
Going Out to Cool Down

"Do you know that, we need to balance our lives so that we can live to the fullest! Like... Drinking a cup of coffee. Sometimes it's bitter, sometimes it's sweet. If you want it to taste heavenly like those in Starbucks, you need to use right amount of sugar and cream to make it become well-balanced between sweetness and bitterness," Zhao Yan uttered each word clear and loud. Wang Yi Ling blinked her eyes. Dumbstrucked by the chronology used. This Zhao Yan sure knows how to talk, she thought to herself. It would be best if she could use it for a better purpose instead of use it, like, right now. Wang Yi Ling giggled when she thought of this.

"Thus, my dear, surname Wang, named Yi Ling, you need to go out and get acquainted with people. Not just sit in front of your laptop and do the work. We all still young and should enjoy our lives. Care-free and vibrant at that! Plus you're already a beauty yourself, why are you not go out flaunt your beauty? If you are going to do work any minutes now, I can guarantee, you'll look older than your age in no time! "Zhao Yan humphed whileWang Yi Ling coughed slightly. Goodness! This Zhao Yan was really something. No doubt of that now. She could casually asked people to do as order. Her lips twitched in annoyance.

"Get acquainted? Does acquainted through social media count?" She innocently asked. Zhao Yan and Chen Xing almost choked upon heard the words came out from Wang Yi Ling. Both of them exchanged the look and sighed. It was impossible that their top student, Wang Yi Ling to have low EQ. Chen Yi looked at the three of them, helplessly shook his head. He was wondering why on earth his sister, Chen Xing and Zhao Yan couldn't tell that Wang Yi Ling actually just playing dumb. He was about to open his mouth when he realized Wang Yi Ling glared at him, warning him to zip his lips. In the end, he only pursed his lips into thin line. Wang Yi Ling really wished to see how far her best friends would go on this matter.

"Oh dear! My dear Wang Yi Ling, when people said acquainted, it means getting to know someone personally, face to face. Those punks in social media are not counted, who knows whatever background they have. Is it even their real face that they put there," Chen Xing explained. Wang Yi Ling flashed her sweetest smile to both of them after she heard them. It was undeniable that people on the social media are not all honest. Some were on the social media to flaunt their wealth, beauty and whatnot. Some even on the social media to find the prey, and this was the scary part of the social media. She did has a lot male friends on the social media, but none able to attract her attention. Which was so sad.

She then stood abruptly from the bed, slowly walked to other side of the room, to her wardrobe. She rummaged through her wardrobe and took out an off-shoulder, knee-length blue floral dress and off she went to the bathroom. Minutes later, she came out from the bathroom and took a look at the mirror. She smiled brightly that could rival the bright sun in the summer. Her eyelashes fluttered like butterfly's wings, her cheek blushed and her lips was ruby red. Her hair fell freely around her shoulders.

She was about to take a step out the room when Chen Xing called her. She turned around with her left eyebrow raised. With that kind of look, Wang Yi Ling appeared seductive yet innocent. The one that clearly taken aback by her look was Chen Yi. His heart suddenly fluttered randomly and he could feel the pain. He quickly took a deep breath and control himself. He has the urge to grab Wang Yi Ling into his arms right then and there, but he just couldn't.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Yan questioned her. Wang Yi Ling looked at her with annoying expression written on her face.

"How do I look?" she asked sheepishly.

"Pretty. You are a natural beauty! So tell me, Miss Wang, where are you going? We have yet to plan on how to help you to get acquaintant!" Zhao Yan exclaimed. Chen Xing touched her chin and look at Wang Yi Ling.

"Of course I'm going out! I need to go out and take some time to cool down myself. Who knows I might bump into my future boyfriend!" Wang Yi Ling casually replied and rushed out, without waiting for them to respond her.

Zhao Yan and Chen Xing exchanged the look and sighed. They really have no more idea to persuade their best friend to live her life like a normal young adult. Enjoying the life itself is essential. Seeing Wang Yi Ling had walked away, Chen Yi also started to walk away.

"Eh, where are you going, Chen Yi?"

"Out." One word response. Zhao Yan and Chen Xing became speechless.

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