
Spending Time with Chen Yi (1)

Wang Yi Ling strolled down the street absent-mindedly. She was thinking deeply about what had they talked about that afternoon.

Zhao Yan and Chen Xing no doubt were really care about her, and their intention was good. She understood that well. That was why she really valued these friends of her. They didn't want her to be so immersed with the assignments, and as the young adult, they supposedly enjoy their youth to the fullest. Hrmmm.. Enjoy life to the fullest. Sounded good.

Truth to be told, she had always wish to have a boyfriend that could understand her and love her the way she is. Someone to hold... Someone to share the laughter and tears... Someone that will shine the life with all the silly surprises and the likes. But fate has never spared her poor heart and soul. None of the male population that she knew and within her circles able to attract her eyes and heart and soul. Oh, how pathetic her life was!

Who doesn't want to be able to love and being loved? It was everyone's dream to be able to find the better half. She was no different. Maybe it just a matter of time. Maybe...

She sighed. It was then she felt as if someone tucked her right arm. She looked up and met the familiar mesmerizing hazel eyes that gazed deeply into her own eyes.

"Oh, it's you!" a bright smile spread on her face with a dimple appeared on her right cheek. Chen Yi smiled back at her. He loved to see her smiling face with her adorable dimple whenever she smiled. It made his heart beating fast. Both of them strolled down the street slowly and taking their own sweet time to cherish each other's accompaniment.

"I say you, why did you go alone?" He asked, eyes looked forward the direction both of them in. There was a tint of pink blush on his cheek that made him seemed youthful and handsome. Second later, he blamed himself for asking that kind of question. It likes there was nothing else to ask, he cursed internally.

"Hmm... Looking for a boyfriend, maybe?" She giggled after she blurted out the words. There was a hint of amusement in her eyes. Chen Yi widened his eyes in disbelief.

"What the heck?! Yi Ling, can you being serious right now? What's with the looking for a boyfriend?" Chen Yi lamented unhappily. He really didn't like it when Wang Yi Ling casually said that. This won't do, he thought.

"I don't see any problem with that!" Wang Yi Ling exclaimed and stepped forward with Chen Yi trailing her. She cast her sweet smile at Chen Yi that beckoned him to come closer to her.

Chen Yi glared at Wang Yi Ling, his brows scrunched. His arm still intertwined with Wang Yi Ling's.

"Eh, don't you glare at me. What? Is it wrong for me to say so?" Wang Yi Ling muttered, feeling wronged by the way Chen Yi look at her.

"Anyway, it was Chen Xing and Zhao Yan's idea to ask me to go out and get acquainted." She continued to say her points and shift the blame on her two best friends.

"Speaking of which, I do feel what they are trying to say is right. Maybe I should really go out and find myself a boyfriend! Only then I can complete my life like the one in drama where the female lead found her male lead, together they go through all sorts of difficulties," she spoke with eagerness, like that of a cat readily enjoy its new toy.

He glanced at Wang Yi Ling beautiful face then slowly took off his arm. Before Wang Yi Ling could fathom his next move, he suddenly held Wang Yi Ling's hand in his hand. He really couldn't stop himself.

Wang Yi Ling was dumbfounded by the gesture. It was as if there was an electric jolt. She took a peek at Chen Yi and ended in gazing into Chen Yi's hazel eyes. She just realized that Chen Yi's hazel eyes were that of exquisite hazel brown that could drawn people in and lost in them. She was wondering what took her so long to finally realized this.

Only then it dawn to her - she has never paid too much attention to him. Upon the realization hit her hard in the eye, her cheek blushed furiously. Then she looked at their intertwined hands. 'Big brother, you and I just a friend, aren't we? Why should holding hand in this way?' Wang Yi Ling was momentarily speechless. She quickly lowered her head. Her lips pursed into a thin line. How embarrassing to suddenly to feel timid around Chen Yi, she blamed herself.

She has never been in this awkward situation with Chen Yi. Their encounters were normally normal. They talked, they laughed and they played games together. But never been intimately with each other. Somehow she liked the feeling of Chen Yi holding her hand, like right now. She secretly glanced at Chen Yi's handsome face.

Chen Yi was having internal battle as well. His heart beating fast as if he was chased after by some ghost. He tried to calm his nerves and beating heart. His ears turned to red. But he didn't want to let go Wang Yi Ling's hand. How much he wished he has enough courage to ask her out!

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