
Chapter 2 - Game On

I looked up at the scoreboard. 26 to 14, and I had scored sixteen of those twenty-six points. The timer underneath it was paused on 21 seconds. We had this game under control.

Our ball at the baseline. The opposing team had just hit one of our shots out of bounds. Coach Dan was yelling "Take it slow! We've got this!"

I stood a few meters in front of our inbounder, arms out for the ball. But instead, she lobbed a lazy rainbow pass over to Leia, who was at the three point line. I knew the ball would be stolen before it even reached her. The opposition's best player, a short but fast blonde girl, jumped up in the air and grabbed the pass, immediately bringing it down to the ground and running over to their attacking side for a fastbreak.

My legs instinctively began sprinting over to the other side of the court, closing distance with the girl using my sudden surge of speed. But I knew I wouldn't make it in time. As I watched the basketball fly with an upwards motion out of the girl's hand, I leaped forwards as far and high as I can and slammed the ball out of the air.

Hooting sounds and shouts rose from the bleachers as I landed on the ground, the Lebron-like block clearly impressing the audience. The final whistle sounded, signaling the end of the game.

I turned my head slightly to look at the dark haired boy sitting at the very front row with his friends. A faint smile played onto his face when his eyes met with mine. But my gaze was ripped away from his when a younger boy with similar features pushed him off the seat and yelled "DAMN GIRL WHERE'D YOU LEARN THAT FROM!?"

Justin pushed himself off the ground, glared at his younger brother, and walked away to sit down at another seat. Jackson grinned at his older brother before turning back to look at me, awaiting an answer.

I simply shook my head and headed off over to our bench of beautifully blue people.

"That was an amazing block, Allyson!" The coach commented when I arrived at the bench.

"Yeah Ally! Lebron would've been proud!"

"Allyson Levine, why not Allyson Lebron?"

Immediately a smile was brought onto my face as I received all of their complements. Personally, I didn't think I played very well in this game, but everyone seemed to think otherwise.

Our coach began with our ending pep talk (How ironic, BEGINNING with an ENDING pep talk), but I really couldn't listen to a word he was saying.

'Cause damn I needed that double cheeseburger with a side of crispy, fresh made fries. Not McDonald fries, those weren't healthy, nor were they exactly the best tasting ones. Lunch is an important meal.

"Alright girls, line up!"

I snapped my attention back to my coach as we all stood up, arranged ourselves into the usual line from tallest to shortest, and approached the other team.

Many monotone voices were heard as everyone mumbled "good game" to each other without much meaning, a few of them clearly surprised that me, the best player of the team (Yes, I gladly point that out for you all), was at the very back of the line. Point guard or not, I was the shortest on our team, with a midget height of 5 feet 4 inches.

Finally, we got to the end of the line, and were all free to go.

Running to catch up with Summer, who, being one of the tallest people on the team, was already heading over to her bag, I took a giant jump and tried to leap onto her back.

But Summer moved away just in time to dodge my attack, and karma came just in time for me to sail through air and crash face first into the seats at the bleachers.

Summer immediately burst out laughing, dropping to the floor herself, and I heard a chuckle from behind us.

Rubbing my sore arms that had taken the most impact upon my landing, I lifted my body up from the ground and placed myself down on the seat next to my Nike sports bag.

Then I spotted Jackson the stupid standing in front of me grinning, clearly trying to hold back laughter.

"Oof, how can I ALLY-viate your pain?" Jackson exclaimed, nudging the guy behind him with his elbow as he spoke.

It was his older brother Justin. His dark brown hair was swept out of his eyes at just the right angle, a hint of amusement glinting in his eyes when he heard Jackson's sentence.

I was going to give some witty response to Jackson's punny comment, but all it took was one look at Justin, and the words disappeared from my mouth.

Instead, I turned to look over at Summer.

"Do you need a ride?"

Summer lived two streets away from me, and her parents were always busy, so she would often hitch a ride back with us, saving her from a long, scorching walk from school back home.

"Nah it's good, I've got my first rehearsal for Alice in the Wonderland, and I'm the freaking Queen of Hearts!"

I smiled. Summer really was an amazing singer. Last year the school play was Annie, but she didn't even get a role and was put into ensemble. This year Summer managed to get one of the major roles in the school play, which is a big step into her future drama career.

"Well I guess I'll be going, my parents are waiting for me outside the school, and I've still got to eat lunch before picking up my brother and sending him to his friend's birthday party. See you guys later!"

I picked up my bag and walked over to the exit of the gym. Once I reached the door, I took one last look back over to my darling giantess friend, an annoying but good looking boy, and a hot 18 year old on his phone.

Just then, Justin lifted his head up and looked right at me with no expression on his face at all. He didn't say anything or do anything. Just stared at me.

Dumbstruck, and I mean seriously dumbstruck, I stared back at him. Butterflies began fluttering in my stomach, and I immediately pushed open the door and ran out of the gym, downstairs and out the school to where my parents were waiting for me in our navy blue BMW.

I gave a quick greeting to my parents and they asked me what I wanted for lunch. Probably a burger, I replied, and we took off to a restaurant nearby.

And I'm glad I had not brought Summer along with us.


published 12/8/2020

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