
Chapter 1: Lucky in life

Honestly I wonder about my life sometimes.

Who did I sinned to deserve what had happened to me?

What was so terrible that it ended with me on the tail end of a revolver? I remember every single detail about it, and I don't think I did anything bad enough to warrant what happened to me.

I will never know.

Honestly, my life was normal. I had a family that I cared for, friends that I could count on, a decent paying job, a decent future…Everything that a normal guy could want. Sure my love life wasn't anything to write home about, but I blame that on my naturally introverted attitude.

It may sound boring, but honestly speaking, when you look through the eyes of various fictional characters, you can see that while they may have achieved a lot, they have also suffered a lot.

I have a perfect memory. I am capable of recalling any details that I have ever come upon in my life. It made some subjects in school easier, but others...let's just say I really hated English class.

I can do without any excitement in my life…which is why I still don't get how it came to this.

It started out like any other day. I woke up, I ate my breakfast, I suited up, and I went for my job.

I saw that I was low on cash and decided to go to the bank.

And it just so happened to be the day where a gang of drug-addled addicts decided to rob a bank.

Oh no: It couldn't have just been that. They also have to be carrying a gun. If it was a regular robbery I could have just shut my mouth and played along.

And when I was grasping my wallet, the robbers freaked and shot at me.

I died with a bullet struck between my forehead. God do I hate life sometimes. I remembered every detail, the panic stricken expression on everybody's face, the feeling of loosing my breath as the last of my life was taken from me.

It could have ended there like it was supposed to…I wasn't that lucky.

If I had to describe the next moments of my life, I would best say…surreal. I felt like floating on a cloud and I can't get off.

Is this what the afterlife was like? To be permanently trapped in a dream-like state? In all honesty it could have been worse. Still would have liked to actually have seen if heaven existed or not though.

It was only later that I realized that my body has just been fertilized.

I spent the next ninth month feeling myself develop. It wasn't that bad in all honesty, to be honest; my mind was in a dream-like state, complete bliss.

Which was good. I doubt my mind could comprehend the feeling of my infant form being developed, molecule by molecule.

But exactly who am I being born as? According to fanfics, I could either be reincarnated as the relative of a character, or as the character themselves. I can't tell which would be preferable.

Am I over thinking this? Maybe I'm just going to be reincarnated as some average Joe. I can certainly just relive my life.

Sure it may be a pain not to scream the answer in elementary school, but I'm sure I can survive.

More then once in my life, I curse my photographic memory.

I learned that it wasn't always a blessing the day I saw my father gave my grandmother a bath. Dear god, the scars will never be healed.

Ever since then my eyes have caught sight that I really wish I could just erase from my memory, but as stated before, that is difficult for me to do.

Why am I bringing this up now? Because I am feeling the miracle of birth

And it fucking hurts!

Imagine being your body being squeezed through a small tube. That is the most accurate description I can give on being birthed.

I could tears on my eyes as the gloved hands of whom I presume to be the doctor help pull me out of my holding area. I was practically bawling my eyes out. Hey don't judge me! This really is painful!

My barely developed eyes could only make out the bright light of the room and the various sterile colors such as green and/or white.

"Got a pair of lungs this one." Someone casually commented.

"It's proof that he's healthy." Another chimed in with their response. "A lot of energy to boot!" He added, noting my rapidly waving arm.

Hey I'm under a lot of stress right now!

"So what will his name be?" The doctor finally asked after I calmed down somewhat. "Considering your wife passed out, I doubt she can answer."

The third voice, which had a joking nature to its timbre, decided to answer. "Nagito. That's the name we decided."

"So Nagito Komaeda?" The doctor repeated. "That's a nice name."

And with that my tears stop, because I recognized that name almost immediately. And never before did a wave of terror hit my body as it did hearing that name.

It doesn't even come close to the terror of dying the first time around.

Dangan Ronpan…this was the world I've been reincarnated into. Flashes of a certain character's line flashes though my head.

"Do you understand? Hope is a positive force... Everything created by it is an absolute good"

"All of you posses the qualities needed to be able to embody it... Do you understand? Hope, in other words, is a proactive will and talent... It's an absolute "good" that's brought forth by that! That's why, as long as there exist seeds of hope, I'll gladly kill a person... and gladly die myself. Since right now, my reason for living like this is hope itself!"

"There are two kinds of people in this world: those who are born with worth, and ever body else. No matter how hard a lowly human tries, they will never be the same as someone who was born worthy... They say that "effort breeds success"...But that's a complete lie. The world is not that accommodating."

"The deeper and darker the despair...the brighter and powerful the hope born from it."

Oh no…oh no…oh no no no no no! Why the hell did I get reincarnated as this fucking psycho?

The full horror finally came rushing to me and I started to scream again.

The adults dismissed me as being a baby, but I didn't care. Things were going to get fucked up.

Why did I have to be reincarnated into a world where it is literally going to end!?

Curse my luck…oh god damn it. I was starting.

Next chapter