
Just Obsession

Falling in love was never Mae's decision but what she could never imagine was falling in love with two men at the same time. °the crystal jar is hidden somewhere and I know you have it°, Eric yelled. °wherever that crystal jar Is I must find it before my brother Eric does.I didn't even act like I was bothered and that was driving him insane I have always been his opponent in everything **** I didn't need to turn around when I smelt her again she returned with the sauce and once again I was bewitched by her beautify she's everything I love in my women, she was perfect with height of about four feet tall and her milky white skin stood out among her clothes. I was caught off guard by what the moon goddess blessed me with it took all my restraint to not take her right now. "Help me with the bacon Mae," Eric said I turn to see her blush as Eric said her name. She did as Eric commanded and I swore I saw the gesture Eric pulled as he caress her hand she blushed again she was practically red from all the blushing. Seeing that I immediately did something foolish, my chair criked as I stood up I left without saying anything it was like my breath was cut off by her presence. I never imagined that I could be so childish I was jealous of the infect Eric had on her she didn't even notice me not once did she look my way. As I approach my room I smelled her again. She saw me and froze , literally, she was looking at me like an unsolved puzzle And this time I was privileged to see her well. For that moment I was caught in those green eyes that were like an emerald glowing in the moonlight which I had never seen before. Those eyes were so beautiful and gave off a strange sense of siren, witch or Fae but not human. She finally regained her scenes "good morning my lord " she greeted I moved closer and her scent filled my nose I expected her to feel frightened by my movement but she didn't move I guessed she was feeling the mate bond as well,  with my ring finger, I caressed her cheeks and she gasped at the feel of the spark she looked at the fact I wasn't surprised. Hugging her tightly I whispered into her ears MINE

Osaruese_Ehue · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


Elliot pov

"So you are telling me all those supernatural creatures we read in books are real. " she asked squinting her eyes

"Kind off , but the things they say is not always true. " I pointed out.

After I gave her a tour I was glad she loved every part of the house my mother the queen loved flowers so much that I had my men plant it every where.

When we were all still living here in Moon Lake becasuse of how plain my mansion was my mom and sister hardly visit and no matter how frightening i can be to the outside world I have always cherished my mother

Only her and her smile could met my resolve.but seeing how Mae loved everyone of them makes it all worth it

"That means that day Eric saved my life those people where real-life vampires." She thought aloud staring into space in awe.

"So you are a werewolf and I am you fated mate " she asked looking all perplexed.

"If am your mate then why did you treat me so badly..." her brows furrowed and hurt could be seen in her eyes.

"I was trying..."

"You made me hate you , why?" she latched

"Listen, I..."

"And you saw me with Eric , you just..., what about the mate bond.?" she taunted . her eyes brimming with tears.

"Just let me explain my love " I said softly going to seat next to her.

She lookedd shattered that must only mean she was already having feelings for me now I felt even worst.

Taking her hand she snatched it back.

"You disgust me Elliot, " she yelled getting up.

"How were you able to look me in the eye and call me those nasty names and expect me to forgive youu.?"

She went on to seat on the couch looking more furiouse than I have ever seen her.

"Listen, just listen". I said giving up on my ego.

"I and my siblings are lycans and right now we're in moonlake, only kingdom that accomodate all supernatural creature.and Eric Is the fucking king. does that clear your head."

For seconds she just stare into space.

"Why, this is so messed up" .she complained flinging her hands in the air.

"Less I forget that throne is rightfull mine and once he finds out you are my mate his going to try to get you not cause he love you but to ridicule me.."

"You do know I still have feelings for Eric right?" she said with with a furrowed brow.

And that was enough to make Rex loose his cool

She cringed as I growl loudly because of what she said did she not hear any of what I just said.

"You are mine Mae, mine I said, in gritted teeth all my vines were almost popped out.

She looked away in fear, and began trembling when I paced towards her.

Rex was running mad right now,how could she tell me to my face that she still had feelings for him .

Squating next to her I took her face and made sure she lookedme in the eyes I couldn't care less of the fear in her eyes.

