
Just Obsession

Falling in love was never Mae's decision but what she could never imagine was falling in love with two men at the same time. °the crystal jar is hidden somewhere and I know you have it°, Eric yelled. °wherever that crystal jar Is I must find it before my brother Eric does.I didn't even act like I was bothered and that was driving him insane I have always been his opponent in everything **** I didn't need to turn around when I smelt her again she returned with the sauce and once again I was bewitched by her beautify she's everything I love in my women, she was perfect with height of about four feet tall and her milky white skin stood out among her clothes. I was caught off guard by what the moon goddess blessed me with it took all my restraint to not take her right now. "Help me with the bacon Mae," Eric said I turn to see her blush as Eric said her name. She did as Eric commanded and I swore I saw the gesture Eric pulled as he caress her hand she blushed again she was practically red from all the blushing. Seeing that I immediately did something foolish, my chair criked as I stood up I left without saying anything it was like my breath was cut off by her presence. I never imagined that I could be so childish I was jealous of the infect Eric had on her she didn't even notice me not once did she look my way. As I approach my room I smelled her again. She saw me and froze , literally, she was looking at me like an unsolved puzzle And this time I was privileged to see her well. For that moment I was caught in those green eyes that were like an emerald glowing in the moonlight which I had never seen before. Those eyes were so beautiful and gave off a strange sense of siren, witch or Fae but not human. She finally regained her scenes "good morning my lord " she greeted I moved closer and her scent filled my nose I expected her to feel frightened by my movement but she didn't move I guessed she was feeling the mate bond as well,  with my ring finger, I caressed her cheeks and she gasped at the feel of the spark she looked at the fact I wasn't surprised. Hugging her tightly I whispered into her ears MINE

Osaruese_Ehue · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Burnt Fish

Eric pov

"Xavier, I need you to head here now, I've got some errands I need you to run for me. but before that any luck with the silver moon pack?"

Xavier was my gamma and a trusted fellow I made him my gamma because he's just like me, `never taking no for an answer and quite ambitious.....`

"Lucas and I are still trying to track the alpha my lord, but rest assured Lucas doesn't know the full details. "

He said over the phone

Lucas was my beta and quite a believer in rules being obeyed that's why I leave any illegal job for Xavier.

The Silvermoon pack is one of the packs in my brother's territory it is the only pack I haven't


Though I believe my brother knows where the crystal jar is I still have to make sure to leave no stone unturned.

Silvermoon pack alpha, alpha Nicklaus has been missing for two months no one has seen him, he's either hiding from me or he is dead, and if his hiding I'll be sure to kill him.



I was in the kitchen helping Agnes with dinner, frying some fish but my mind was elsewhere I need to find work somewhere else I have been restless since yesterday.

This morning Elliot kept stealing glances at me while I served breakfast and Eric didn't even pay attention to me. not like I care though.

"You foolish girl you let the whole fish burn". Agnes roared.

"Uh-Um...Agnes, I am s-sorry I think my mind was elsewhere " I stuttered, my voice coming out squeaky.

"This is highly unacceptable. A cook of the Vladimir mansion must remain alert while on duty."

"I forbid you from entering the kitchen for one whole week starting now."

"But you don't have that right , I said to her. For crying out loud she wasn't my employer.

"Well, she's right, you're suspended for a week now get lost". Lance said from the door. I wonder when he came in.

Guzma and Marinette gave me nervous glances I was sad about whatever had happened but nothing could be done about it. I removed my apron and left the kitchen

I was heading to my room when I spotted Eric coming downstairs. He saw me and trapped my gaze with his .I remembered I have been avoiding him and now I can't run nor hide.

With long strides, he was in front of me and I could see the fury in his eyes.