the goblins obliged and entered the Fortress, when they were gone I looked at the Fortress more closely it was surrounded by extremely large wooden logs that made up the walls , there was no look out towers and there was no one on the walls it looked unmanned but when I came closer I heard growls and laughter coming from inside, when I finished checking it out I quickly left and resumed my journey to the mana zone ,

"That was clearly a goblin den I just don't get how did they make a fortress with those tiny hands of theres"

[A fiend den has a fiend chief and only goblins under its command, but there was a troll in the Fortress meaning that the threat is at least a Fiend Lord or a Fiend King ]

"Damn I will kill him when I awaken my mana "

[Don't even thing about it a unblessed fiend lord has all stats at 80 give or take a few , and do I need to mention the army it commands ]

"Okey okey let's just get to our destination

without anymore distractions "


"You know you have been sighing a lot recently "




Name: May Parker

HP: 100/100 | MP: 0/0 | Level 5 EXP: 19/80

Race: Human | Sex: Female

Status: [Corrupted]

Strength: 22(-15%)

Agility: 19 (-15%)

Vitality: 16 (-15%)

Endurance: 18 (-15%)

Dexterity: 10 (-15%)

Intelligence: 5 (-15%)

Wisdom: 8 (-15%)

Luck: 15 (-15%)

Status Points: 10 | Skill Points: 1

Skills: Math Lv 6, Cooking Lv 5, Cleaning Lv 4, Bite Lv 1, Sprint Lv 2, Stealth Lv 4(New), Sword Mastery Lv 1,Skinning Lv 1 , Danger Sense Lv 1,Throwing Lv 2 , Dumb Luck Lv Max

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