"Look , if you don't understand all I've told you then understand you are mine and only mine, this is the nice me Mae, you wouldn't want to see the real me."

My lips twitched in a smirk I always loved to see fear in the eyes of anyone around me.

Dropping my hands I hissed angryly and left.

Her irregular breathing was getting worst but I was way to upset to care.

"You don't leave this room unless asked to,". I ordered coldly before I left.


Ericc pov

I found out few days ago , how did I not see it.

Aargg,I roaredd in my office knocking the fridge.to the wall.

Mae can not be Elliot's mate how?.shes mine I found her first. I told myself . beside it's true.

I still can't believe it he knew I would have used Mae against him , for once he outsmart me but not for long.

"Lucas get your ass here. I howled via telepathy.

I arrived Moonlake yesterday my men immediately reported they saw my brother with a lady.after I came to know mae was taken, Elliott was my last suspect.i mean he supposedly didn'tt want anything to do with her time to time he would always degrade and insult her .

So all this while she was his mate and that was his was of protecting her I must commend him it was indeed a smart move.

And funny enough every supernatural lord knew Elliot found his mate I was the only oblivious one.

"My lord, " Lucas greeted stepping into my office.

"Go to my brothers place, and find my woman , bring her to me immediately" .i commanded . lucas gave me a questioning stare

"What? move idiot." i said to him with my alpha voice which he couldn't stand.

He immediately rushed out.lucas has always been the righteous one i was grateful he was my beta and kace my gamma.

But right now Kace was still in the human world running errands

"My love why have you been avoiding me.?"

Zarah words drew me out of my thought. I almost didn't even notice her there.

Taking a sit I crossed my legs staring coldly at her she shivered slightly under my dangerous aura.

"What's wrong honey, first you said you would only be gone for a week but you ended staying for months.Anything I should know.?"

What a snake she can be when she want something she sat on my legs and with all the anger Elliot has caused me these past days I flung her to the wall.

Disbelieve and pain was written on her face I have never treated her like this and i dont regret it

Any woman other than Mae disgust me right now.

She got up arranged her dress and smirked I knew that throw wouldn't harm her she's a fucking alpha.

So its true you were with a woman all this time she said standing at akimbo,

For few minutes I didn't say anything, going to the huge cellarette in my office I poured my self a vodka I could real need it If not I could kill the next living thing I see.

Taking a sip from my cup I could sense Zarah's anger she was literally red with rage but I don't care rolling my eyes I went to my chair again.

"Why, ?" she cried.

Picking up a cushion she threw it at me.

"I loved you i left elliot for you how could you?"

Again I didn't answer I let the smirk on my face answer.

"Who is she,?"

"Well now that is a question I can answer , she is first of all the most beautiful, and innocent person i have ever meant with the most perfect body and skin not to forget her unusual green eyeballs that stole my heart,

Now I just told you who she is if anything we're to ever happen to her because of you,oh zarah i would not only end you, your whole family will go as well"

By now she looked messed up trembling from the threat plus the dominating voice I used.

"Stop crying and get lost I added taking a sip of my drink."

"And our daughter, ? " she whispered with the last courage she's got

"Your daughter,Zarah your daughter when Mae gets here you are going to have to leave and take your daughter with you."

She raised her eyes to look at me and I showed her the most stoic face of mine.

Hate ,anger and betrayal was in those eyes but I wouldn't care, all that matters is Mae, my preciouse lilly.

Oh, how I miss her so much I wouldn't rest until Elliot is six feet under and she's mine again.i have never been more serious about anything as I am right now.

"Get lost" I barked at Sarah

She flinched and ran off crying.

Bringing out my phone I switched it on to stare at my favorite wallpaper.which has become a habit

Mae was heading for the market with her colleagues smiling to something when I took this photo she looked mesmerizing as always.

Onething i still don't understand is I have never seen a human as pretty as her.creatures with such alluring beauty are sirens or the extinct guardian angel,but she could'nt be either of those things because she only smell and give an evergy of a regular human.