
Just Obsession

Falling in love was never Mae's decision but what she could never imagine was falling in love with two men at the same time. °the crystal jar is hidden somewhere and I know you have it°, Eric yelled. °wherever that crystal jar Is I must find it before my brother Eric does.I didn't even act like I was bothered and that was driving him insane I have always been his opponent in everything **** I didn't need to turn around when I smelt her again she returned with the sauce and once again I was bewitched by her beautify she's everything I love in my women, she was perfect with height of about four feet tall and her milky white skin stood out among her clothes. I was caught off guard by what the moon goddess blessed me with it took all my restraint to not take her right now. "Help me with the bacon Mae," Eric said I turn to see her blush as Eric said her name. She did as Eric commanded and I swore I saw the gesture Eric pulled as he caress her hand she blushed again she was practically red from all the blushing. Seeing that I immediately did something foolish, my chair criked as I stood up I left without saying anything it was like my breath was cut off by her presence. I never imagined that I could be so childish I was jealous of the infect Eric had on her she didn't even notice me not once did she look my way. As I approach my room I smelled her again. She saw me and froze , literally, she was looking at me like an unsolved puzzle And this time I was privileged to see her well. For that moment I was caught in those green eyes that were like an emerald glowing in the moonlight which I had never seen before. Those eyes were so beautiful and gave off a strange sense of siren, witch or Fae but not human. She finally regained her scenes "good morning my lord " she greeted I moved closer and her scent filled my nose I expected her to feel frightened by my movement but she didn't move I guessed she was feeling the mate bond as well,  with my ring finger, I caressed her cheeks and she gasped at the feel of the spark she looked at the fact I wasn't surprised. Hugging her tightly I whispered into her ears MINE

Osaruese_Ehue · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


Elliot pov

"What took you so long?" I asked Jedrek as we arrive at the company

"I had to close some personal deeds, my lord".

Jedrek traveled back to Moonlake to handle issues with his daughter. a report came that she was causing havoc and her nanny was found dead one morning...thank the gods I have nothing like that children can be such a pain in the ass.

"What other personal deals." I said as we entered my private elevator from the corner of my eyes I caught some female workers oogling at us I've handled that problem countless times by firing some but they don't seem to ever learn.

"Silvermoon pack alpha is missing and your brother is a prime suspect " he said fixing his classes.

I sighed just thinking how my brother is never satisfied with what he has.

"And also the boys caught a kanima attacking an elderly white witch unfortunately before they got there she passed away."

"So where did you keep him" I asked stepping into my office.

Jedrek tailed along and said ",he's in the warehouse on the outskirts of Ontario."

"Very good Jedrek.... check my schedule and clear my evening I would be visiting that asshole myself".

"But my lord it's not necessary...I've got this under control...."

"Yes, you have . but I don't believe you can make him say all I want to know."

"As you say, my lord, "


Eric pov

"How could you have let him out of your sight."....I roared at Xavier?

"My lord Heinze was never out of my sight... it's like he just disappeared." Xavier said

"Well since he disappeared go find him until you're sure he's dead."

Xavier left as ordered, I trust he could dig that idiot out.

Heinze was one of the kanimas I sent to my brother's territory, but all of a sudden he was nowhere to be seen

Kanimas are hard to catch with their sly personality they almost can't be caught.

Last he reported he spotted a white witch and we all know how much they detest white witches but it was in Mae's neighborhood and I had told him to be careful.

I have been in the human world for far too long and the fact I haven't found any clue to where the crystal jar is. is infuriating.

Zarah my wife called and like always whining about one thing or the other this time she complained Lucas was rude to her.

Lucas being my beta was left in charge of moon lake in my stead.but either way I need to return .the council will begin to ask dumb questions.

"He dared to give me an order..." she said over the phone with her high-pitch voice which always drives me crazy.

"My love i. Would talk to him I assure you it wouldn't happen again. " sounding better she ended the call.....she sure is enjoying being a Queen.

Zarah was from a powerful pack the crimson pack her father alpha Ludwig, was the most powerful and feared alpha minus the Lycans all werewolf respected him so marrying his daughter help me gain the support of ordinary werewolf.

Normal werewolves stop aging from twenty-five but that's all they've got while the Lycans have powers the regular werewolf only live longer and can easily be killed with wolfsbane.

Alpha Ludwig and his son had helped my brother and supported their daughter to marry him but when they saw me having the upper hand they switched sides like traitors.

Zarah knows without her and her father's support all the werewolf clan will turn their back on me.