1 The Beginning

"It's a boy!" hopefully the doctor exclaimed, unless I've been living a lie for the past few decades of my life....No I'm certain, I have looked down there plenty to be sure. Your birth brings joy in everyone's face, even the nurse and the mid-wife who've done this more times than the hairs on your head and yes I did say mid-wife! My mom through the labour definitely gave my dad a few curses for getting her to this but I was an insanely cute baby hence I take full credit for softening the blow.

Wrapped around in a very unfashionable towel, I was cleaned and carried all the way to a room full of aspiring toddlers, with of course drool all over their mouths. That was our trademark BABY!

Born after noon at around half past two, the sun with all it's vigour shone it's light on me mercilessly through the window, and I still wonder why given that it was late December, a time when leaves crust over and fall because of the mighty cold weather in the city of Nagpur. Through the glass window I was the talk amongst all relatives who maybe were not able to spot me but just went with the flow, kudos to them!

Everyone trying to guess who I look like, mommy?.....Or daddy? It's impossible to figure out so for future reference just leave this ritual out.

Coming out of the hospital I left an impact on each and everyone which would explain the sad faces....Obviously it was also because the other babies were leaving too but we're going with "It was SOLELY because of me". In early 2000's there was never the concept of a welcome home party of a baby, the exhaustion on my parent's faces screamed sleep! Hence I was tucked away nicely into my cradle and the next eight hours were blissful for the three of us.
